62 - Efron's over for dinner

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{Cleo's P.O.V}

Zac and I are sitting next to eachother on the bus. Camp was amazing. That up themselves school didn't stand a chance against us and we are the new champions.

"Zac?" I whisper.

He's fallen asleep on my shoulder. I pat is head awkwardly and demand that Dylan takes pics.

As soon as I get home dump my bags and lay down on the couch.

"Hey moe" I hug my younger sister as she runs towards me in excitement.

"How was camp?" My mom joins us.

"Yeah good" is all I could say. It's not like I could tell her.

"Oh yeah I had shower sex with my boyfriend" that would be awful.

"Hungry?" My mum hugs me when moe finally gets off me.

"No, mom.. But can I talk to you?"

I needed to tell mom about Jake. She has a right to know. I tell her the whole story.

"..and then luckily Zac was there to protect me" I say.

"Zac?. Who's Zac?"

Better sooner than later.

"Okay.. Don't freak out. He's my boyfriend."

"Really?" She doesn't seem pissed, she seems excited.

"Can I meet him. Invite him over for dinner." My mom is getting weirdly happy.

I don't know if that will be her reaction when she finds out how old he is. And for the loosing my virginity part.. I'm keeping that a secret until I turn 18.

"Alright" I smile at her in shock.

Mom rushes into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. I head up stairs and unpack. After I shower I text Zac, I notice he's already messaged me.

Z ❤️
Hey. Those photos were not funny haha. Btw best camp of my life.

Those pictures are going on Facebook 😜 btw my mom found out about us. Come over for dinner, she's really excited.

Okay. I can't wait, should I bring my dad to keep them occupied so it's not awks. And Dyl?

Yeah sounds good x see you around 6 😘

I go down stairs.

"Mom.. Zac and his dad are coming to dinner. And Dylan too"

"Why would Dylan come?" She asks stirring in the kitchen.

"Oh didn't I tell you.. They're brothers" she stops stirring.

"Wow! This should be interesting." She laughs.

"I'm going to get ready" I shake my head and walk up stairs. Once dressed I help moe pick out a cute dress to wear.

"You look cute" I smile.

"Zac's coming over, remember Zac?" I ask walking down stairs with her.


"Remember you've never met him okay?" I get down to her height.

"Got it" she seals her lips with her finger and throws away the key.

Mom has prepared lasagne and salad. With GARLIC BREAD. Sorry it's the best food since... Ever!

"Help me set the table Cleo" she says in a rush. She adjusts her hair in a hurry.

"Mom calm down, it looks lovely"

The door bell rings as I put the last set of knifes and forks on the table.

"Hello nice to meet you. I'm Pam. Nice to see you again Dylan, and you must be Zac. Nice to meet you"

"Hi I'm David" I see Zac's dad shak my moms hand as I walk to the front door.

"Make your selves comfortable in the living room, dinner will be about 5 minutes" my mom smiles.

I awkwardly wave at the boys and David.

"Hey" I hug Zac and Dyl, after shaking David's hand.

"Drinks? We have sprite and some mixers. "

"Sprites fine." Zac says and they all nod.

I walk out awkwardly leaving them to chat.

"Cleo.. He is gorgeous!" My mom whispers.

"Shhh! Can we talk later?" I giggle pouring the drinks.

I walk in with their drinks and Moe has found a way, as usual, to be the centre of attention.

"And I was on the playground, but Lilly threw up everywhere. It was awesome" I worry that I'm related to this child.

"Moe? Leave them alone" I laugh and the boys join in.

"Dinners ready" my mom shouts and we all join her in the dining room.

After we all serve our meals and the small talk stops, my mom pops the question.

"So? Zac.. Are you in any of Cleo's classes. How did you meet?"

"Actually no, I'm a senior. I met Cleo because I'm her basketball mentor" he smiles.

My mom looks at me weirdly. She must have known he was older when she saw him. Maybe not.

The rest of the dinner was pretty normal. Moe wouldn't shut up about.. Well what ever she was saying. After dinner the boys and I went up stairs whilst David and mom chatted, about us as it turns out.

"Thankyou so much for dinner, we should do it more often" David hugs my mom as the boys leave. We wave to them as they walk down the street to their house.

"You have a lot of explaining to do" my mom smirks.

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