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I think I'm gonna update once a week, thanks for 10K reads btw I cant believe it!!! So yeah, after this I'm gonna draw because drawing is my life :D I finally untangled my headphones ~(ouo~) after about two days of tangles. Yeah, just casually  listening to AlterniaFM because I'm a sad nolifer. Homestuck has ruined my life, don't read it XD I got someone to read it, he came back the next day asking if he read the right thing. Also, I found this website called... i forgot. Uhh, it has fanmade versions of homestuck, like fanmade webcomics. I'm reading on where all the lowbloods are highbloods and all the highbloods are lowbloods. omg aradia is just too fab. Also, I recommend listening to 'broadway karkat knight of blood' its so awesome but I keep mishearing a lyric and I'm kinda creeped out. I need to look at the lyrics. Yeah, heres your part, thanks for 10K reads you strange people who like my terribly written book which probably wont be ending anytime soon like I thought it was. Yeah :3

Marcelines POV

I leant against the wall, sipping my strawberry juice silently, watching Indi talk to Marshall about something. Finn and fionna were messing around with some grey apples I'd dropped on the floor, making grey sludge pictures on the floor. I smirked and joined them, making a grey circle then two nubby horns.

"marceline, what are you doing?" Finn walked up to me, tilting his head.

"Drawing karkat" I answer, making the picture frown angrily.

Next, I drew a terezi next to him. I looked up to see finn even more confused.

"Karkat, the guy who's angry and shouts all the time and terezi, the crazy blind one who's awesome" I smirk at finns reaction.

"Yeah, that made no sense at all" he shook his head.

"Marceline what the heck" Marshall walked up to me, followed by indi.

Indi just laughed, bending down to put a heart by their heads.

"At least someone appreciates my art" I chuckle.

I hear footsteps from behind me. I sniff and smell bubblegum. I turn around, a toothy grin painted onto my face.

"Have you guys seen bubba?" she asked, her voice full of concern for the jerk.

"Nope" I shake my head, standing up and rubbing the sludge off of my hands.

Bubblegum sighs deeply and sits on the wall. She buries her face in her hands and sighs ever deeper. I think she missed him or something. I cant tell, I cant read minds. I try to comfort her by sitting next to her and putting my arm around her shoulder. She looks up and smiles at me. I'm pretty sure its a fake smile though.

"Don't worry about him, he's trying to banish us" I shrug like it's nothing.

"But we can still help him right?" she asks, she sounds desperate.

"Nah, he's completely insane" Marshall adds in, making Bubblegum sob.

"You're not helping" I growl.

He puts up his hands in defence and backs away, getting something from his bag. Indi sits the other side of Bubblegum, staring at her shoes. Finn and Fionna, being the childish weirdos they are, start whispering and giggling. I death glare at them and they turn around and continue.

"Look bubblegum, it's gonna be ok" I reassure her.

"How is it, Marshalls right, he's insane, broken" Bubblegum sobbed again, tears streaming from her eyes.

"You loved him didn't you" I said blankly, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah" she breathed so only Indi and I heard.

"It hurts doesn't it" I sigh.

She nods, understanding. I give her a small smile and she returns it. Indi just sits there, swinging her legs back and forth.

"No matter what, I wont let him take you away" Bubblegum said, wiping away her tears.

"And if he does, you cant always visit" I shrug.

"We'll kill him first" Indi growled, her eyes turning red with anger.

"Woah chill" I throw my empty juice carton at Indi, hitting her on the nose.

She gives me this derpy cross-eyed look and walks off to go see where marshall was.

"You don't deserve a jerk like him anyways" I pat her back, standing up, then holding out my hand to help her up.

We wander off to see where marshall was. I spot indi standing frozen on the spot. I rush up to her and see Marshall going full vampire on Bubba. I sigh.

"Fight, fight, fight,fight" a crowd of kids had already gathered and were chanting.

"NO STOP" I yell.

Marshall looks at me, shaking his head, indicating this had to be done. Bubba threw a punch but Marshall grabbed his wrist and squeezed it tightly. Bubba whimpered but kneed him in the stomach. Marshall doubled over, in pain, this gave gumball the opportunity and step on his foot with his heel and punched his nose in. Marshall fell to the ground, laying there for a few seconds, breathing heavily. His eyes were going red, his fangs growing. We were going to get caught, I had to stop this. Just as I was about to stop him, Marshall stood up, growling. He grabbed bubbas face and screeched, digging his nails into his cheeks. Blood started bubbling from the deep cuts. Bubba cried out, trying to kick him.

"STOP" I yelled again, pushing marshall away from Bubba.

He slowly returned to normal, shaking his head.

"I'm so sorry Marceline" he tried to walk up to me but I backed away.

"No, we need to sort this out, you cant go vampire in public" I breathed in his ear as he pulled me into a hug.

"I know I'm sorry" he kissed my forehead.

I saw bubba running away, running out of the school gates. Bubblegum looked heartbroken. She glared at Marshall.

"What was that for!?!?!" she growled.

"He started it!" Marshall protested.

"Whatever, he's probably gone to tell Ash" Indi said, looking worried.

"You're right, great job marshall" I roll my eyes at him.

The crowd of kids slowly descend and go back to whatever they were doing before. The bell rings, indicating two more hours of torture before lunch. Great, this was going to be fun. I walk with Finn, Fionna, Indi, Marshall and Bubblegum to my third lesson.

Hope you enjoyed. I was listening to 'the condescension song' whilst writing the fight scene thingy. Idk how to spell that. Her name is Her Imperial Condescension of HIC for short. Idk I cant spell XD I dislike that song, it was just on at the time. The homestuck soundtrack is so nice. That reminds me, I need to recall what Vriska's theme was. Terezi and gamzees themes are the best, followed by karkat ofc XD bai, until next time you amazing people!!!!!!!!


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora