69 - Family Reunion

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{Zac's P.O.V}
I grab my bag from the carousel and start heading to the exit. The flight was terrible. Luckily I got at least one hours sleep, but I had this kid kicking my seat for half the flight and the fat man almost falling on top of me.

"Z. Good to see you man" my dad gives me a huge hug. I laugh slightly.

"I missed you guys so much" I smile fist pumping Dylan as I'm still being hugged by my dad.

"I miss you at home Zac. So glad your here. Let's head home." My dad takes my bag and we all get in the car.

"So I heard you broke up with that girl. Alicia was it?"

"No. Her names Alice. And yeah.." I sigh looking out the window trying to escape this conversation. I don't know how we lasted for that long, she actually broke up with me because I wouldn't sleep with her. But no one needs to know that.

"That's a shame. Are you going to see Cleo?" He says stopping at a redlight.

"Dad?" I say annoyed.

"What? You were going to propose to her. Sorry if I thought you might want to see her after 6 months."

"How did you?... Dylan" I turn to my brother as he smiles nervously.

"Why would you tell dad about that?" I yelled in frustration.

"I'm sorry. Okay. He kind of had a right to know if his son was getting married, and it just slipped out"

"How can it fucking slip out?"

"Language" dad shouts.

"Sorry dad. But can't you see why I'm pissed" I smack Dylan in the arm.

"Zac" Dad yells. "Enough with you two"

Dylan puts his headphones on and sulks in the back.

"Zac why didn't you tell me?" Dad says in a normal tone to break the silence.

"I .. I don't know. It's hard to explain." My voice breaks and I gulp loudly.

"Can you try?" He says putting his hand on my shoulder. He can see I'm about to lose it.

"I didn't want you to know incase I got rejected. And by the way, I didn't even get a chance to ask her." I stutter.

"Zac I'm sure she'll still want to see you."

"Whatever." I say trying to not cry. My dad can tell when the conversation is done, which has always been good. Especially after mom died. I wish she was here, she would know exactly what to say.

"Finally" Dylan sighs as we pull into our street.

I take my bag upstairs and fall asleep.

I've never felt so rested. I get up and go to the bathroom checking my hair and brushing my teeth.

"Morning" I head down stairs to see Dylan and Eve in the lounge room.

"Hey Zac" Eve shyly smiles and giggles. I just realized I'm still shirtless.

"I'll be right back" I awkwardly nod and go upstairs

{Dylan's P.O.V}

I death stare Zac as my girlfriend is staring at his abs.

Zac heads up stairs and Eves eyes follow.

"Eve?" I snap her out of her thoughts. "That's my brother" I say disgusted.

"Sorry his got good abs" she giggles.

"Not as good as yours" she smiles lifting my shirt up and kissing me.

"Alright, alright.. Can we keep the porn to a minimum I'm trying to eat" Zac laughs eating his cereal in the doorframe.

"Move over dorks" he sits next to us and changes the channel. Really?

"Alright. We are going to Cleo's" I get up and start to walk out.

"Oh.. Umm can you tell her I said hi"

"Why don't you just do it yourself?"

"Dyl? Please" Zac's looks upset.

"Fine" I walk out with Eves hand in mine as we walk to Cleo's to spend the day.

As we are hanging out watching tv and chatting I suddenly remember.

"Oh yeah Zac says hi"

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