76 - Movie Night

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A/n: thought you guys deserved a surprise chapter. Happy Monday lovelies!! Firstly I apologies for the crap quality of my last chapter. I was really tired when I wrote it and I hope you consider it more of a bridge in the story than an event. Second, excuse all the P.O.V changes, I hope it's not to confusing xx

{Zac's P.O.V}

*5 months later*

I can't believe It's been almost half a year since I've been home. I decide upon myself that this weekend I will surprise Cleo. I can't wait to see her. I pack a suitcase and being Thursday, keep my necessities out until I leave Tommorrow. "One more day" Parker says excitedly for me. He knows my pain, although he hasn't seen Renae in almost 2 years. I don't know if I could go that long without sex to be honest, hey sorry it's the truth. Soon enough Cleo will be out here with me. I'm counting down the days.

{Cleo's P.O.V}

It's been awkward since the party. Nash comes over every Tuesday after school to help me with my science. I don't even know if he remembers the kiss, but I don't want to bring it up regardless. He still hangs out with Henly a lot, but just as friends and Eve and Dylan are just as normal. I ship them so hard. I've been working so hard at school so I can get early admission to NYC!! I'm so exited to go there with Zac. On Skype we've been discussing that when his roommate Parker leaves to live with Renae, Zac wants to rent an apartment together. Of course I'll be living with my dad and because I wouldn't be an adult yet, I wouldn't be aloud to. But I could hang out with Zac whenever I wanted. It sounds perfect. Only 8 months until NYC!!

{Zac's P.O.V}


I zone out in the atmosphere at the airport. My flight was delayed two hours due to weather. I've told Dylan and obviously dad that I'm coming home for the weekend, but Cleo has no idea. I walk to my gate when the plane is ready and board anxiously excited. I can't wait. The flight, like all of them, is tiring and drones on and on. Why must I be completely awake and starving on nearly all flights. Airline food is way to expensive. The plane eventually lands and as I am touching down my heart begins to beat faster. This is it.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
I shower in the afternoon because I can and then go through Connor Frantas latest videos. He is by far my favorite YouTuber. When my hair is dry, I braid it down the side of my face and straighten my side fringe. I wasn't going out anywhere, but Dylan was coming over tonight for a movie night. It was hardly ever just us anymore, so it's nice for just the two of us to hangout.

{Dylan's P.O.V}
I can't wait for Cleo's reaction. Dad pulls into the driveway with Zac sitting in the passenger seat.

"Zac!!" I run up to him when he walks through the door, dropping his bags on the floor in sleepiness. He lumps himself onto the couch. "No hello" I laugh kicking him. "Sorry man I'm so tired" he sighs wiping his eyes.

"Well you're due at Cleo's in 20 minutes. Surprise" I say half seriously. I could tell he was not impressed.

"What do you mean ? I was going to surprise her Tommorrow." He gets up and walks up stairs in a rush.

"Well" I explain chasing after him. "You said you wanted to surprise her, so I'm trying to help. She thinks I'm going over and then you'll show up."

Zac rushes into the bathroom and fixes his hair and sprays Cologne. "Do you know if her moms home?" Zac asks stopping all his rushing around waiting for an answer.

"Why?" I ask curiously.

Zac holds up a condom he gets from his bedside and winks at me.

"Bro? Please... Stop. She's my bestfriend." I hit him over the head with his Tshirt he'd taken off before he rushed into the bathroom.

"And yes, her mom will be home. So please just keep it in your pants until Tommorrow." I laugh kind of in disgust while taking the condom out if his hands and putting into his draw. Zac continues to rush around and spends a good minute fixing his hair. "Do I look alright?" He says nervously through gritted teeth.

"Bro you wake up next to this girl looking like a total mess, she won't care"

"But I do. I always want her to feel like she has the best"

"Gay" I laugh shaking my head as we both walk down stairs.

"Wish me luck." Zac walks out the door. Before rushing back in a second later. "I almost forgot" he runs up stairs and brings down a small box, I assume it's a gift. Cleo is going to freak.

{Zac's P.O.V}
I approach Cleo's door and knock anxiously. I could not wait to see her.
Pam opens the door and covers her mouth in shock pulling me into a hug. "Zac what a lovely surprise" she whispers pulling me inside.

"Is that Dylan? Tell him to come upstairs" Cleo shouts down. It's been so long since I've heard her voice in person.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
I finish getting dressed and put some concealer and perfume on. I hear a knock on the door. Dylan right on time, that's unusual I smile to myself. "Is that Dylan? Tell him to come upstairs" I shout down to my mom who is cooking in the kitchen. I quickly throw my dirty washing into my wardrobe and pull my bed cover up to make it look made. I hear footsteps and my door handle quivers.

A/N - leave a comment if you want an update before next week. I might just write one if you all want it ❤️❤️

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