Chapter 22

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I was asleep but Amanda got scared and came into my room. So when it was my turn not to be able to sleep all I could do was toss and turn. I had tried everything from reading to having a glass of milk, I had no clue what was wrong. This never happened back at home. I don't know if maybe this was from not being at home or what but I was just frustrated, "I give up!" I whisper yelled as I threw my hands in my hair before I ripped the the comforter off myself.

I slipped on my slippers and threw my hair into a bun. I made my way down the hall when I passed a room that looked like Crispin's room, I slipped into the room and walked over to the bed. This is probably really creepy, so I decided to turn around and to walk out of the room when I heard a groggy voice, "Mia is that you?"

"Yea, well I was asleep but then Amanda ran into my room because she got scared so then I couldn't fall back asleep." I said as I turned around slowly.

I heard him move over in his bed before I heard him pat the bed beside him, "Well how about you try to get some sleep."

I was taken back a little but slowly made my way over as I slipped my shoes off at the side of his bed then climbed in next to him. Crispin put the blanket over me and pulled me a little closer as he mumbled a 'goodnight'. I smiled as I slowly felt my eyes close shut as I was pulled off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of people laughing, I checked to the right side of me to see if Crispin was there but he wasn't. When I took the hair tie out of my hair I sensed someone staring at me. I turned to see Amanda who stood at the doorway, when she noticed that I caught her she ran over and stood next to me, "Can you put my hair in what you just had it in?"

I nod as I have her sit on Crispin's bed, I sat behind her and pulled all her hair on top of her head. After I placed her blonde hair into a hair tie I twisted her hair then put another hair tie to keep it secured. She stood up and ran to the mirror across the room,"I love it! Thank you so much Mia!" She had the biggest smile on her face as she hugged my legs which I returned the hug by bending down to be her level and hugging her back.

"No problem." I said back, "Now if I am not mistaken I believe I smell breakfast."

I grabbed her hand and she ran down the hall as she dragged me behind her. I let her guide me until we got to to the stairs where I had her slow down so we don't fall nor get caught running around.

Once we got to the dining room everyone looked at us, it made me feel a little uncomfortable having everyone's attention which I am guessing Crispin's mom understood because she broke the silence, "Good morning Mia, Amanda." Terra said from her spot at the table.

I walked Amanda to her seat that was besides her mother before rather quickly walking to my seat next to Crispin, "Looks like you ended up getting sleep hu." Crispin whispered in my ear.

I just laughed in response and started to eat the food that was placed in front of me, "Hello buddy." I said to Ethan who is sat to the right of me.

"Hello, I heard you would like to have a royal tour of city while you were here." He said as he placed down his fork.

"Indeed I did, from what I have seen so far it is beautiful." I complimented and took a sip of my drink.

"Why thank you." He smiled back at me, we both turned our heads toward his father when he cleared his throat.

"Considering that fact that we have company over from outside the country we are thinking about showing them around our beautiful city. If you would like to join then please meet back here in a hour, thank you." He stood up and started out of the room, everyone did the same and proceeded back to their sleeping quarters.

I wasn't really done with my food yet so I continued on eating. It was weird to think I was in palace that my potential boyfriend lives in. I wonder if there are hidden rooms in the walls like in the movies. Hopefully I remember so I can ask Crispin or Ethan, "Excuse me Madam, are you all set with your food?" I looked up from my seat to notice a kind worker waiting for an answer.

After I examined my plate and noticed that I had finished all my food while I was deep in thought I nodded my head as she grabbed plate in which I thanked her before I stepped away from my seat where someone else pushed my chair which I also thanked as I made my way to my room. As I stepped into the place I hardly slept in yesterday I heard someone behind me.




Soooo I am soooooooo sorry I haven't updated in so long. I hope not to go that long without updating again. I am also sorry this is short but I have had writers block.I wanted to tell you guys that this story will be coming to an end in about 8 chapter or so. Yes that is still a little while away but just wanted to give everyone a heads up. Hope everyone enjoyed! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!


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