Chapter 14

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"Happy Birthday Mia!" I jolted awake at the sudden outburst so I ripped the sheets off as I looked around my room, tears almost came to my eyes when I saw who stood in front of me.

"D-dad?" I stood up slowly before I ran to hug my father tight, I could feel the tears run down my face.

"Hi honey happy birthday! I wanted to be the first one to say it. I have missed you so much!" he spun me around and I started to laugh uncontrollably.

He set me down on the ground, "How have you been, I haven't seen you in so long."

We both took a seat on my bed and I could see how upset he looked, "I know how this must look, I am really sorry about being bad at keeping in contact or coming to see you. Between moving to California to opening up my wine business, I feel like a terrible father."

I looked at him as I shook my head, "Hey, I understand that I'm just happy you are here for my 18th birthday."

I hugged him as my mom, Kian, Jamie, Dana, and Ethan walked in. I ran and hugged my mom too but Anthony walked in ruining the moment perusal, "What are you doing here?" He looked nervous and didn't say a word which lead to me being nervous.

"Anthony answer the damn question? Or at least one of you, and why do you all look so nervous?" I asked but once again everyone awkwardly looked around until my mom broke the silence.

"How about you just meet us all in the dining room after you are done getting ready?" My mom asked as she tried to pull the tension apart, I didn't have it in me to argue as it was A.) my birthday and B.) to early in the morning.

Everyone left my room and I shut my door behind them before I repeatedly hit my head against the door. After that I looked around my room as I tried to think of an outfit, I wanted to look simple but not too simple. I walked over to my closet and threw an outfit together, a pair of white jeans, tennis sneakers, Aztec printed tank top with a jean jacket. I feel like it was a perfect outfit for today.

I put my outfit on before I stepped into my bathroom to curled my hair and brushed my teeth. Luckily I didn't burn myself with the curling wand like I usually did. Once my hair was all set and my teeth were cleaned I made my way downstairs, "Hey sweetie! We made your favorites!" My mom didn't make a joke but she was being a little too enthusiastic and it just wasn't her.

On the upside there were pancakes, bacon, and hash browns, so I sat down between my mom and my dad.

"Just like old times." I whispered to myself and I could tell my dad heard because he smiled while he continued to eat.

"After school your father, and a few guests, and I need to talk to you." My mother said while she looked at me, I just nodded and shot Kian a look.

"Thank you for the food." I said about to go and put my dishes in the sink but my mom grabbed the dishes and puts them on the table and smiled.

"You guys go to school I will put the dishes away."

I kissed my mom and dad on the cheek before I said bye and walked out with Dana, Kian, Jamie, Anthony, and Ethan behind me, Amy ran out and yelled over to us "What about me?" I ignored her and walked over to my car before I stepped into my car.

We weren't all going to fit and Amy got herself a ride with Anthony in his car as we made our way to school.


We stepped into school and headed to our lockers mine had balloons all over it. I looked over at my friends with a laugh and then turned to open my locker and a letter fell out landing by my feet. I bent down to pick up the letter which I lifted up and read,

'Dear Mia,

I know we have had some rough times. I really hope we can start over. Happy birthday by the way!

- Anthony'

I threw the note into my locker and grabbed what I needed which lead to my locker being slammed shut, "I don't think so." I said before I walked away and left my friends behind to wonder.


I stepped back into my car after school and waited for everyone else to get in. "Ok so we need to go to your house now don't we?" Jamie asked while she buckled up in the passenger seat and looked over in my direction.

I nodded and turned the key in the ignition. On the way home we had the music all the way up and we all danced in the confined area we had while I responsibly kept my hands at 10 and 2 with my eyes on the road. Once we get to my street I turned the music down and turned into my driveway. Just as I was about to ask if anyone wanted to stay to hang out they all got out. Kian got into his car, Jamie into hers, Ethan waited in the car while Anthony and Dana went into the house.

I ran in with Ethan behind me and yelled "Anthony I never asked if you wanted to come too!" I stepped into the living room and saw my parents who were having a conversation with two people, Anthony and now Ethan sat on either side of them.

"Mia please sit down." My mother asked while she pat the spot between her and my dad.

"Um what is going on?" I asked because I got nervous while I sat down.

"We need to show you something" they handed me a letter that looked really old.

It was a faded yellow color and had nice scripted writing on it. I slowly opened it and read the letter quickly. I was confused and I didn't know what to say, I looked at the people who sat in front of me. "Why did you guys show me this today?" I asked.

"Your great great grandmother wanted you to see it on your 18 birthday." My dad said.

"This is the letter you wanted me to see?" I asked Ethan as looked at him, he nodded his head.

I stood up and shook my head, "No! This is what she wanted for me? A women I never meet" My parents looked at each other.

"It was, it was what she had to do." I threw the letter on the table and walked back and forth as I looked at everyone.

"What does that letter mean?" I asked everyone because apparently they have known all along.

"It means that-


Hey everyone! Sorry I know I am a bad person I left it on a cliffhanger! What do you guys think is going to happen leave your guesses in the comments! Thank you for over 800 reads! Don't forget to comment, vote, and maybe follow!Talk to you later! Bye!


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