Chapter 17

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Can we just take a second and look at what chapter we are on and yes we because I wouldn't be writing this today with out all you! Just had to put that in, now, here is the actual chapter! Ps these few past chapter have been have the holidays because people celebrate different ones so I am just going to keep that part out. So considering that it is probably like mid-late January in the book.


"Wait, does this say what I think it says?" My dad asked as my mom peeked over her shoulder at the papers that my dad had in his hands.

Daniel sat in the kitchen where he poured coffee and I could see out of the corners of my eyes I could see him looking this way with a look of suspicion. I nodded my head while I jumped up and down as I clapped, "I got accepted!" Both my parents embraced me into a hug at the same time with a look of pride on both of their faces.

"Congratulations honey" my mom said with tears in her eyes, I can just imagine what she is going to look like once I actually leave for college.

"I am so proud of you princess, I knew you would get accepted!" My dad spoke while he gave me another hug.

"I know I can't believe it! Plus it is all through a scholarship!"

Daniel walked into the room and had the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen, "Congratulations does this mean you are going to dorm?"

I could sense the hope that radiated off of him, one of these days I'm going to slap that malicious look right off his face, I bet he is thinking of all the ways the take over my room and brainwash my mother once more, "Yes that does but I will be back for holidays and special occasions. Don't worry your highness you won't be getting rid of me that quickly even though I know you want to make that into walk in closet for Amy to have. She is your baby after all."

He glared at me from the corner of his eye, "She got in Daniel be happy for her for once!" My mom yelled at him as if he were a teenager instead of an adult.

He gave me the fakest smile he could muster before he made his way into his and my mother's room, "Wow thanks didn't you cared so little about me, wait on the second thought I did." I spoke once he was almost out of earshot, my mom gave me the evil eye but I ignored her.


My mom decided to have some of my closest friends over to celebrate my acceptance. I heard a knock on the door and ran to open it. I didn't have time to react or even see who it was before they picked me up in a hug.

"Congratulations Mia! You did it!" By the voice I guessed it was Kian.

"Can't breathe, losing oxygen to the brain, can't go to college if you kill me first!"

My thought was confirmed when he placed me down on the ground where I could actually breath again,"Oh sorry about that Mia we don't want you to die."

I laughed and we were about to go to the kitchen when the door swung open and hit my in the back. "Ow! Is every darn person out to get me or something?"

I stood back up and Ethan, Anthony, and Jamie walked in, "Oh thank you for the beautiful caring present like hitting me with a door!" I slapped the closest person near me with one hand as I rubbed my back with the other.

"Ow! What was that for?" It was Anthony who looked like a hurt puppy or something.

"For hitting me with the door nimrod." I sadly walked away before he could even think of replying.

As I stepped into the kitchen the smell of beautiful food invaded my nose and I let it. I sat down in a spinny chair and turned to my mom, "We have a problem." My voice was serious and my mom turned toward me as she took long strides my way, "Are you hurt? Are you drunk? Are pregnant-" My mom started to feel my head.

I pushed her hand away and quickly replied "Yes, I mean no, I mean-"

"Mia Veronica Liam you better not be pregnant or so help me, I will-" My mom yelled at me after she cut me off.

"Mom relax I am not drunk nor am I pregnant, I was saying yes I am hurt because I got hit with the door and almost suffocated to death by Kian."

"OK good." My mom walked away and my jaw dropped, okay looks like my mom doesn't care about me.

I heard laughing behind me and turned to see Anthony, my cousin, my best friend, Ethan, and my step sister all laughing at me. I cleared my mind and got up as I walked like a senior citizen and slapped all of them on the arm.

I am such a child.


Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long I have been super busy! Then on top of all of that there is school! School :( I don't like school. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this quick little chapter and I am so sorry it was short but the next chapter will be longer. By the way if anyone has any covers they want to show me for this book don't be afraid to send them to me. I would love to see what you guys/girls came up with and maybe just maybe yours could be in the beginning of the chapter....Well that's it for now! Have an amazing day/night and I will talk to you guys later! BYE!

Ps- Please go check out an amazing story called 'The Jealousy Pact' by SimplyBethers. It is amazing, from the concept to it humor. I love it and I bet you will love it!


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