A day at the park

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't been updating lately, please forgive me. I've been caught up in so much homestuck. so many feels right now.... I guess this could be a kinda sad part, I'm listening to a kinda sad song. And no, i don't listen to music often, only when i'm bored or for inspiration. Multitasking is fun :D So, I hope you enjoy this part. Thanks so much for 7K reads, that's amazing i love you so much. The feels are really getting to me now DX

Marshalls POV

It's the weekend, finally. I had been waiting for days for this moment. The moment when marceline and I go to the park as a little date kinda thing. The others may or may not join us later, they said maybe. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I put on my red plaid shirt, skinny jeans and red converse. Squaring my shoulders, I strode out, a basket of food, human food, in my hand. You can't be too careful with what you eat. Both of us decided to try some human food.

"Five minutes early" I nod to myself as I looked at my watch and sat down on a bench.

A dark figure wearing a black cape sat next to me, clicking his fingers. He looked up at me. I stared back, confused at first and then it hit me. 

"Ash? Is that you?" I asked.

"Look what you've done, Marshall" he growled, his new orange eyes glowing in the sunlight.

With shaky hands, he pulled off the hood. What I saw in front of me, I will never forget. His skin was a dark grey, almost jet black. His hair was white and draped over his face. Sharp fangs replaced his teeth. His eyes were a bright orange, a slight tint of green in there, showing he was still part human. In fact, I never really knew what colour eyes Ash had.

"What happened?" I asked, feeling somewhat scared of his answer.

"You, it was you wasn't it!?" He yelled, standing up and lifting up his hair that hung by his neck.

Two bright red bite marks as clear as day on his neck. Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at my expression.

"What was me? I don't understand" I gasp as he pulls me into the woods that surrounded the park.

He gave me a death glare and slung on his cloak, concealing his face. I sighed in relief, to be honest, this terrified me. The fact that someone could become.. that. A demon.

"You sent them on me!" he cried, falling to his knees and pulling his hair, wet tears streaming down his pale face.

"No, I swear" I said slowly, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Then how did they find me?" Ash asked, his eyes glowing angrily.

I shrug "Look dude, I'm sorry and all but I'm supposed to be meeting-"

Ash grabbed my neck and growled, bearing his fangs "Meeting Marceline", he looked into my eyes, his eyes tearing up again,"I loved her so much".

"So she's your her ex or something?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Ash nodded. "It went so wrong though" he hid his face in his hands.

I awkwardly pat his shoulder "Can you let go of my neck?" I gag.

He lets go and pulls on his cloak he was wearing. He gave me another sad look and ran away into the woods.

I stood there for a second and watched him run, feeling sympathy  for him. I guess the demons of the nightosphere knew of his threat and went after him. How they knew was still oblivious to me. Maybe they sent a spy. I look towards the bench and saw Marceline, my girl. I decided not to tell her about Ash, not yet.

"Hey there" I said, stroking her hair as I slipped onto the bench next to her.

"Hey, why were you in the woods?" she asked, giving me an innocent look.

"Uh... I thought I saw something" I nodded to myself, smiling slightly.

"OK, you ready to try some human food?" she says, picking up the basket I had stupidly left by the bench.

I nod and followed her to a nice grassy clearing. She sets up a red and white checkered blanket and we both sit down, setting out the food.

"So, you hungry?" I asked, giving her a loving look, forgetting about Ash for a second.

She nods and grabs a sandwich. She looks at the filling, cheese and tomato. I grab the same filling and we both take a large bite. I close my eyes and chew.

"This is amazing!" I say, my eyes wide, still chewing.

"Yup" she smiles widely and takes another sandwich.

After about half an hour, most of the food was gone. Of course, we'd saved a couple sandwiches for the others if they came. As if on queue, Finn and Fionna ran up to us and hug attacked us.

"Hey Marcy, we saw Ash walking through the woods" Finn said, slightly concerned.

My heart dropped as Marceline narrowed her eyes at me. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear "I'll tell you later, kay?"

She gave me a shy look and nodded, turning to start a conversation with Bubblegum who had just appeared out of nowhere. I saw Bubba and gave him an evil look. He turned away and started off towards the playground.

"Wow, such a baby" I snickered to Fionna, putting my arm around her.

Fionna giggled and stood up, making me let go. "He just wont get over the fact that you kicked his butt in the apple wars".

I laughed, standing up and pulling Marceline up with me. She accepted and followed me towards the playground in search of Bubba. He was sitting on some swings, rocking back and forth. He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Why do you hate me?"

"It feels like you're constantly bullying me, why don't you just run off back to the nightosphere? You belong there, not here!" Gumball said slowly, not making eye contact with me.

Fionna gasped from behind me. "How could you Bubba?"

"I'm fed up of you. If you wont go, I'll make you" Bubba growled and strode off in the direction of his house.

Fionna patted my shoulder, a sad look on her face. "I think its too much for him".

Sorry guys. I had to do this in two days because the computer had to restart and I lost like, 200 words. But, I'm still listening to music and stuff. You know the some 'blue lips'? I found a homestuck version where Aradia sings about Equius and people and it has SO MANY FEELS. my favourite bit is on right now XD bai "green lips, green veins, green, the colour that is draining from her gentle face" nepeta D:


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora