Another enemy

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Hello again, I think these next few chapters may have some feels in them but don't worry there's probably still loads more chapters to come. Also, I think my other book will be on hold until this ones done just because its annoying to write two at once XD still listening to stuff so this is probably where I get all my inspiration from. Also, something completely different and you probably don't care about. I might be cosplaying as gamzee. Not for a convention or whatever, just randomly. Also, my friend will be karkat X3 Wow what is wrong with me and homestuck :P Anyways, enjoy!!

Marshalls POV

"So, you gonna tell me why you were really in the woods?" Marceline cornered me in an alley way and crossed her arms over her chest.

"OK.." I took a deep breath,"I-I met Ash but he was different".

Marcelines green eyes clouded "How was he different?" she said, more calmly.

I shut my eyes "He didn't look human...".

Marceline gave me a hostile look "Why wont you tell me!"

"I don't want to worry you, OK?" I growl back, ducking and crawling under her arms. I walk down the alley way, hands in pockets.

Marceline grabbed my shoulder and stopped me "Just tell me".

I sighed "Look, Ash was wearing a cloak because, he'd been bitten by.. demons" as I said that, it felt as if a massive weight had gone.

"How is that possible?" Marceline hissed, not believing me.

"I don't know, he ran off. Go find him if you don't believe me" I shrug, not really meaning to sound angry.

Marceline thought this through then wrapped her arms around me "I'd rather stay with you" she said into my chest.

I stroked her hair "I love you".

"I love you too!" she smiled at me and took my hand,"Where to now?"

"Well, why don't you choose?" she tilted her head and gave me a cute look.

"Movies? I'll buy popcorn" I smirk as her smile widened ear to ear.

"Heck. Yes!!" she laughed, high-fiving me and walking to the cinema.

"What should we watch?" I asked, walking into the cinema, her hand in mine.

"I don't mind" I squeezed her hand.

"What about 'If I stay'?" Marceline suggested, striding up to the counter and asking for two tickets before I could even reply.

Tickets in hand, she came back and nudges me back to buy the popcorn.

"Toffee for me, I'll wait for you" she patted my shoulder and gave me a little push.

I smirked at her enthusiasm.

"Two toffee popcorns please" I murmur to the lady at the counter.

"Large, medium or small?" she asked, flipping her long black hair out of her eyes.

I turned to marceline and mouth "Small, medium or large?"

"Medium please" she called, observing an advert for a new movie which I didn't recognise.

"Uhh, both mediums please" I hand her the money and grab the popcorns. Before I could go, she stopped me and smiled.

"You're the most polite customer I've had today" she said, her voice slightly bored and tired but still happy.

"Thanks" I smile back and walk back to Marceline.

"You ready?" Marceline asked, squeezing my hand again.

"Yeah" I walked with her hand in hand to the screen and sat down in the front row.

The movie was great, it was sad at times. I wrapped my arm around Marceline most of the time and she snuggled up to me.

When the movie finished, we both got up, dropped the empty popcorn buckets in the bin and set off to my place to hang out and play on the Wii. 

"Marshall" a voice growled from behind me just as I was about to unlock the door.

"Bubba, go away you creep" I frowned.

"Look, I know we were never friends but I need to talk to you" Bubba looked at marceline and narrowed his eyes "Alone."

I looked to Marceline and she stepped inside the house and shut the door behind her.

"What do you want?" I asked, feeling a bit confused and worried for the sanity of an old friend.

"I'm not your friend anymore, I'm your enemy" Bubba whispered, a dark smile appearing on his face,"You deserve to be banished after you treated me".

"Wait..." I stop him with my hand,"So let me get this straight. You're working with Ash to banish us-"

Gumball now stopped me with a slap "I'm not working with that freak!"

"My cheek meat" I groaned, rubbing my pink cheek with my pale hand.

"Look at you Marshall" Bubba said slowly, his eyes full of sympathy. ,"You're a monster".

"So? It never bothered you" I retort.

"Well, thinking about it, you don't deserve to live up here with normal people" Bubba crossed his arms over his chest.

"I think I do" I pout, getting angry.

"Yeah, well what do you think normal people would say if they found out about this?" Bubba asked.

"They'd kill us" I groan.

"How do you know?" Bubba quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Well, our ancestors used to live up here on the surface but then people found out about us and burnt us on the stake" I inform,"nowadays, they wont burn us, they'd test on us and then kill us for blood".

"Interesting" Bubba stroked his chin,"Say, how precious is your blood?"

"I don't know" I shrug.

"I'm curious now" he said, smiling, hands in pockets.

"Don't even try" I growl.

"Oh, I'll be back" Gumball purred, turning on his heel and running off, laughing manically.

"OK, weirdo" I say, really concerned with him now.

I opened the door and saw Marceline playing Mario galaxy 2 on the wii. I slip on the couch next to her and wrap my arms around her waist. I nuzzle her, and she laughs.

"Stop it, you're gonna make me die" she hisses.

I chuckle "Sorry. So, you don't wanna know what Gumwad wanted to say?"

"No thanks. Maybe you can tell me later" she shrugged, guiding Mario to the star and getting it.

She fist pumped the air and yelled in triumph "That took me ages!"

"Wow, I got that first time on my file" I teased, tapping her nose.

She laughed harder and hugged me tight. A warm feeling spread across me. If I had to go, the Vampire Queen was coming with me no matter what.

Hope you enjoyed this update :D Sorry its really bad but actually I really wanna go on transformice and show an internet friend something XD She 'dislikes' homestuck and as I had already mentioned I found a homestuck version of a song she knows. I wanna see her reaction :PP Bai <3 love y'all 


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