Chapter 26

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Mia's POV

Dana was kissing Chris.

I went right over to the two and raised my hand bringing it straight to Dana's face. "Keep you lips off of MY BOYFRIEND, like I couldn't tell he was trying to push you off." I rolled my eyes and pulled Chris away.

Chris was really shocked, I pulled him into a hallway, "Like I couldn't tell she was kissing you? What do you think I am a book character?' He still looks shocked so I continue, ' Your eyes were open, you were trying to push her away and you looked very uncomfortable."

He smiles but my smirk falls as I think back to my conversation with my dad, prom, graduation, and being back in America. "I don't know if I can do this." I blurt out, Chris looks really confused.

"What do you mean?"

"This,' I gesture between us, " Maybe we can figure something out but, I want to have a normal life. I have been thinking and all is good here but what happens when I go back."

"We,' he grabs my arm in a loving manner, ' Will be okay, we can figure this out."

I slowly pull my arm away and shake my head, taking in a deep breathe will holding my head in my hand, "I think I just need to think for a little bit."

"What do you mean?" He looks hurt so I turn away so I don't have to see the hurt that is about to come to his face.

"I mean, I need to go back to America and think about things, because this right here is all to much." Before he can argue I walk away and walk out the door.

"Mia, what's wrong?" My mom called after me but I just got into a taxi and told them to head to the palace.


Right now I am packing I took the stupid dress off and put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. My hair that was in perfect curls is now in a messy bun. The makeup that had been so precise before dinner is now all out of place from my tears. I probably look pathetic, why should I be upset? I am the one who decided this. When I got to the palace I booked a flight back to America.

My flight leaves in 45 minutes. The door to get in to my room is locked and Chris has been sitting outside for a good 2 hours trying to get me to open the door.

"Mia, please, open the door, We need to talk about this, Mia, I-' he paused and took a breath. I walked to the door to hear what he was about to say better. 'I love you."

I started to cry more and shook my head. I picked my suitcase up and pulled it behind me opening the door. Chris was standing there tears stained his face and his eyes red from crying, his hair was a mess. "Please don't make this any harder. " I whispered as I had my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and a tears fell down my face. I walked away from him before it could get any harder.

My parents were about to say something but when they saw the suitcase they understood and came over to me. "Be safe and call us when you land we are going to book the next flight-"

I cut my mom off, "Would it be okay if I stayed with Jamie for a while?" Both my parents nodded, I kissed there cheeks and stepped out.

When I got to the taxi I took deep breathes, trying to stop the tears. "The airport please."


*Back in America*
When I got off the plane I saw Jamie and Kian waiting by for me and I ran to them. Kian picked me off the ground and swung we around, just like Chris did the day I met his cousin, I let go of Kian and went to hug Jamie.

"We are so happy to see you!" Jamie squealed as we walked toward the luggage claim.

"I am really happy to be back." I fake a smile, to be honest I can't get Chris's words out of my head, I love you, we can work this out together.

I grabbed my suitcase as it went around but Kian took it from me and I hugged his side as a thank you while he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I think this calls for a celebration. How about I cook us dinner?" Jamie and I look at each other and start to laugh to the point of tears.

Kian on the other hand just looked offended, which made us laugh harder, if it was even possible. "More like how about we order in. I don't know-" I was cut of by people trying to take pictures of me as soon as I walked out of the airport.

Jamie, Kian and I all ran to the car trying to get by all the people, with cameras that they were shoving in our faces, but it was harder than we thought so when we got to the car we were exhausted. "This is what I was trying to warn you about." I say from the back where I am ducked behind the driver's seat.

"Ya we probably should have thought this through a little more." Kian says, stating the obvious.

There was cameras flashing through the windows from every direction and people were yelling at us, asking so many questions. "We are trapped, what the heck are we supposed to do?" Jamie asked and soon her question was answered when the security came and started to hold the people back.

Jamie thanked them and then backed out of the airport. Then went toward her house. "This is going to be so fun actually going out in public and you know, going to school!" I say sarcastically.

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