You're so weird

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Hai guys. Just so you know in advance, my friends got me into this online comic thing called homestuck which will probably be mentioned in this part. If you are a Homestuck hater, I respect your opinion, its not for everyone. If you don't know what it is I may of may not be writing a book, depends really. I mean, its so random and XDDDD *sigh* Anyways, here's the part you've been waiting for all WEEK.

Marcelines POV

Halfway through the week, man that was fast. As I wandered to the bus stop, my phone buzzed in my pocket, making my leg tickle. It was from Indi, I guess it was about the new thing she found. She never told me the name though.

Indi: Hi Marcy, you have to read this!

Marceline: What is it?

Indi: Homestuck :3

Marceline: Psh, I knew about that about a month ago XD

Indi: What act are you on?

Marceline: Act 5 (act 1) part.... I have no idea o3o

Indi: What does the (act 1) mean?

Marceline: There are two parts of act 5. One  part where you meet the trolls properly and the others the humans I think. Why, what act are you on?

Indi: 3 and also, I'm walking to the bus stop with Marshall peering over my shoulder and giving me concerned looks....

Marceline: Wow, typical.

Indi: I know right :P

Marceline: Look, get to the bus stop ASAP, I'm getting really bored. I already had to miss two busses because of you!

Indi: OK,OK I'm coming! Keep your horns on :I

Marceline: WTF? uhh... bye.

I shut off my phone and slid it into my pocket. Wow, I never knew Indi was into that sort of thing. I mean, its kinda boring at the start. I peer around and take in my surroundings. It was a cold February morning. Puddles had formed on the ground from the storm last night, which Marshall only told me about this morning because I'm a heavy sleeper.

A poke from an annoying blonde woke me up from my daydream. I narrowed my eyes at him, signaling that I wasn't really in the mood for this. I was incredibly tired after all.

"What's up?" he asked, his blue eyes gleaming even though it was a gloomy day.

"Uh, the sky?" I replied, my voice cold.

I rubbed my eyes and looked down at Finn. He gave me a confused look until he finally got it and burst out into a hysterical laughter which annoyed me even more.

"Hahahahahahahahhaa, I get it now!" he patted my shoulder and leant on me like he had run a marathon.

Geez, it wasn't even funny. That guys a weirdo.

"Why are you leaning on me?" I grunt, shoving his hand off my shoulder.

"Why are you so moody?" he asked, tilting his head and giving me a slight pout.

"I'm not moody, I'm just tired" I rub my eyes once again and sigh loud enough for Finn to hear.

"How late did you stay up then?" he asked innocently.

"Early enough not to hear the massive storm last night" I smirk at him, replaying the awesome stuff I was watching before I slept.

"That was like, at 1am" Finn nodded to himself.

"You can't fight the homestuck" I blurt, smiling goofily for some reason.


"Ahahahahha, nothing" I point to the bus and stride to the open door. 

I walk upstairs and see the others. Indi was there, listening to something on her iPod and Marshall peering over her shoulder, blinking, obviously confused. I slide into the seat next to her, my corner seat. I also look over to her iPod, my smile growing wider. She groans as I pluck an earphone from her slightly pointed ear and put it in mine.

"What?" I smirk as she glares at me "I had this stuck in my head for the whole night".

"What... is that?" Marshall muttered staring at the song on the small device.

"I swear I laugh every time that bit comes on" Indi chuckled, nodding her head to the music.

I agreed, it was a bit random. I mean, it is a bit weird that they mention 'shaving cream' and 'honk honk'. But whatever. Well, if you didn't know what we were watching, then we were watching the most catchy homestuck song we'd ever found. Don't judge us....

"You're so weird" Marshall shakes his head, his eyes still locked to the screen as Indi presses the replay button.

I sighed and pop the earplug out of my ear and into Marshalls, just as the vid came on. He gave me a confused look but didn't say anything.

"What were you watching? Should I be concerned?" Gumball asked, narrowing his eyes at me as if I had another apple in my hand.

"No. You know its bad when you start shipping the characters though" I chuckle to myself.

"That made so much sense" Gumball rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I smirk as the bus stops and we head into school.


I put on my phone and realised I had a text from Marshall.

Marshall: Why did you make me listen to that? o_o

Marceline: B3c4us3 1 f3lt l1k3 1t  :]

Marshall: WTF?

Marceline: Idk, got bored waiting for you <3

Marshall: Oh c;

Maceline: Seriously, where are you?

A cold hand landed on my shoulder. I gasped and turned around. Marshall kissed me full on the lips. I kissed back, my eyes still wide. I saw two shapes coming towards us. Finn and Fionna, oh no.

I pulled away as they came up to our meeting place holding a bunch of apples. I made a grab for one but Fionna slapped my hand away.

"I'm starving" I groan.

"Do you wanna have an apple war after school?" asked Finn excitedly.

"With grey apples?" Marshall asked, slipping his hand into the bag.

"Yeah" Fionna replied, pinching Marshalls arm.

"Where?" I tilt my head

"Somewhere safe. Like at your place" Finn answered.

"OK" I shrug,"I mean I haven't planned anything later except for reading homestuck but whatever".

Finn and Fionna high-fived each other, laughing their heads off. What were they really planing?

Is something wrong with me? XD There's this amazing song called 'you can't fight the homestuck' guys, type it in on youtube. I'm listening to it in repeat just because somethings obviously wrong with me... *whispers in ear* Lil' Cal is coming for youuuu.

Comment if you get that, seriously XDDD He's so creepy. BAIIII


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Where stories live. Discover now