Chapter 10

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I walked into the dance with Ethan by my side and wow did they go all out, there was stars coming from the ceiling and a chandler in the middle of the ballroom hanging from the ceiling, wow this was really impressive for our school at least. Compared to the homecoming dance last year, they absloutly did nothing to decorate, besides a DJ and a few tables, Hilary did one heck of a job this year, really out did herself, "Your jack?" Ethan asked while he stood to by side with his hand out.

I slipped off the light coat that was around me before I handed it over to him, while giving the guy behind the counter out tickets, "Thank you" the guy at the front table said placing out tickets in the box.

Me and Ethan walked through the rest of the way i the dance hand and hand, "So should we dance first or-" before he could finish I dragged him over to the picture both and stepped in.

"You want to take photos first? You do realize there is a professional over there willing to do this for us right?" He questioned looking around the dance before I closed the curtain.

"Yes I do realize that but this is so much more fun, plus if we do this later then we are going to be all hot and sweaty and looking disgusting so just shut up and take the photos with me would ya?" He didn't even put up and fight and we pressed the start button.

The machine counted down as we made crazy face and our friends joined us once they had noticed we were inside and not dancing. I finally could understand how blankets felt when you shoved them all into a tight closet. After a few more shots the photos were finished and we all stepped out, most likely looking like a bunch of clowns getting out of a clown car, seems funny but really isn't. Jamie grabbed the photos from the slot in the machine before she handed them over to me to place in my purse. I guess I'm the mom of the group now, "I will cut them out at home and them give them to you guys."

"Now time to dance?" Ethan asked me with a puppy dog look, I smiled and pointed to the punch bowl.

"Drink first then dance?" I managed to get him to agree before making my way to the table holding the beverages. I had a cup full of fruit punch when someone walked up behind me and snaked an arm around my waist. I was startled and spun around but noticed it was only Ethan, I smiled and laughed.

"Let's go dance." He said and placed my cup down. Right when we stepped on the dance floor a slow song came on, I blushed but you couldn't tell because I had a mask on.

We stumbled a little at first as we tried to get a feel for the music but after a few awkward seconds I was fine and we moved together to the rhythm, I placed my head on his chest only to hear his heart pumping very fast, the moment couldn't have been more perfect until he opened his mouth, "You look hot." You know how in movies the music backs that weird almost reverse sound and everything goes quiet yeah that how it felt.

I lifted my head off of his shoulder and noticed two things, he didn't have an accent and his hair was blonde, you have got to be kidding me, "I mean- um, beautiful."

I tore my hand from his and rolled my eyes, "Nice try Anthony."

As if magic the accent returned, "What are you talking about I'm Ethan?" I pulled the mask down to reveal an awkward looking Anthony who only shrugged his shoulders.

I released the mask letting it snap back in his face, "Yea sure you are, why don't you go back to kissing the rest of my relatives why don't you?"

His head was in his hands most likely from the impact of the mask while some of our peers attention was on us, "Nothing to see her get back to your dancing." Anthony remarked with attitude of his own while he tried to blink away the pain.

"Don't try to make me look a fool and this won't happen again, k?" It felt so good to be the one to walk away from him this time.




Short chapter but next chapter will be longer and have the rest of the dance in it! Talk to you guys soon! Bye!


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