34 - Jake??

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{Zac's P.O.V}
We've been driving for over an hour and I haven't asked her what's wrong. I can see she needs time, but I'm wondering what triggered this. Cleo's looking out the window daydreaming and trembling with her knees lifted to her chest. I pull into a diner. It's almost 10pm so not many car are there.

I look over at Cleo to see she's asleep. She looks so beautiful and peaceful. I park and think wether I should wake her up. I gently put my hand on her knee. She starts to scream. "Don't...leave me alone!!!!" I start to panic as she's screaming these things. What did I do?! She looks so scared and helpless. "Stop!!! Jake!!!" She cries. She keeps repeating it over and over, she's having a horrible nightmare. I take her seatbelt off and pull her waist towards me so she's sitting on my lap sideways. I pull her head to my chest and hug her tightly. "Cleo, it's okay. It's just a dream" I comfort her. She starts to try and escape my arms. I just hold her tightly, but she won't stop panicking. She wakes up suddenly, she keeps kicking, hits me in the ribs and opens the car door. I grab my side in pain as she runs through the parking lot. I sprint after her. She slows down and falls to her knees in the middle of the carpark. She's crying into her hands. I slowly approach her and sit down. I take her hand and she screams. "It's just me... Cleo it's me" she grabs my neck and cries into my chest. I just hold her tightly in my arms. I'm never going to let go. She's breathing so heavily into my chest, but she slowly starts to calm down. I feel a small drop on my nose. It starts raining, but I doesn't matter. I'm just going to support her. I lift her chin and stare at her lips. I move closer and kiss her quivering lips. The rain falls on our faces and we are so drenched. "Let's go inside" I whisper helping her up. We walk inside the diner and the bell dings making everyone stare at us. And by everyone I mean, two waitresses, an old man and a small group of teenagers. "Do you want some coffee?" I ask her taking my cardigan off and hanging it over a chair. It was toasty warm inside. "Yes please" she whispers.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
I take Zac's cardigan and walk to a booth, in between two empty booths. Next to one of the empty booths were a group of guys. I sit down and take my jumper off. "Hey what's up gorgeous?" A guy says sitting down across from me. "Umm, nothing" I say weakly, not only an I recovering from what just happened, I've never been able to talk to guys. "I'm Ben, can I buy you a drink?" He says leaning across the table. "I'm sorry I'm here with my friend" I say, oh I forgot "... My boyfriend" I correct myself making sure he got the message. Zac walks over with the cups of coffee. He puts them on the table making Ben jump. "Hi I'm Zac" he says pissed off. "I'm Ben, and..I.. " Zac interrupts him "was just leaving..." Zac smirks. Ben gets up and walk towards his friends. "Ohhh" they all laugh as he sits down at his booth.

Zac sits down and we both take a sip. "Cleo... If you want.. I really want to know what that was about" he says with a drop of water from his hair running down the side of his neck. "I just saw..." I say. I can't even get the rest out. "...jake?.." Zac questions. I am stuck for words. "How.. What..how do you know that?" I stutter. "You were screaming his name in your sleep Cleo.." He whispers.

Zac Efron Fanfic - Falling For CleoWhere stories live. Discover now