French is evil

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Marshalls POV

I kept taking side wards glances at Marcy as I showed Fionna and Bubba my vampire powers. First was levitation. Then, all my awesome forms. Fionna kept squealing when I shifted, exclaiming that it  was 'radical'. Marceline kept quiet, smirking lightly at Fionna's comments. Her smirk was really cute. Once again, her green orbs met mine. She gave me a mischievous wink then turned to talk to Finn.

"OK, last of all, please don't run away screaming 'vampire, vampire'" I wave my hands sarcastically around,"Or me and Marcy are screwed and you're dead".

Bubba and Fionna exchange slightly scared looks, then nod at me. I glance back at Marceline, realising that she's glaring at me.

"Don't call me that" she said coldly.

"Oh, sorry, forgot" I pouted, rubbing the back of my neck.

Finn slowly processes the awkward silence between us. He stares from me to Marceline, then to the others, his face expressionless. Until, he exclaims happily "So, you and Marcy both have french".

"Did we have a test?" I say, trying to be serious but failing.

Marceline shook her head. She got out her phone and plugged in her ear plugs, zoning out and listening to loud music.

"OK, well, me and Fionna have to go, we've got art and that's on the other side of the school" Bubba waved goodbye and rested his arm on Fionnas shoulder.

I glared angrily at him but he didn't notice. He turned away and brought Fionna closer to him, obviously making her blush. I'm gonna kill that Gumwad!

"What do you guys have next?" I ask the two remaining people who are actually listening and haven't got their head wrapped around in music. And from what I can hear, it sounds pretty good, so I'll forgive her for ignoring me.

"I've got French with you guys" Bubblegum says, nudging Finn.

"Damn, I got P.E" he moans.

That's weird, I always thought Finn was the sporty type. Maybe he is. "Why, what are you doing this term?" I ask with a quirked eyebrow.

"Gymnastics" he grimaced.

"Wait, are the guys and the girls doing separate things?" I question.

"Yeah, they get to do cricket this term" he pouts, glaring at Marceline as she high-fives Bubblegum.

"Ha, suckers" she says triumphantly.

Suddenly, the bell rings, making me jump at the sudden sound. I watch as Finn scurries to his locker to grab his P.E kit then run off into the direction of the changing rooms. I follow Marcy and Bubblegum to french, not knowing where I was going.

"So what're we learning?" I ask curiously, not really worrying because I took french at my old school.

"Learning how to order something" Marceline grimaces,"I'm terrible at french. I'm pretty sure I've failed the next two tests this term".

"I could tutor you" I say "I speak pretty fluent french".

She nods, suddenly becoming shy. "That'd be great".

I smirk at myself. I think she's falling for me because I'm falling for her. Finally, we arrived at Miss Lady's french class. She sat us down, me next to Bubblegum and Marceline next to this creep called Ash. I could tell Marceline hated this guys because she instantly shifted her chair as far away as she could from the guy. Typical Vampire Queen.

"OK class, next assessment will be in about four weeks" Miss Lady said, pointing towards the board,"So, I'd like you to ask your assigned partner what they would like to order. One will be the waiter or waitress, the other the customer, go".

I see Marceline open and close her mouth, regularly hesitating. Ash kept giving her flirty looks. I turned to Bonnie, noticing she was looking from me to Marceline, a knowing look on her face.

"What?" I ask, fighting to keep away a deep blush.

"Ohhhh I know whats going on" she winks at me then nods towards Marceline.

"Whaa...? Nononononono" I shake my head quickly.

"Just ask her, dude" she replies. Then, she opens the assigned pages of her textbook and puts her finger on the text,"Don't look at it, just read it if you get stuck" she turns towards Marcy and Ash,"Obviously they're to stupid to realise that the answer is right in front of them".

I instantly feel sorry for Marceline "Well that's because that creep is trying to flirt with her, he's doing it all wrong by the way, and she's just trying to avoid him" I object.

"OK, I know you're trying to fend for her. But let's change the subject and do some french, eh?"

I nod and memorise the speech. Me and Bubblegum speak fluently french to each other, going off the subject of 'ordering food' and onto other things like siblings and birthdays and other things. Eventually, the bell rang and now it was time for the fourth lesson of the day. Four out of five, thank goodness, we had English last. Next was Tech. I'm pretty sure I didn't have tech with Marceline, and for that reason, it made me feel kinda depressed. What is going on in my head! Do I like her? Yes.... nonononono! Maybe. Ugh, I don't know. I'll have to decide through tech. Maybe I can make a new friend.

Woah, now I'm really getting into this but to be honest, I got inspiration from an adventure time high school book I was reading. So yeah, I think the secret is out. Marshy has a crush on the first day? Plot twist: they all die! Lol, JK c:


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