Just a normal day

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Hai guys :) Hope you like the new update, I only have an hour to do this so I should begin. Also, I might add some more of Marcelines past in :P that's all I wanted to say, enjoy!

Marshalls POV 

I knew she was not OK. Her whole story radiated fear and loneliness. My heart literally sank as she got to the bit when Simon actually injured her. I could tell she wasn't lying because of the tone of her voice. I put my phone down, not wanting to text back. I knew she needed time alone. I made a mental note to shout at Bubba for bringing it up.

"What do I do now, Storm?" I randomly asked my snowy white she-cat.

She mewed and stretched, then closed her eyes again. I sighed, she was right. I should go to bed. I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up with Storm meowing in my face. I groaned and pushed her away, padding downstairs and grabbing an apple before checking the time. I had twenty minutes. I took a quick shower and changed into my usual red plaid shirt, skinny jeans and red converse. I then fed Storm. 

I got my bag and unlocked the door, ready to walk down the road to the bus stop. When I got there, I saw Fionna and Gumball already standing there, shivering. I walked up to them and they smiled at me. I glared angrily at Bubba.

"Why did you ask her that question?" I almost yelled.

"Oh, what did she say" he asked, not really feeling sorry.

"She told me this story about her tortured past" I say more quietly, almost sadly as I recalled it.

"What was it about?" he questioned, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You don't get it do you?" I yelled at him "You made her cry for like, the whole night".

"She still owes me some questions"

I raise my fists, ready to punch the guts out of Bubba. Fionna stops me. She ushers me away and talks to Gumball. I stand on the edge of the curb and watched out for the bus. I saw two yellow dots slowly getting bigger. As the bus reached its destination, the others realised it was there. We all got on and sat down. Bubba had a concerned look on his face. I was just  waiting for Marceline to get on.

As the bus screeched down the street, my mind reeled back to the story. What was Marcy like when she was seven? Did she have the same pretty long black hair? The same sparkling green eyes? That would be a question I would ask by text.

"Hi guys" Finn chirped, skipping over to his seat next to Fionna and pecking her on the cheek. Fionna blushed and I made a gagging noise.

Next came Bubblegum, she sat next to Bubba and talked about science. I rolled my eyes. Last but definitely not least, came Marceline, my Marceline. She had a tear streaked face. Everyone seemed to notice and kept asking her if she was OK. She answered angrily. I made another mental note to not mess with her today. She stared at me and her eyes seemed to soften. My heart back flipped in my chest.

"Hi" I mumble, loud enough for only us to hear.

"Hey, Marsh" he says quietly, sitting down in her seat and flicking her midnight hair out of her eyes.

"So, if you want, will you describe your seven-year-old self for me?" I ask softly.

"Uhh, OK" she shrugs, blushing slightly.

"Text me it" I whisper, winking at her.

She smiled. It seemed to be her first smile today. It made me have butterflies. I loved her smile. She got out her phone and texted me. I smirked as Finn tried to lean over and get a look. She gave him a vampiric hiss and he backed away, eyes wide with fear.

Marceline: Why are you so curious?

Marshall: I want to know if she looked as pretty as you are now

Marceline: *sigh* You really wanna know?

Marshall: Yes, did you have the same long black hair?

Marceline:  No, it was actually really short, a bit like yours :3

Marshall: That's freaking adorable, anything else.

Marceline: Yeah, I was a half demon back then, I got bitten...

Marshall: A half demon?

Marceline: My mother was a human and my dad... you know..

Marshall: Got any pictures of seven-year-old you?

Marceline: I think so, at my place.

Marshall: lol, can you send me it? o3o

Marceline: sure XD

I put my phone in my pocket, smiling warmly at Marceline. She smiled back and plugged in her earphones. She tapped a few things on her iPod and leaned against her seat.  She nodded her head to the music.

"Hey Marshall, why were you and Marcy texting when you're right next to each other?" Finn asked with a quirked eyebrow.

I tapped the side of my nose and gave him a smug look "Secret".

"Man, that makes me wanna steal your phone" he huffed.

"Yeah, and thanks to Bubba, she's in a bad mood so I wouldn't do that if I were you" I wink at him.

"What did Bubba do?" Finn asked like a five-year-old asking what a big word was.

"I asked her about her childhood" he said, still looking confused.

"Why, what's up with her childhood?" Fionna asked.

"She has a tortured past" I exclaim glumly.

"Oh" was all they could say.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked it and I had a text from Marcy.

Marceline: Here's two links to songs which are kinda  like my past, if ya know what I mean

Marshall: Oh, OK

I pressed the first link and put on my blood red headphones. The first song was 'Safe and sound'. Which was understandable since she was there when the world was in ruins from the war. The second song was 'A thousand years'. That also made sense. 

Someone poked me and I stood up. I watched the others get off the bus and followed behind Marceline who seemed to be holding in a fresh batch of tears. I frowned slightly. I was gonna kill Bubba for this...


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