A trip to the Nightosphere part 2

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sorry I didn't update last week, I have no excuse, I just didn't have any inspiration. I don't now tbh but I'll try. Sadstuck will probably turn on and I'll be like: lel, time for sad stuff and possibly death :D but that's what you get if you let your soul be sold to Hussie. I need to get rid of that instagram tab or I wont get this update done in time omg I get spammed with likes because of my like, 512 followers or w/e and every time I go on it, alterniaFM crashes D: anyways, I need to recommend you something. Its called summerteen romance and its a paradox space comic (homestuck, I'm so sorry) it updates like homestuck does and tbh they make me laugh. Like the most recent ones where feferi pulls out...  her bag.. and then it turns out to be rootbeer ;u; no spoilers :P *gives up on alterniaFM and goes on youtube*

Marcelines POV

To be honest, I had been waiting for this moment ever since I broke up with Ash. He had threatened to take over my homeworld and I guess he kept his promise. My dad had gone and now I was the only one left, along with my friends, to fend for my kingdom, or future kingdom. If I ever get to run it. Maybe Ash will make me his "queen". Ok, plan B, if Ash takes over, I'll get him to marry me or something then sabotage everything. I look over to Marshall. He's giving me the puppy dog eyes as if he knew what i was thinking about. He doesn't want me to get hurt. Then there's Indi. Well, she looks ready to die for me, like the loyal best friend she is.

"Guys, we should go over and see whats up" ok, then there were the humans. Finn had noticed a mob of trolls and demons gathering in a circle.

"Ok, but they're gonna recognise you two as humans. Got anything red or black to wear?" I asked.

They both shook their heads. I nodded, ok. I went back to grab some old clothes that would probably fit them. I threw them at the kids. Fionna pulled on a big black jumper and slipped on a beaked mask. Finn put on some fake vampire fangs and an old onesie (that was clean) with a devil tail and a trident with triangular ends.

"You Nerds" Indi poked finns teeth.

Finn hissed at her. She rolled her eyes then followed me to where the mob was. Someone was in the middle. He was wearing a long hooded cape which hid his face but you could see large fangs glistened as he spoke.

"Do you want to stay like this? in poverty? with Hunson culling everyone who's weak? No?" he roared.

Half the crowd cheered and some of them noticed us and stayed quiet, giving us pleading looks. I pushed my way to the middle. The strange guy turned to our group, his mouth turning down in a frown. I still couldn't see his eyes.

"Not you" he growled.

He stepped down from the rock he was standing on. We backed away, the crowd parting for us. The hooded guy moved his cape a little, revealing a belt filled with all kinds of weapons from different universes. He picked out a long blade made of ice, a smirk playing on his face as he saw my expression. It reminded me of simon and as it did, my heart shattered. He ushered us into my dads castle, running the blade across the walls, ripping paintings and pictures my seven-year-old self drew all those centuries ago.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked bravely, my voice cracking a little at the end.

The ice blade was making me uncomfortable. Marshall wrapped his arms around me for reassurance but to be totally honest, it didn't work, I was shaking.

He smirked at me, running his fingers swiftly across the blade. "Ya know, I know this simon guy".

My eyes widened, anger rushing through me, I bared my fangs and tried not to lunge and dig them into his neck.

"So?" I asked bravely, standing tall.

"So" he walked up to me, pushing me against the wall and holding the blade to my throat. "So, I can kill him and I know it will destroy you" he chuckled and let me go, walking around us in slow circles. "And then my master can take over".

"There's no way you're gonna kill simon" I yelled at him, trying not to let the tears leak from my eyes.

"Oh yeah?" he spun around, moving his hands around. A portal opened.

I couldn't breath. I forgot how to for a moment. I felt faint. Marshall pulled me into a bear hug and whispered its gonna be ok in my ear.

"so, we can strike a deal" he closed the portal.

I turned to him and nodded slightly, signalling for him to talk.

"You give up and hand me the throne or I kill simon" he offers out his hand.

I narrow my eyes at him then shake my head "I'm sorry but i don't own the throne, my dad does" I shrug innocently.

He hesitates, shoving his hands into some unknown pockets.

"Ok then, when your dad comes back, overthrow him. I know he wont give in to my offer" he gives me a look that reads 'if you don't do this, I won't break my promise'.

"Uhh" I look over to marshall.

He just shrugs and looks pressured.

"Deal?" He picks up the blade once again and swings it around.

"C-can I think about it?" I asked as innocently as I could.

He nods "You have three days. And if you don't come back, I'll find you" he points upwards,"See you up there" he then turns and walks off, cape swooshing dramatically in the non existent wind... we have... ok, that ruined the moment I'm sorry. Out of all seriousness.

I turned to the others, tears streaming from my eyes.

"I cant.." I jump into marshalls arms and he swings me around then shoosh paps me.

"Its ok" he mumbles into my hair.

I nod and then take everyone back to the surface. I tell the humans to keep the clothes for future trips then head home with marshall. He stays the night with me, sleeping on the floor on an old mattress. I cry myself to sleep, thinking of the consequences that the future brings...

this took longer than expected because instagram was spamming me. With likes and like, 3 followers :D then I stopped to listen to this song about filling quadrants (and buckets) and I was just smiling. Oh vriska, why are you so desperate, don't you have john? *insert smug eyebrow face here* ok, hope you enjoyed, I'm being spammed again :3


Blood red skies (Marceline x Marshall)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat