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Marshall's POV

"So, what do you think of Finn, Bubblegum and Marceline?" I ask Fionna while we were walking up to the reception desk.

Fionna stared at her shoes "Finns pretty cool, almost like me".

I nod slightly. I open the door for Fionna and walk in behind her, making eye contact with the person behind the desk. She smiled at me and handed us a booklet which had our timetable in and some other boring stuff.

"So, where's your form room, Fi?" I ask, flicking to my timetable then peering over to see Fionna's,"Awesome! We're in the same classes".

"Most of them" she corrects, pointing to her French and my Art.

"Form room?" I ask again.

"Oh, room 89"

"Oh, I'm room 90, coincidence much?" I smirk and follow the map out of the reception area, and into the main building.

I spot Marceline leaning on the wall outside my form room. I smirk at her and she spots me. Her green eyes seem to glow with an emotion I couldn't really see.

"Hi, Marcy" I say, my smirk growing wider at her frown.

"Don't call me that" she says coldly.


"Because I don't really know you"

"Well, I could... get to know you-" I start but got cut off by a screeching Finn running down the hallway.

Marceline smirked slightly and shifted her bag back up her shoulder. Her green eyes flashed red for a second.

"Hey, Marcy, great news!!!", he said, stopping to catch his breath,"T-the History test is off. Mr Petrikov called in sick!"

"Awesome! I forgot to revise anyways" Marceline high-fived Finn, both laughing in triumph.

"Hey, I have History as well" I put in.

"Cool, you can sit on our table, we have a space ever since Jay left" Finn said, his face red from the running and laughing.

I nodded, smiling widely as Finn left to talk to Bubblegum. I turned to Marceline, rasing an eyebrow.

"Hey, how come he can call you that?"

"Because I've known him since I was seven" she said.

"Oh, that makes sense" I say, watching what looks like our form tutor walking down the hallway.

Marceline followed my gaze and smirked "That Mr Butler, our form tutor".

The bell rang as he arrived, digging into his pocket to pull out a key. He unlocked the door and we all poured in. I looked around for an available seat. There was one next to Marceline. I sighed quietly and sat there. Marceline gave me a funny look then turned around to read her book. I dug out my book and picked it up. As Mr Butler read out the register, my gaze kept shifting from my book to Marceline.

Finally, the bell rang, indicating the end of form time and the start of history. I got up and followed Marceline and Finn, who met up with Bubblegum and Fionna along the way. Bubba wasn't in the class. Good.

"So all that revising was a waste of time" Bubblegum sighed.

Finn and Marceline high-fived again, laughing happily. Bubblegum rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. I think it was something about vampires.

"I never revise anyways" Marceline shrugged, giving Bubblegum a toothy grin.

"And that's why you get bad levels" she sighs again.

Marceline smirked and ran up to the first floor to get to History as the late bell rang. We all crowded in and sat at the back table. I sat next to Fionna, getting out my equipment. The supply teacher gave us the books and set the work on the interactive whiteboard.

"Hey, what's the answer to question two?" Fionna asked me.

I point to my book and she copies it down. I smile and glance over at Marcelines work. She'd completed the first part and gone onto the second.

"You're fast" I exclaim.

She gives me a smile and carries on scribbling down. I thought she said she never revises. How does she do this so quickly? I think about what she said on the bus. About telling Fionna about being a vampire. She told them so I guess I should. Maybe I'll talk to her about it during break, after our next class, Art. I sigh and rest my hand on my cheek. I start daydreaming to myself, not realising the bell went until Fionna poked my shoulder.

"Come on Marsh, you'll be late" she ran of to French.

I follow Marceline to her art lesson, still daydreaming.....


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