Chapter 21

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As I took my seat I saw people who I assumed were Crispin's family members, they took their seats that were directly in front of me and I started to get nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they think Crispin and me should break up? "Are you Mia?" I heard a small voice ask to the right of me.

When I looked down I realized she couldn't be more than 4 years old. "That's me, now you must me Crispin's little cousin right?" She giggled and a piece of her blonde hair falls in front of her little face.

"I'm Amanda. You're very pretty." Amanda said as she looked at down at her sparkly shoes.

"Why thank you Amanda, I believe you are very pretty too. You look just like a princess." She looked up with a huge grin on her face.

"After can you play princess with me?" I smiled and nodded my head, Amanda ran back to her seat where she was more than excited to let her mother know.

I laughed lightly to myself as I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, "You don't have to." Crispin whispered in my ear which caused a chill down the side of my face.

I turned my face toward him and didn't realize how close he was, I moved my eyes between his eyes and lips before I spoke, "I want to." I smiled and turned back around.

"First course." Someone who served the food announced, as I placed a napkin on my lap.

A waiter placed a plate of food in front of me as I was asked a question "So, Mia have you decided on the college you want to go to?" Chris's aunt asked me.

"I actually did, I was accepted to the Instrumentals of Dance Academy." I looked up and smiled as I wiped the corners of my mouth with my napkin.

"I have a friend and their son goes there, I was very impressed with their academics."

"I wonder if I will meet him what is his name if you don't mind me asking?" I spoke as I placed my fork down.

She smiled, "Not at all, his name is Joey Henry he is in his second year there."

"I'll keep an eye out for him."


"Mia can you come play princess with me now?" I laughed and nodded as Amanda walked into my room.

Amanda's small fragile hand locked onto my hand and she escorted me to a room I had yet to come across. "This is the room I come to when I come visit Crispin and Felix! I like to keep some of my princess toys here." She let go of my hand and ran to grab two tiaras.

Wow when she said some stuff I thought a few toys but was I mistaken!


Crispin's POV

"Where did Mia and Amanda go?" My aunt asked as she stepped into my room.

"I have an idea, excuse me for a second." I spoke as I got off my bed and stood as I walked toward the room Amanda goes to every time she visits.

I heard Mia's voice and my feet stopped so I could listen. "You shall now have a beautiful dress." I peaked into the room to see Mia in a gown that must have been in the room as she tapped Mandy on the shoulder with a wand.

Mandy held her small finger up for Mia to wait a minute and ran to put a small dress on. Once she had it nicely placed she ran back over and pretended to be surprised. "Why thank you Mia, I mean fairy Godmother." They both giggled and that's when I stepped in quietly while I placed a finger to my lips so Mandy wouldn't say anything because Mia's back was toward me.

Mandy smiled once she noticed me but Mia didn't catch on, she always has been oblivious. I slipped right behind Mia while I covered her eyes, "Guess who?" She started to laugh as she pulled my hands down and turned toward me.

Her face started to turn red in embarrassment, "Don't be embarrassed you look adorable." I said to her and placed her hands by her side so I could see her face to kiss her forehead.

"I hope I can be like you two when I find my prince!" Amanda said from where she stood with a smile, I forgot she was even there.

Mia bent down so she was at Amanda's eye level, "I bet you will and you know' she looked up to see where I stood and then looked back at Amanda as she pretended like she doesn't want me to hear and whispered 'Prince Crispin isn't all that special."

Amanda giggled again along with Her, so I ran toward Mia to pick her up but she ran out of the room, still in the dress, all the way to the backyard as she passed everyone who was still seated at the table. She hid behind a tree and I pretended to not know where she was as I started to walk backwards to look for her. Someone's small hands covered my eyes and kissed me on the cheek.

I spun around and smiled as I looked down at her, I placed a kiss on her lips before I took her hand in mine. I started to walk back to the house, suddenly Mia stopped walking and pouted. I gave her a questionable look "Can I have a piggy back ride please?" I laughed and bent down so she could get onto my back.

She clapped her hands like a small child would and climbed onto my back. I walked with Mia on my back all the way to the house where I saw the sun setting. "Wow sun sets here are so pretty." Mia whispered in my ear almost like she was saying it to herself, I smiled but kept walking.




Hello everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long but I hope this long chapter can make up for it! Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! Bye for now!


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