78 - Reunited

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{Zac's P.O.V}
Cleo goes to her bathroom and puts on some makeup as I sit on her bed and sigh in content. I can't be happier. I just wish she could come back to NYC with me in 2 days, not almost a year. "Sorry Zac, if I knew you were coming I would have dressed up a bit more" she laughs walking down the hallway and sitting beside me. I kiss her softly lingering near her for a while, just thankful to be so close to her lips.

"What's this?" I pick up a piece of paper near her bedside table. She takes it out of my hands insisting it's nothing. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Cleo.. Come on" I look at her disappointedly

"Fine, it's a letter from my dad, he invited me to stay with him when I'm at NYC" she hands me the letter, biting her lip as I read it.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" I ask hugging her. "Well if you knew I could move out there, I thought you would want me to finish high school in New York. I just don't want to move so soon. I love where I am now, I just didn't want you to think I loved you any less because I wanted to stay here" she's becoming upset so I hold her in my arms. I'm becoming concerned that she doesn't want to move to New York with me at all.

"Cleo, I would never pressure you to leave. Okay" I look at her and kiss her forehead.

"What do you want?" I ask her, a little skeptical of the answer. "I want to move to New York, but.. Not until March." She awaits my response.

"That's fine, it's your life. Never feel pressured. What that's only like a month after what we planned? Why March?" I stand up and put my jacket on.

"I don't want to miss the basketball finals" she coughs a little embarrassed.

"Aww. I love you Cleo" I kisse her softy.

We walk down stairs and head to the fair, I haven't been there in ages. I'm in the mood for some lighthearted fun, so this should be great.

{Cleo's P.O.V}

"How's Nash?" Zac asks me as we stand in line at the fair entrance.

"He's alright. I never saw that relationship coming to an end" I signed, I honestly thought Henly and Nash were the most perfect couple ever.

"Yeah, they were great together. Maybe they'll get back together once Nash is at uni and has a stable job" Zac pays the woman at the gate and she gives us stamps.

"Let's have some fun" Zac picks me up and twirls me around. This was going to be the best night. My boyfriend and I finally reunite. Just under a year, the wait was agonizing and the anxiety builds with in me. 9 months and we will be together forever.

"Me and my girl" he whispers as we kiss under the stairs.

A/N - only a few more chapters left :(
I'm so glad you enjoy my writing, it means so much. Xx I'll update this time next week

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