Chapter 5

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I started to walk backwards but I bumped into another person. It was Jamie, we turned around to run but the person in the same outfit stops us and points upward. We followed his instructions and slowly walk up the creaky wooden steps that leads to our doom. Right when we step off the stairs Jamie and I looked at each other, as we had silent conversation while I nodded toward my front door.

 The moment we had a little leeway we run to the door but they caught up grabbing both of us from the waist. I personally wasn't going down without a fight so I kicked the one who was holding me, let's just say the sun don't shine over there. They instantly dropped me and fell to the floor in pain, the one holding Jamie released her before he was lucky enough to have the same future. We were about to kick the other one to keep him down so we could escape when the one I kicked spoke up.

"Wait stop!" He pulled off his mask to reveal a pained Kian.

The other one took off their mask to show it was only Ethan, they both looked terrified. "Why did you kick him?" Ethan asked while he helped Kian up.

"I'm sorry you broke into my house, they decided you wanted to pretend to kidnap us. The next time some does that I will make sure to not defend myself." I said glaring at the to in front of me.

"You're lucky we don't finish off what we started." Jamie said smirking.

"Well it is getting late we should probably leave." Ethan responded with a hint of nervousness laced in, the two got up quicker than you could say chickens and raced out of the house.

"Why are we friends with Kian and why is Kian corrupting such a nice guy like Ethan." Jamie shook her head with a look of disapproval.


"May I have this dance?" A man around my age asks bowing.

I nod my head and he takes my hand in his.

I feel something on my head and put my hand on it, a tiara?

"Princess Mia what are you doing?"He asks with a smile.

"Um nothing.'

We dance around the ballroom floor all through the night.

He bows in front of me and I curtsy.

"Thank you Princess."

I smile and we part ways.


I slowly opened my eyes which was a bad mistake because my eyes are burned from the light radiating off of the sun.

"Morning, princess." Jamie spoke from the kitchen with a mouth full of coco puffs.

I blocked the sun to look over at her, there was milk that ran out of her mouth but she didn't seem to notice. I got up and walked over to her, after I handed her a napkin to wipe her mouth, I grabbed the necessary ingredients


Hey everyone!

Thank you for reading and sticking with my book! Did you guys think it was Ethan and Kian or no. I have been forgetting to do questions of the day sorry about that so I will dont two for today.

1.)Can you speak another language?

I can sort of speak another lanugage.

2.) Do you guys have any good stories that you want me to read?(Yes you can out your own story this once)

If you guys don't know I have another story but I need to update it ASAP.

That's about it for now don't forget to vote, comment, share, and maybe if you have time follow! I hope you all have amazing day/night. Talk to you guys soon!Bye!


<edited author's note, I have no clue why this chapter is so short, I might have deleted some of it so I don't want to add on to try and make it longer just in case there was a reason I wrote it this short, sorry about that.>

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