cartoons and planning

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I'm still super sorry for not updating for about 4 months???? Well anyways, I reread some chapters and I know what I'm doing also I'm gonna clean up this account bio wise since I have no idea what was going through my mind when writing it. Nowadays I cringe when someone says 'lol'. In the 4 months I was updating I was reading homestuck, improving my art style and this summer I joined the gravity falls fandom so you may find references for that lmao. Super excited for the new episode, the last Mabelcorn, tomorrow :DD anyways, enjoy

Marcelines POV

I hopped off the bus and grabbed my key from my pocket, unlocking the door to find my dad sitting on my armchair with a bag of crisps in one hand and the remote for my TV in the other. When he heard the door slam shut, he turned to me, smiling kindly.

"Hey marceline" he stood up, wiping the crumbs off his suit "this human food is amazing" he held up the packet.

I sighed and snatched it out of his hands, placing it down in the kitchen then sitting him down next to me.

"Tomorrows the big day" I take in a shaky breath.

He placed a pale hand on my knee "it's gonna be fine. We've planned this out like, a million times" he makes eye contact with me, he green eyes clouding up slightly "plus you'll get the day off school tomorrow".

I nod but don't smile at what he said. Instead, my eyes go to the TV.

"Dad, why are you watching cartoons?" I reach out for the remote but stop as I hear a familiar theme tune.

(You know what's coming next lmao I'm such trash please stop me)

I run into the kitchen and grab snacks and a drink and jump excitedly back onto the couch. My dad chuckles at me.

"Aren't you a little too old for human cartoons?"

My eyes glued to the TV, I replied "pfft you're never too old for gravity falls. There's a TON of adult jokes in this show"

I open the drink and chug it as the theme tune comes to and end. It was the first episode, tourist trapped. Turned out there was gonna be a marathon leading up to the newest episode, the stanchurian candidate.

I spent the rest of the evening watching gravity falls, laughing at the dumb lines and jokes and almost crying as the twins try to shut down the portal.

"Grunkle Stan...I trust you" the TV blared

The author of the journals emerged dramatically from the portal and I cheered. My dad sighed and rolled his eyes.

After the new episode was aired, the boring sitcoms came on and I turned off the TV to go to bed. I set my alarm for 6am to get ready for the plan and fell asleep instantly.

~ time skip to le morning bruh ~

I woke up feeling calmer than I thought I would. My phone was vibrating crazily on my bedside table. I checked the time: 5:30am.

I unlocked my phone to see who was messaging me. It was Marshall.

Marceline: its 5:30am, jeez Marshall

Marshall: when can I come over?

Marceline: now I guess??

Marshall: OK then, see ya in a sec ;)

I set my phone down and changed into something more causal then went downstairs in search of food. My dad was sleeping in the spare room so I didn't wake him. I got some bread and placed it in the toaster, pressing down on the button thing and waiting until it popped up. I placed the butter,a plate, a knife and jam on the counter and went to see what was on TV. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for more gravity falls. But nope, more sitcoms as usual.

My toast was reading five minutes later and I put on the spread. I was about to take a bite when someone knocked on the door. It sounded urgent so I figured it was probably Marshall.

I opened it to find none other than marshall Lee standing on the front step. Without any invitation, he stepped in, took off his jacket and sat down. I followed slowly, nibbling on my toast.

"You OK?" He asks

I nod "I actually kinda forgot about the whole thing until you messaged me this morning"

He chuckled "wow, what distracted you?"

I sat down next to him, leaning on him and smiling "cartoons" I nod towards the TV which was still on the Disney channel.

"Star vs the forces of evil?"

I shake my head, no. Svtfoe was a newer show on Disney XD. I had seen it once before and loved it and I've been meaning to stream it ever since.

"No but thanks for reminding me to go stream it" I pulled out my phone.

He snapped his fingers "gravity falls"

I nod.

I found Svtfoe on a streaming site and went onto the new episode, watching it with marshall.

"This show is so stupid" he laughed.

Three hours passed. I heard footsteps from upstairs and my dad comes down and sees me curled up with marshall, the ending song from Svtfoe playing in the background.

He nodded to marshall and went into the kitchen.

"When do you think ash will come" marshall said "or do we have to come to him?"

I shrugged and checked the time. 7:50am.

My dad came to sit with us and we went through the plan again. Ash would probably come to us and I had a weapon ready for the fake death. We also had a backup plan which could potentially kill ash. I took a deep breath and my eyes widened as a portal opened on my wall.....

I'm sorry for all the cartoon references but gravity falls has ruined my life (I blame Mabel, she's my favourite) and star vs the forces of evil is great (STARCO, STARCO, STARCO) also when I was nearing the end of writing this, the dog decided to come into my room and sit on me. And now she's trying to sleep on my lap ;D bai


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