Chapter One

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I have believed in having my Cinderella story since I was 4. That is 13 years, people say that I am a dreamer but a dreamer is going to dream. Right? I believe in all that romantic stuff, like love at first sight and all that. Even after my heart being broken twice, I still believe. You have to keep believeing. If I didn't I wouldn't be happy. But first I get into all of this let me introduce my self.

My name is Mia Lane Liam and my parents are divorced. I live with my mother and her awful new husband. Did I mention he has 3 girls. Stacey who is 13 being the youngest, she has long red hair because she insisted on copying me. You may think I sound mean but you know what she said to me once she got it down. She looked me in the eyes and said "I look a lot better then you any day, I don't even know why you tried to even dye your hair. Oh, and by the way you hair looks like something a cat threw up." Then walked away, blowing me a kiss and flipping her hair in my face.

Now, you can't forget about Amy, 16 year old spoiled brat. If you think I am kidding you're funny. She has had a full on tantrum in a store once because her 'daddy' wouldn't get her a two hundred dollar pair of heels. Guess what though, he gave in and the minute he said fine, she stopped and smiled. Lastly, there is Dana, she is 18 like me, in a few months that is, and is well, a drama queen, tries to act like she is the boss, thinks she is so smart, and better then everyone else.  Her height lets me tower over her but that doesn't help with anything she is the queen bee after all. This is what I have to live with and their dad treats me like crap but his kids, oh that's a whole new story.

My mother doesn't see how he treats me because she is "blinded by love" as some people see it but I see it has she couldn't care less. Then there's me, an awkward 17 year old girl ready to graduate high school and move out of this place.

"Mia! Mia! Mmmmmiiiiiiiaaaaa-"

"What do you want?!" I screamed at Stacy.

"Take me to the mall, now!" I scoffed and turned back around to do my home work.

"Not happening I have a huge test-" she walked over throws all my stuff off my desk and sat on it.

"Either you take me or I tell my dad and our mom that you skipped school." She smirked.

"Go right ahead and while you're at it mind shutting my door?"

"Mommy!' she smirked at me and pretended to cry.

I hardly heard what goes on in the conversation but I got the point when my mom told me to bring her without me complaining or she will revoke my car keys. 

I am furious by now "Yep!"

Stacey laughed evilly, walked back into my room spook up after a couple of seconds, "See I always win and you will always loose." 

She pushed off my snow globe from when I was little, it was from my father, who I haven't seen in years. I ran over but all I got was a piece of glass in my hand, lucky me! As I walked into the bathroom to took the glass out and cleaned up my hand Amy popped into the bathroom, her perfume invaded my air source.

 "I heard your taking Stacy to the mall so you can drop me off at Brandon's on your way there, k, good." Before I even said a word to agree she skiped away back into her room, I mean cave.

My hand were finally wrapped and I was ready to face the she devils themselves, after I finished cleaning up the broken glass. Luckily the small princess that was the decoration in the snow globe could be saved.

"Bing bing bing" I lifted my head up but ended up hitting my head on the desk instead.

One hit after the other today, "Oww" I said rubbing my head and grabbed my phone.

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