Chapter 9

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At last the day of the dance comes, am I happy, no not really. I would rather be snuggled up on my bed watching reruns of 'Friends' but I'm doing this for my mom. I didn't have a choice literally it was either this or I was stuck babysitting the younger devil spawn, I opted out of dealing with having my soul ripped out and went for the dance instead. The only catch is my mom for some odd reason took me telling her I didn't have a date as 'Hey mom why don't you set me up with some random person?' Yea that isn't what I said but I went with it anyway what could be the harm? RIght? If anyone is listening right now please keep me in your thoughts. "Mia! Jamie is here!" My mother yelled up the stairs

Did I not mention that too, another thing I'm forced into, I signed up for my mom taking me dress shopping and was not aware of the extensions next time I am having a lawyer look at this. I slowly stomped down the stairs and saw her standing there. I pointed to upstairs and we both started up the stairs, who needs the gym when you can just take pointless trips up and down the stairs. The walk was so uncomfortable and I could not be more thankful to get to my room and that is a lot coming from a teenager. I pulled out my dress and she threw hers on the bed. It was a velvet red dress that was knee high and she had a off white mask to go with it. The mask had beautiful beading and piping on it.

"I like you dress." She simply said as she took out her makeup and made her way to my mirror.

The tude was not welcomed nor needed, "What's your problem, you're the one who freaked on me for texting my ex who keep in mind I wasn't the one to start the conversation between. Then you went out, got drunk, and made out with the guy. Then you post it on social media."

I flipped my hair, oh yea you heard me flipped it right in her face, I hope she felt the pain of hair in the eyes, "Oh I'm sorry did you bump your head or did you just forget that I tried calling and texting not only you but your mom. I even went as far as calling Dana, Dana you know the stepsister that you hate. Yea, so I'm so sorry that you can't take the time to answer the phone."

There was a long pause between the two of us, she did make some good point I should have at least let her explain, "I'm sorry about not answering the phone." I said not making eye contact and not even looking in her direction at all.

I just kept to my business of taking my hair out of the ponytail it previously was in, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kissed him, I shouldn't have posted anything, and I'm sorry that I flipped when you started texting him." Jamie spoke as she walked over giving me a hug from behind.

"I guess I can forgive you if you can forgive me?" I asked as I turned around and hugged her back, I could hear her chuckle.

"Why would I hug you if I didn't forgive you, honestly I don't understand how you made it to senior year sometimes." I released her after that statement and lightly punched her arm.

"Let's just get ready you jerk."

I'm not a huge fan of makeup but my mom said she was doing my makeup no matter what I said. Speaking of which, there was a faint knock on the door and my mother stood at the door way.

"Ready for makeup?" I nodded in response and she sat me down on my bed.

Where my maroon comforter crinkled underneath me, as did it under my mom too, Cody would not be happy, it wouldn't pass the quarter test. As I sat there and the makeup took over my bed I got a little scared she had complete control over what my makeup looked like.


"All down" I fluttered my eyes open and there was a mirror right in front of me.

I looked beautiful, I could recognize myself,"I look-"

"Ethan is taking you to the dance!" My mom yelled nervously then ran out of the room.

The women might have just lost her mind completely, I just met the guy could you even consider us friends. I mean I can't go with him, yea he may be adorably cute and sweet and had an amazing accent. Wait what was a I thinking.

"Calm down!" Jamie yelled as she watched me freak out but before I knew it I dropped the curling iron and it hit my hand.

"Ow shi-" I screamed as I shook my hand up and down.

"What happened?" Jamie asked as she ran over and grabbed my hand.

"I burnt my hand with the curling iron!" I yelled wasn't it obvious, curling iron on the ground, me yelling burn mark on my hand, come on women put two and two together.

She flinched at my outburst and dragged my downstairs. We stepped into the kitchen and she put ice on my hand, "Thanks." I muttered waiting for the pain to go away.

Sooner or later the pain was gone and we both made our way back up the stairs and hair sprayed my hair.

"What is up with you?" Jamie asked sitting on my bed.

"Nothing." I said as I placed my mask on my face and tried to tie it but failed, Jamie walked over and tied it for me.

I smiled and sat next to me, "No there is something wrong." She spoke and put her hand on mine and I sighed.

"My mom is trying to be a mom to me again and I don't understand why exactly." She looked confused like I didn't explain it correctly.

"Why is the confusing? She wants to be there for you again, yea she stopped being there as often but she is trying to change that and I think you need to take it. One day you are going to regret it if you don't.' she got up before continuing, 'You think about that while I get dressed."

When she got into the bathroom I turned to my dress to put it on, and can I just say dang I looked good. I'm usually not full of myself but when I think I look good I let it be known, it's healthy and as I was packing a small clutch to bring Jamie walked out. "You are forgetting one thing." I looked at her confused but she took the blue and black mask off of my side table and placed it on my face.

"Now I think it's time for us to head downstairs I believe our dates have arrived." I smiled at Jamie but I knew that not only were our dates here but also Kian who ended up being too late to ask Jamie out. I felt so bad for him he doesn't want to admit it but he has feelings for her.

We both made our way to the stairs with Dana not far behind, when I saw who was there I wanted to fake an illness or punch a wall both sounded appealing the moment. "What is Anthony doing here?" I whispered to my mother when he wouldn't stop staring at me.

When she didn't answer and just kept telling me to smile along with Ethan I knew something was up. Please tell me it's not too late to back out now.-


Hey everyone!

So this is an edited author's note just wanted to let you know that if you find any mistakes if you could KINDLY let me know it would be much appreciated. I did have a name for my readers but it doesn't fit my username anymore so that's why I changed this author's note just a heads up.

QOTD- Thoughts on Mia and Ethan going to the dance together?

-Just remember there is still a lot of the story left.


Not so Cinderella (Completed Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz