Vampires don't exist!

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Sorry for the wait. It's just that school has started again (I got homework on the first day ;-; ) and my iPod sucks at wattpad. I can't get the app. So here's your update. I might be able to slip in an update tomorrow but there's gonna be a party thing so I might have to be sociable for once ;O;

Marcelines POV

The first lesson was music. I smiled as I walked to my locker and got out my folders and stuff for the next lesson, English then put them in my bag. Then, I walked with Marshall to the music room. Our teacher welcomed us with a warm smile. I picked up my axe-shaped bass from the corner and started absent mindedly playing. Marshall folded his arms across his chest and gave me a cute lopsided look.

"What?" I ask, suddenly feeling better just looking at him.

"OK class, today we rehearse the song" our teacher pointed at me "Get the instruments".

I nodded and walked to the cupboard. Basically in music, we're singing the song 'Boom clap' which has a pretty catchy chorus. We also have to play the music. I quickly grab the right stuff and come back. I hand them out then grab my own. The lead singer starts and we all play. As soon as the chorus comes, we all sing along in perfect tune.

"That was awesome" Marshall says after the song was done.

I nod and continue humming to myself. He gives me a worried look, his green eyes narrowing a bit. I knew it was about the story I told him. I gave him a brave smile and carried on.

"Marceline, you sure your OK?" he asked with pure concern in his voice.

"Y-yeah. Just kill Bubba for me" I mutter, feeling sadness sweep over me again.

"I already made a mental note" he tapped his head and winked.

"You are metal" I joke, punching him lightly.

He sarcastically rubbed his arm, looking hurt. I laughed. The teacher gave me an odd look then told us to practice some more. After, like, five or six more run-throughs, the bell went.

We walked to English in an awkward silence. I sat next to Marshall and looked up and the board. We were doing this creative writing thing about mythical creatures or beings. That meant saying over and over again about how vampires aren't real. I sigh, just great! Marshall seemed to pick up what I was thinking and smirked.

"We can prove them wrong" he winked at me and gave me a cocky grin.

"First of all, pick a being or creature. For example, a vampire," the English teacher started,"Then write a short story about you meeting it".

I roll my eyes. I guess I could pick a werewolf or something. I don't really know if they're real but I don't want to meet a vampire. I am one!

Marshall leaned over "Just do a vampire. Like, write about a friend" he breathed in my ear.

My ear twitched slightly from the warm breath. He chuckled and opened his book. He quickly wrote the L.O. and the date and whatever, then started writing about his friend.. Sam? That sounded familiar. I shrugged it off and started writing. I had a good childhood friend. I haven't seen her since I disappeared through the portal and into the war but she was a good friend. Her name was Indi and she was a vampire. She had long dark brown hair and always wore a dark blue bow in it. She had red eyes but whenever she needed to disguise it, they would be a nice blue colour. I sighed sadly.

"Is writing about a friend that saddening?" Marshall asks.

"My only true friend hasn't seen me since the 'Simon incident'" I grimace as memories flood back.

"Oh, well maybe-" Marshall got cut off from my sharp gasp of realisation.

"She said that she wanted to come up here to the surface and join this exact High school" I say happily.

His eyes light up "She might already be here!"

I nod "I'll ask my dad, he still knows her parents".

I scribble down my story. Five minutes later, the teacher tells us to stop. I look down and realise that I'd written about a whole page. Next, the teacher told us that today we were looking at vampires and their legends. I rolled my eyes, and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Vampires don't exist" someone from the front chirped.

"Yeah, if they were, they'd probably taken over by now".

I tried to stifle a laugh. People actually thought this? Wow. I glanced over at my friends. They had the same smirks on.

"OK, Marshall, can you please hand out the textbooks then turn to the assigned page" the teacher started writing on the board and Marshall got up. He shuffled to the books and started handing them out, one between two.

Once he'd done, he plopped back down and set the book down. I turned to page 80 and stared at the activity. It said: With the person next to you write down a list of things vampires can and can't do.

"It means the stereotypical ones, right?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah, so that doesn't mean us" Marshall nods.

I nod to myself and pick up the mini white board and divide it up in two columns. The first is the things they can do. I start it off with 'Drink blood'. The next. things they can't do. I put 'Walk in the sun' for that. After about fifteen minutes, the teacher told us to stop. We had as many as we could think of at that time.

The rest of the lesson consisted of talking about vampires and how they totally are not real. And talking about TV shows, books and famous vampire actors. And yes, twilight was mentioned. I have not read it myself but I hear the vampires "Sparkle". That sounds horrific and put me off. No offence.. twilight lovers? Finally the bell rang for break where I would get the biggest surprise of my life....


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