10 - Just Friends

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{Cleo's P.O.V}

Dylan walks in and sits down. Jake comes up to us. "Dude we have a sub" he tells Dylan. Jake runs off to tell everyone. "Hello everyone my name is Mr. Patel, get on with your work. I will be back in 10" Everyone starts talking as he walks out "Look Cleo" Dylan starts. "I'm really sorry for kissing you so suddenly. It's just I like you... a lot" he looks down at the table. Wait hold up, a guy likes me. "Can we just forget this happened and go back to being friends?" He asks. I hold out my fist. "Friends" I confirm as we fist pump.

{Dylan's P.O.V}

I want to be more than friends but for now I'll just take it slow. Mr. Patel comes back to class and see's that no one has opened a textbook. We have to work the rest of the lesson in silence. *ring* yes thankgod.

{Cleo's P.O.V}

"We have basketball now" Dylan celebrates but doing a cute little dance at our lockers. I grab my bag and we head down to the gym.

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