Chapter 13

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"Wait so your dad is coming to visit after all these years?" Jamie practically screamed and fell back on her bed being dramatic which is her usual self.

We were planning out my party with the help of Dana on some final touches, "So I think we should take a walk outside, they said that there should be shooting stars out tonight!" Dana yelled as she ran back into my room, "The outside air should be good for us too many problems are filling this air.

We deiced that we were going to so we grabbed sweatshirts and headed outside, "It looks amazing out here." I smile as I spun around.

"I know." Dana said as she smiled up at the sky her short blonde hair falling out of the ponytail.

"I got an idea!" Dana and I looked at Jamie who was overly excited at whatever idea she had in her head.

"How about a night under the stars for your party? It may be cheesy but it should be warm out considering we live in Arizona. We could have the party outside and even have make shift dance floor."

"I have a friend who is a DJ." Dana said as she jumped into the idea bus.

"We could hand out invitations in school tomorrow, it will be late notice-" Dana cut me off before I could finish my sentence which had been happening alot lately.

"Trust me if we all hand out invitations plenty of people will be coming. Plus the party is going to be the Friday after you birthday anyways." We all nodded in agreement which ended the conversation it was just quite and we just admired the stars.

After a small amount of time Jamie said we should probably head back inside to print the invitations.

"Is it weird that I am some what nervous to hand out invites tomorrow?" I asked as I looked between both Dana who was took the job to type out the invites and Jamie who was looking a basket for a nice pen to use to write out names on the invitations.

"No I think it is perfectly normal, especially considering you don't really like talking to people." Jamie answered as she held up a pen as if she won a gold medal for pen finding.

"I mean personally I don't think you should be that nervous but if you are just remember you have Jamie and I." Dana said as she printed the cards.

"Thanks you girls." I spoke as I grabbed the cards that were freshly inked.

"As much as I love a good heart to heart these envelopes aren't going to name themselves." Jamie said as she started out with the first envelope as I handed her a paper of who I was inviting.


"Ready to hand these out?" Dana asked right outside the doors of our school.

Jamie and I both nodded as Dana opened the doors leading us to George Washington High School. We ran in different directions and handed to the people who were on the invite list. There was about 100 people who I was going to invite, some people I don't talk to all that much but I have know them since elementary school and we grew up together.

"Thank you, madam." Kian said as he grabbed the invitation.

"You know I was really debating giving you an invite with all your awkwardness you know? But then I remembered you would show up anyways." I spoke with a laugh to show I had made a joke.

"Oh yea I thought the samething when I had my party." Kian said back with a smirk.

I laughed then headed to the next person that was a few lockers down, who by the way I was being forced to invite, as you could tell I am not very happy about this forced arrangement. I would have been okay with it if he hadn't pulled a jerk move at the dance, "Anthony."

"Hey babe, oh is that invitation for little old me?" I just rolled my eyes and shoved the invitation into his stomach and walked away, leaving him hunched over.

I knew I always had a strong punch, huh I guess that proves it then.


Hey Amazing person who is reading this right now!

I want to start by saying thank you for over 800 reads! I means the world to be! So I decided to do a double update, plus two more chapters until you find out what is in the letter! Are you excited? I know I am, well to write it at least. That is about it, I will talk to you guys later! Bye!


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