Chapter 16

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"Is everything set up?" Jamie asked me while we walked through the front door.

My mom answered from most likely the kitchen "Yep! The food is all cooked! Now all there is to do is get dressed!" My mom walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room to get ready.

I grabbed Jamie's arm and we were almost up the stairs when we both heard Daniel who was having a conversation with someone.

"You understand this has to be done perfectly or she will get what she doesn't deserve" I hadn't heard anyone say anything back so we both went to my room, shut the door before I locked it.

"Who was he talking to?" Jamie whisper yelled.

"If I knew do you think I would be freaking out right now." I yelled as I paced back and forth on my hardwood floors.

I heard a knock on the other side of the door. "Hey Mia can I come in?"

I hesitantly opened the door but my nerves were calmed when I saw Anthony, he went and sat on my bed as he leaned against my black headboard.

"Ok so I over heard Daniel talking to someone about a plan downstairs." I told Anthony as I shut the door and turned around.

"Did the other person talk at all?" He asked as he tied his untied shoe.

"No" Jamie said as she shook her head.

"Well I think we should all just relax and finish getting ready for the party. If anything suspicious happens then we can send a text to each other." He stated as he picked up his phone.

"Ok, well I am going to go take a shower so Anthony out." I said as I pointed to the door.

He followed my command and Jamie plugged in her straightener before she st took everything out of her bag. "I will help you with your hair and makeup after you are out of the shower. Also is this like a fancy type party or casual?"

"Casual" I grabbed my clothes then headed to my bathroom.

After I shut the door I placed my clothes on the sink but just as I was about to turn the water I heard someone who was talking in the next room over. I slipped my hand out from testing the water in the shower to being placed on the wall around my ear.

"Of course! All the good stuff alway happens to you!" I heard a nasty Amy voice say.

I slowly turned away from the wall and opened the bathroom then waved Jamie over. She came over so I told her to place her ear on the wall.

"Don't tell me to get over it! You know it is true!"

I heard a slam of a door and then a knock on mine. I pushed Jamie out of the bathroom as I pointed for her to open the door and I shut the bathroom door softly. After I locked it I turned toward the water and walked over to the closet to grab a towel and to put my dirty clothes in a basket to wash. I threw my towel over the bar thing in the shower and slipped into the warm water. The water warms me all up as I shampoo my hair and condition it. After I washed my body with some cupcake body wash, I turned the water off and grabbed my towel.

"Mia are you almost done?" Jamie asked through the door.

"Ya, just need to get dressed!" I yelled back.

I assumed she walked away because she didn't say anything else. I dried off and got dressed into a pair of ripped light washed skinny jeans and put on a white spaghetti strap top that had lace detailing on it. Over it I placed a black fedora and I looked in the mirror one last time and stepped out of the bathroom.

"I love your outfit!" Dana yelled with a smile.

I thanked her and then turned to Jamie who literally pushed me down to sit on the chair that is in front of my vanity. She placed my hat on the vanity and clipped my hair out of my face. "Ok so I was thinking a natural look?" She said in more of a question.

I just nodded it wasn't like I really cared and she got right to work. Which felt a lot longer because the stupid brush thing kept tickling me so I couldn't stop moving. Which made Jamie either yell at me as if I were a child or stop from doing my makeup completely glaring at me. Each and every time I just laughed.

"Thank the heavens I actually finished your makeup considering you wouldn't stop moving!' I rolled my eyes in response and took my hair out of the clip as I let it fall back down.

"Should I just leave my hair like this?" I asked the 'expert' while staring at my reddish, auburn hair that was slitty wavy.

"If you want." She placed the hat back on my head and pulled me up.

"Ok so people should be arriving in a few minutes, Dana are you all ready?" She nodded and stood up too.

We all walked out the door and down the stairs to living room. Where my mom and Daniel were on the couch." So we were thinking that we should just let you guys do your thing and we will be back at about midnight so you don't have to have us oldies hanging out at your party." My mom said with a laugh.

"Are you sure?" I asked my mom as she nodded her head and took his nasty hand in hers as they walked out of the house hand and hand to his car. After of course she kissed my forehead to whisper "Don't do anything stupid."

We heard a car pull up and it was Ethan. He stepped out of his car and looked like he gave Kian a ride too. They both walked to the door but just walked in. "Oh thanks for knocking!" I said sarcastically.

"I will try to remember for next time." Kian said back as he rolled his eyes.


Everyone seemed be having fun and danced to the music until the stupid DJ played a slow song. I stepped off the dance floor but as I was about to take a seat Anthony grabbed my arm and brought me to the dance floor. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and put his hands on my waist.

"So let me guess your idea?" I asked as I nodded my head as I hinted toward the song.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." He smirked and spun me in a circle.

When I was back to where we started I put my head on his shoulder and I could clearly smell his colon, a mixture of the great outdoors and mint. Not that I was complaining. "Mia I was such a jerk for everything I did to you and for putting Jamie against you and I am really sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me." He spoke as he looked at me, I smiled I didn't think he would ever apologize.

I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek, I felt him smile before I pulled away, "I forgive you." I whispered in his ear before I walked away as the slow song ended the next song started.

I started to thank everyone as I walked around for coming, which lasted only a few minutes at which someone yanked my arm out of the crowd. I looked at the person and it was Kian, "Did you just?"

"Kiss Anthony on the cheek? Forgive him? Yes, yes I did and I have no clue why."

"I think I am losing it too." Kian said as he looked at the crowd or maybe someone I couldn't really tell.

"We can lose it together." I spoke as I leaned in to him.

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