An exhausting weekend

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Hey guys, I have just published my brand new book so after you've finished this part, go over to there and read it. I don't care what you think of it, I'm only writing it and this for fun and look where that got me! 3.1K or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcelines POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I would not be lying if I said it was literally on my face. I had fallen asleep on my phone, again. The first thing I noticed was the blinding headache. Marshall wasn't wrong when he said the fruit punch had been spiked. I picked up my phone and looked at my messages. One from Fionna and one from Marshall. I opened Fionna's first.

Fionna: I can't believe you and Marshall abandoned us!

Marceline: Uh, sorry I guess..

Fionna: I saw you guys though, you were pretty drunk *laughs*

Marceline:Shut up.

Fionna: I need to go now, got a date with Finn soon <\3

Marceline: Uh, good luck.

I then went through Marshalls texts.

Marshall: Marceline, please tell me I'm not the only one who's forgotten what we did last night...

Marceline: You don't remember anything? XD

Marshall: Most of it but still...

Marceline: You're not the only one then *rubs sore head*

Marshall: Wanna go to Ooo or something?

Marceline: Yeah, we can take Bubblegum and Gumbutt.

Marshall: OK, I'll call Gummy, you call Bonnie.

I got off my texts and found Bubblegum on my contacts list. I pressed the call button with a slender finger and pressed the phone to my pointy ear. After a couple of rings, she picked up.


"Hi" I said.

"Oh Marceline, it's just you, for a second, I thought it was that stupid prank caller again" she scoffed.

"Prank caller? seems like you're having a good weekend" I smirk, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"What do you want?" she asks bluntly.

"Wanna come to Ooo?"

"Ooo?" she sounded genuinely confused, something she rarely was.

"Yup, come to my place and I'll show you. Gumbutt can come to I guess" I shrug to myself and walk down the stairs.

"OK" she says then hangs up.

I snap my phone shut and grab my sharpie and draw a happy face on the wall between two candles. I lay on the couch with an apple in my hand. I had gotten dressed ages ago in a purple plaid shirt, black skinny jeans and some purple converse I had found under my bed. 

There was a knock on my door. Schwabl started barking and scratching at the door. I picked him and and got him some food to shut him up then opened the door. There, standing in front of me, was Bonnie, Bubba and Marshall.

"Come in. Mind the dog" I say, pointing towards Schwabl who had literally eaten the whole bowl of dog food in seconds.

Bonnie kneeled down and stroked his soft fur. "He's so cute" she chirped.

I toss the apple in the bin then get out the bug milk. Bubba notices the happy face on the wall and asks.

"Why did you draw a face on your wall, you're not seven anymore".

"It's how to get to the Nightoshpere" I exclaim.

His eyes widen "The Nightosphere!? I thought we were going to this 'Ooo' place".

"We are, Gumwad. We have to get through there to get to it though" Marshall rolls his eyes.

I nod and move the others out of the way. I have to drag Bubba off the couch. Then, I mutter the words and throw the bug milk at the face. It instantly turns into a portal. I usher the others in and they all follow. Bubblegum gasps, her eyes wide.

"This is amazing" she gasps.

"Follow me" I smirk, letting my eyes go crimson as I float to my dad's castle.

Judging by the time of day, he would be out by now. I led them to the portal room and turned back to them, a serious look crossing my features.

"Guys, strange things happen when you get there. Like Marshall and I, we can't go in sunlight or we'll burn" I facepalm and get out two black capes with hoods. "So you might not be human, OK?"

Bubba and Bonnie nod, scared looks on their faces. I pull on the cape and make the portal. The others follow. 

Once, we're all in, I close it up behind me. I turn to the others. Marshall was just like me, permanent crimson eyes and large fangs. Bubba and Bonnie looked more pink. As if they were made out of candy.

"Oh wow" I laugh as my mind slowly realizes they were candy. "Genius idea to bring them here, eh, Marshall" 

He nods and looks around. I take in my surroundings, we were near the ice kingdom, great.

"Let's move it's... er.... cold here" I whimper, floating away.

We stop at a large treehouse. I smirk and open the door.The others follow and all plop down on the sofas, quizzical looks on their faces.

"What's happening" Bubblegum asks, looking down at her pink hands.

"Well it seems that you are literally made of bubblegum" I give her a toothy grin and she scowls at me.

"This is.. odd" Gumball starts but got cut off by a grey apple to the face.

I burst out laughing and don't stop until Bubba walks up and slaps me twice. I hiss at him and bare my fangs and he eventually sits back down.

"Why aren't we human?" Bubblegum asked me.

"Well.. let's say if Jake came" I say referring to Finn's older brother. "If Jake came I think he would be a magical dog or something".

"And how do you know this?" she questions.

"Logic" I tap the side of my nose and smirk.

"How is that logic?" she scoffs.

"Doesn't matter. Want anything to eat, I've got red food, red and more red" I ask as I look through the fridge.

"Red please" Marshall says, placing himself on the floor since the other two were taking up the whole of the other couch.

The rest of the day was like that. We explored, stayed away from the ice Kingdom, then went back, safe and sound. I smiled to myself as I lay in bed, hugging Hambo. I had completely forgotten about my headache.

And yeah, Imma stop writing now, my hands feel weird :P


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Where stories live. Discover now