Cinema treat

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Hello, and welcome to an early update! Yes, it's Thursday, not my updating day. But I've been allowed to update which is awesome. Also, I'm getting Lucozade (energy drink) So if my story is a bit wierd it's either just me or the sugar has kicked in XD As for the title. Yes, I forgot about the whole cinema thing until I re-read that bit and realised. So I've made up an excuse for that c:

Marcelines POV

My phone buzzed at like, three in the morning. I sighed and lifted myself up. I picked up the phone and read the text.

Finn: Cinema after school today? Bring snacks, I'm payin'.

Marceline: Why are you up at 3am?

Finn: Jake woke me up ;-;

I chuckled and put my phone back on my bedside table. Then, I nestled back down and fell back to sleep.

---4 HOURS LATER----

I woke up to Schwabl in my face. I groaned and shoved him playfully off the bed. He yelped then ran off to wake Indi up. I literally rolled off my bed, my legs ached for some reason. I slowly got up, using my bed for an arm rest. Then I took a quick shower, got dressed in my red flannel shirt, ripped jeans and red converse, then ran downstairs to see Indi just waking up.

"Showers upstairs" I say.

She gives me a knowing look then shoots upstairs. I shake my head and give Schwabl some food then take a bowl of strawberries for myself. One by one I drain the colour then put then in a bag for later use. Well, to ambush Gumwad.

A while later, we were both at the bus stop, shielding our eyes from the early morning sun. I grab my phone from my pocket and text Finn.

Marceline: Can Indi come to the cinema?

Finn: Sure, already payed for a spare one!

Marceline Ty

I look up at Indi. "You wanna come to the Cinema and watch How to Train you Dragon 2?" I ask, smirking.

Indi nodded, her blue eyes shining "Sure. Hey, do you think they made a film of the Gone series?"

"Unfortunatley not. But the good news is, I nearly finished Hunger" I say, giving her a toothy smirk now.

"That's good, I've finished the whole series but I need to read Hunger again" Indi replies.

"You can borrow mine. Also, I read ahead and I basically spoiled a part for myself" I facepalm once again at my stupidity.

"Oh, what bit?" Indi tilts her head and gives me a curious look.

"When Drake kills Diana" I say sadly.

"Does he? I've actually forgotten" Indi laughed.

Then the bus came and we got on. Then, the others piled on and we chatted about the Cinema.

"Guys, don't get us kicked out again" Finn warns, glaring at me.

"I said I was sorry" I hold out my hands.

The others laugh but Indi gives me a blank, confused look. "I'll explain later" I promise.


As we trod to the cinema, I plug in my headphones and listen to my music, cutting off the real world. People often call me unsociable but I call it life. Finn gives me another glare as we walk into the building. We all buy sweets from the pick-and-mix thingy then go to the back row. The back row is the best because you can annoy people and stuff. I sit next Indi and Marshall. As the movie starts, I pick up a fizzy melon sweet and pop it in my mouth. 

I feel an arm wrap around me about half way through the movie. I look to my left and see an innocent looking Marshall. His strong arm is now wrapped around me. I don't try to shift it off, I just snuggle deeper into it. Marshall notices and gives me a warm smile. I blush but no one could see it because it was incredibly dark. 

"You like it?" Marshall whispers in my ear.

I nod, my eyes locked to the large screen in front of me. I grab a handful of candy and stuff it in my mouth. We continue like this for the rest of the film. Marshall occasionally wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer. I have to say, it looked kinda cheesy. But it was cute. I got my coke and started to sip it. 

When the movie ended we decided to have a competition on who could throw the Toffee bonbon the furthest. Mine hit someone's head.

"Good job, Marcy" Finn says sarcastically, watching me duck behind my chair.

I give him an innocent look then just stand up and walk casually down the stairs, nodding to the person I hit. They just nodded back and glared at Finn. When we were out of earshot, I burst out laughing.

"Hah, nailed it" I fist pumped the air and stuck my tongue out at Finn.

"What did I say about getting us kicked out?" he said, trying to sound angry but failing.

"I didn't get us kicked out" I object, stealing Finns hat and tossing it to Marshall.

Finn gave us an angry battle cry then jumped on Marshall. Fionna then joined in as I stole her hat and now Marshall was covered by two identical-looking squirming kids. I was just laughing, tears had formed in my eyes. Marshall was trying to get them off and we were all gaining odd looks from the public. I got out my phone and put it on the video setting. I filmed them until Marshall got up, stared at me then walked off like nothing had happened. I wiped the last tear from my eye. This time, it was a happy tear. 

As we walked to the bus stop, I realised that Marshall was still staring at me. The emotion on his face was easy to tell. He liked me. And for the first time in ages, I realised I liked him back.....


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