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Hai, sorry i didn't update for 2 weeks, i have no excuses so go on and stab me pls. At least I'll die a kebab, like jane and jake did <3 omf i wonder how much hate that'll get XD i was watching the game over with friends and i got to the bit where jane and jake get stabbed and i said "I always wanted to die a kebab" im sorry. agh, double sorry, I'm getting distracted by instagram >.< yeah, i have nothing to say on the matter but I'm listening to alterniaFM like a sad loser and one of my favourite songs from the soundtrack came on :D its black rose/green sun and i think it would be good for an epic fight scene where everyone probably dies. Omg, this would be good for the game over. I'm losing my sanity DONT READ A WEBCOMIC CALLED HOMESTUCK

Marcelines POV

The bell rang for break and we all rushed out of the classroom, not even being dismissed by the teacher. We were rebels like that. We all met at our place and, for once, bubblegum wasn't there. I started to get worried, if she'd gone to bubba and joined him, we'd have less friends and another enemy to deal with. If it got bad, we'd had to kill them and i didn't want to come to that. I looked over at marshall who had the same concerned expression. I sighed loudly and sipped my apple juice. Recently, i'd been drinking it, fionna made me try it a while ago and i loved it. Not even ironically I swear! Indi gives me that smug homestuck trash look and I just shrug. Marshall was still clueless of it all, he thought it was four messed up kids dreaming about these strange grey faced people with candy corn horns and then they all died. In my opinion, that was a pretty accurate description.

"Marshall, stop looking around for her, she's probably trying to get bubba back, to make him sane again" I blurt.

Marshall turned to me, baring his fangs a little "Bubba was sane, I can see them over there and bubblegums with them".

"Oh snap" Indi, sipped her strawberry juice loudly.

"Wow, stop ruining the moment" I nudged her playfully.

"We need to take this seriously girls!" he growled at us.

"Sorry fussy fangs" I rolls my eyes.

He grunts and turns again. I sigh quietly and stand up. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss his cheek.

"I'm sorry" I breathed into his pointy ear.

He paps me. Indi whistles, screaming otp and sipping her drink loudly again. I chuckle and shake my head at her.

"Ok, what do we have next guysss" indi wrapped her arms around both of us and pulled us in for a bear hug.

I giggled and slipped out of her grip.

"Maths?" I asked them.

They both nod. I kinda forget who's in who's lesson. Like, I'm pretty sure we all sit together. Yup, Bubblegum, indi, marshall and I. Bubba changed his seat because he told the teacher we were distracting his learning. The teacher gave us a disappointed, dirty look before moving him to the front. We didn't care really, we were just making ships canon while marshall stared at us like we were crazy.

"Ok, so you're telling me, you ship the angry crab guy who hides his blood colour with the crazy blind girl who licks everything and eats chalk?" he had asked.

We'd laughed and nodded.

"Maths sucks" Marshall moaned.

'Don't worry, we're top set, I can help you" Indi chirped.

"That doesn't help but ok".

I chuckled at them. Even though indi and marshall hadn't known each other for too long, they were close and it made me really happy to see them like this.

Then, the bell rang and we all dragged our way into maths. Bubblegum was already at our table. We sat down and I got out some scrap paper. Marshall took it before I could draw anything.

"No, I'm not letting you draw that crabby guy and the crazy blind girl together!" Marshall shook his head.

"don't sink my ships" I whined.

"Yeah, I checked out this homestuck thing, I don't know why you said people cry over it" Bubblegum muttered.

"Get to act five to six then tell me" Indi frowned.

"Says you, you laughed at the game over and terezis death" I snatched the paper back.

"Yeah, but you have to admit, terezi death was pretty ridiculous" Indi scoffed, smirking.

"And the game over?"

"I always wanted to die a kebab, and for dave, a double kebab" Indi gave me a toothy grin.

"All this talk of kebabs is making me hungry, can you stop" Marshall whimpered.

"Would you like a crocker English kebab?" Indi offered, laughing.

"I don't know what that is, stop please"

I got out a pencil and started to draw karezi. Marshall sighed at me whilst bubblegum looked interested. Yes! another person to get into the webcomic and ruin their life!

"Who are these, i didn't see them?" she asked.

"Ok, well, they first appear in act three but get introduced in act five" I explain as simply as i could. "I ship them".

"And erivris!' Indi put in.

I shook my head "Depends, red or black?"

"I ship them.. black" she nodded.

"OK, good"

"No fish, spider sloppy make-outs today" Indi smirked.

Just then, the teacher came in and we quieted down. They had gone to get maths books and they seriously took about 20 minutes. They passed them round and we got to work. It was easy. Pathetic really, all the stuff I knew from middle school. I saw the bored look on indi's face and decided to draw some more. I finished the questions in record time and passed them to marshall. He looked gratefully at me since he seemed to be struggling. I drew for the rest of the lesson, the teacher not caring and giving glances around the class them getting back on the computer. I wonder what was so important. More important than top set maths.

"Well, that was easy" Indi sighed.

"Yup" I rest my hand on my face and rub out the failed hand I had attempted to draw,

Indi stared at me drawing. We kept like this until the bell rang, indicating the next lesson. But, after that was lunch, the highlight of the day in my opinion even though I really only ate red. Oh well. We all went to our next lesson, excited for lunch.

omg sorry for the homestuck references, I'm such trash, its pathetic really. Well, thanks for reading. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed this part, I'll try and update once a week but if i don't, forgive me. I love you all, my loyal followers. I never thought it would be this popular. I mean, 13K i cant believe it. And like 600 votes. wtf guys, you're so amazing. I don't think i deserve this <33


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