Spreading rumors

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Hello again people of wattpad. Today I will be updating again. I can't believe that when I updated yesterday I had like, 4.1-2K and now I have 4.6K wow lol. Anyways, today I am listening to something on my iPod. If ya wanna hear it, just type in on youtube: Miracle Gamzee (Includes swearing :P ) DONT JUDGE ME ;-; HONK HONK

Marcelines POV

As I walked into school, I noticed that I had more people giving me unusual stares than usual. I narrowed my eyes at them as I walked past. They were probably jealous that I had Marshall by my side, his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Have you noticed the stares we're getting, Marsh?" I ask when we get to form and walk in.

"Yeah, do you think..." he trails off, looking around the room.

No one was giving us odd looks except from a couple of guys that bullied me years ago. I also knew that they were Ash's friends.... Ash! I bet he's been spreading rumors around or even worse. I'll have to talk to him in German. The teacher made me work with him in this stupid project. Bubblegum got to work with Marshall.

"I hope not." I murmur as I sit down and get out my warrior cat book. I flip to the right page and start to read.

I can hear whispers from all around me. I could hear that we were the topic of conversation. I turn my head slightly to hear a certain conversation between the two students sitting beside us.

"Did you hear? There are VAMPIRES in this school living amongst the mortals" one said, a female voice coming from my left.

"What!? Do you know who they are?" a male voice hissed.

"Ash said that they were Marceline and the new guy" she whispered back, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, they look a bit suspicious." the male voice confirms with a slight nod.

"Quiet class" I sighed in relief as our form tutor strolled in, looking annoyed at something.

She glared in my general direction then took the register. I rolled my eyes and answered my name. Then, when that was done we had to silent read for the next ten minutes. All the time I could hear the constant whispers about me and Marshall. I heard the word 'freaks' come up a lot which concerned me.

"Ash said that the freaks are vampires. What do we do if they attack!?" one person had asked his friend.

I could feel his eyes literally burning through the back of my head. The glares I was getting. The anxious looks. It made me mad but I couldn't show it. 

As I slipped into my seat next to a smug Ash, I shrugged off my bag and punched his arm. Hard. He cried out in pain. I smirked, good. This gained us more looks. Scared looks at me and looks to Ash that read 'I'm sorry you got paired up with a freak, dude'.

"What was that for!?" he cried quietly at me, his eyes wide, his mouth turned downwards in a scowl.

"Well, let me see. In my form, people were whispering behind my back about vampires" I hissed angrily back at him, bearing my fangs slightly, letting my eyes go a faint red colour. It was too late now anyways.

"Oh. Well your secrets out now. What ya gonna do now, freak?" he smirks at me, rubbing his arm.

"Kill you" I hiss under my breath as the teacher hands out the sheets.

Ash genuinely looked scared, his eyes grew wide and he backed away a bit. I saw my reflection in his bright eyes. My eyes were crimson and my fangs were out. I blinked and my eyes turned green again, my fangs turning into real teeth. Human teeth.

"Aha! I knew it" Ash pointed at me and said to the people nearest to him,"She's a vampire!!"

I death glared them, three people who actually turned around to look. They turned away, heads held low. I smirked and glared at Ash. "I'm not just any vampire" I hiss to him and only him.

"What do you mean?" he asked, grabbing the German sheet and scribbling down the answers, scratching his head.

"I'm the vampire queen and if this gets out, I'll kill you" I hiss the threat at him.

"Wow, really" his eyes grew wide again he looked impressed.

"Mmmhm" I hum. "And I never break a promise."

"OK, OK I'll stop spreading rumors" he turned the other way before muttering under his breath,"For now anyways."

"I heard that" I smirked and I picked up my own sheet and copied his answers.

When the bell rang, I sighed in relief and packed up my things for the next lesson. P.E. Great. This term we were doing netball. I always hated netball. I caught up with Bubblegum on the way and told her about Ash.

"Oh no" she breathed. She out her hand over her mouth.

"Its OK for now I think" I confirm, my mouth making a straight line.

She nods and heads to the changing rooms. When we've changed, we walk up to the netball courts and into our teams. We all have team colours and ours is yellow put I like to call it gold. I picked up the bib with the big 'C' on it for Centre. That position was always the easiest for me since you could go anywhere but the D's. That sounded kinda wrong. Heheh. 


I sat on the wall as people passed by our hangout place, glancing at me as if I were crazy or something. I picked up and apple and watched some people stop walking and stare at me. I put the apple back in my bag and they walk off, disappointed. Well, what did they expect? For it to turn purple or something. I may be a vampire but even I'm not that good. I sighed and plugged in my headphones. For some reason I could get WiFi here so a pressed the 'youtube' button on my iPod. I then pressed my subscriptions and watched a couple of PewDiePie vids, making me feel better already. I swear, the fabulizer or whatever vids are so amazing and make my laugh every time. I did this for the rest of lunch, ignoring my friends. To be honest, it made me feel a lot better and more confident that this was just a phase and that it'll pass in a couple of days. Or else Ash was dead....

Ty for reading HONK HONK c:


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant