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Hello once again to this magical book which has over one hundred votes and a thousand reads. And like, 31 comments XD I got one a while ago saying I should do a 'Ooo and Aaa collision book' which I totally will! But do you want it to be a ship book or a normal one?? Also, I probably will be doing the warrior cat book it just needs to be planned out a bit more. Hope you like the new update will try and update tomorrow since it is the weekend! And I haven't updated for a week! Well, I updated a while ago but still... OMG I think I should do a new POV Indi's Point Of View. Why not? I'm such a genius.

Indi's POV

I shyly stepped onto the bus  and followed the others to the top. The bus lurched forwards as I got to the top, making me nearly fall over and onto this old guy. I muttered an apology and followed Marceline to the back seat. I sat next to her, setting my bag next to my feet. I look towards Marceline. She had her head pressed against the window, her eyes closed. I shrugged it off and picked up my phone. Somehow, the WiFi worked so I got some headphones and plugged them in, ready to watch YouTube.

"Pssst" a voice hissed from opposite me. Annoyed, I put my headphones around my neck and glared at the person.

It was a guy, kinda tall with scruffy black hair. He had bright green eyes, much like Marcelines and sharp-looking front teeth. We wore a cocky grin. I think his name is Marshall, Marceline told me about him. I think she likes him.

"Yes?" I hissed back, trying not not get annoyed at him. I was just about to watch some awesome videos when this creepy guy my best friend may or may not like comes along!

"Number?" he breathed, his cocky smirk never falling "Any friend of Marcelines is a friend of mine".

I roll my eyes and stuck my hand out indicating for him to give me his phone. He placed it in my hand. I could feel the weight of the black shiny object and I turned it round and unlocked the screen. The background was pretty amazing. I was the Nightosphere sunset. There was never really day or night there but, for some weird reason I don't know, there was always a beautiful sunset. I blinked a couple of times then went to his contacts. I could see he already had Marceline, Bubblegum, Gumball, Fionna, Finn, Jake. I wasn't sure who most of these people were. I knew from Finn, the blonde haired guy, that he had a big brother called Jake. I pressed the 'New contact' button and typed in my number on the touch screen. I then half threw half handed back Marshalls phone. The rest of the bus ride was done in an awkward silence.

When the bus stopped, I saw Marceline stand up. I did the same and we both got off and went to her place, still in silence. Her face showed no sign of sadness or anything really. I think she's been through this so many times that it's got boring. She got her key and unlocked her door. Furious yapping came from the other side. Marceline smirked and opened the door. I small white dog came bounding up to me as I stepped inside. It went up on its hind legs and put its paws on my shins. Yes, it was that small.

"So you have a dog" I exclaim, petting its furry head.

"Yeah that's Schwabl, he's pretty crazy" Marceline grabbed him and set him on the couch. 

He wriggled around and sat on my lap as I went and plopped myself on her red couch.

"You hungry?" she asked, floating to the kitchen and grabbing herself an apple. After sucking the colour out of it, she put it a plastic bag and not the bin. 

"No, I'm just curious about were that portal led" I say, petting Schawbl and trying to shift into a comfortable position.

Marceline ran upstairs and then, just as fast, back down to the couch. In her hands was a red bear with long arms. It had buttons for eyes and lots of patches from where it had been broken.

"This is Hambo" Marceline held it out "Hambo was my only friend when I got trapped in the war and after Simon went crazy".

"Cute" I say, stroking its worn out head.

Marceline set Hambo on her side of the couch. She sighed sadly yet her facial expression hadn't changed. It was still neutral.

"Simon was the guy who gave me Hambo and befriended me. But he had a cursed crown which made him go crazy and have ice powers" she let out a deep breath and hugged Hambo tight. "He's still alive to this day but is known as the Ice King, which I think is the cheesiest name ever".

I laughed "True, true".

I remembered the last time we saw each other before the incident. We were playing with wheelie chairs, riding them down her dads castles massive staircase. Of course, Marceline was a brave kid, she once caught a Nightosphere tarantula. And, being me, I was terrified since riding a chair with wheels at the bottom down a massive staircase we scary. Considering Marceline broke her wrist falling off the chair, I wasn't up for it. And to this day I am not only terrified of the stupid idea, but Marceline's clicking right wrist is a constant reminder of our childhood. Remembering, I grab her right wrist and turn it. It makes a gross sounding clicking noise.

"Yes, I didn't mean to fall off. I miscalculated" she smirked and wriggled her wrist. Clicking sounds could be heard in the silence. 

"You're an idiot for trying it in the first place" I exclaim.

"You were to wimp to try it" Marceline scoffed, running her hand through her long, thick black hair.

Now that I think about it, her hair is much longer. I'll talk about that later. I yawned loudly and Marcy asked me if I wanted to sleep on the couch. I nodded and lay down with a blanket and Scwable. I drifted off into a deep sleep...

Two updates in one day, that's enough for tonight, enjoy. Will most likely update tomorrow!


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن