54 - Telling Dylan

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{Cleo's P.O.V}
"That was..." I smile. "Incredible" Zac whispers. I lay my head down on his chest and sigh. "What time do we have to leave tomorrow?" Zac gets up and puts his underwear and SnapBack on. "Around 4am, but you can sleep in the car"

I suddenly hear a screaming noise outside. I get up and put Zac's oversized hoodie on, which is hanging over the balcony. "Looks like Ed Sheeran is here" Zac wraps his arms around my waist from behind. "Seems so" I yawn. "Let's get you to bed" Zac kisses me softly then picks me up bridals style. "I can walk" I giggle taking his SnapBack and putting it on. "I like holding you" he smiles tossing me on the bed. "Go to sleep" I laugh as Zac starts doing push ups. "How do you think I stay in such good shape?" He winks jumping on the bed next to me. "Lay" I pull his leg down. "Fine"

*next morning*

"CeCe" I hear Zac whisper. "He's holding a towel. "Have a shower, we're leaving in 20" I hear the door close and I drag myself to the bathroom. After having a shower and making myself look as presentable as I could, I walk down to the lobby where Zac is waiting. "Morning beautiful" he smiles hugging me for what feels like a life time.

"Breakfast?" I ask. "This way" Zac takes my hand and leads us into a small cafe a street down from the hotel.

{Zac's P.O.V}

I order some pancakes and coffee whilst Cleo sits down at a booth. "I can't wait for basketball camp" she smiles as I sit down. "Guess who your rooming with?"I smile. "Who?" She says. "Meeee" I laugh. "Wait the school let's you mix boys and girls?" She asks shocked. I laugh. "No.. You're actually rooming with your friend Eve but I don't have a roommate, so guess who's sneaking out?" I take a sip of my coffee. "You know I love you right?" Cleo giggles innocently. "What's not to love" I smile.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
I can't remember much of what happened on the trip home, I was asleep the whole time. Zac drops me off at school and I rush in and meet Dyl in maths. "Hey bffl" he smiles hugging me.

"Hey Dyl, how's it going?"

"Alright, did you get your note signed for camp! I'm so excited"

"Oh shit! I totally forgot, I don't even know what happened to it"

"It's okay, lover boy can help you out" he laughs.

"Shut up butthead" I smile.

I need to tell Dylan about me loosing my virginity. I know he will be mad. But the only thing worst than telling him is not telling him. He has a right to know.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah" Dylan looks at me seriously.

"Attention class.. Today you will need your calculators so if you don't have them, get them" Mr Tate says walking in.

"I'll tell you later" I smile.

"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" He assures me.

"I know"

I text Zac. I really want him to meet my mom so I don't have to lie to her anymore.

{Zac's P.O.V}
I decide to skip the morning at school. I drop Cleo off and then head home to sleep for a few hours. In woken up by my phone

Hey Zac
I'm telling Dylan today. I can't keep it a secret and he has a right to know.

It's okay, but please make sure he keeps it on the down low. I really don't want everyone finding out.

I love you!! Can you please come by my house with a permission form after school, I lost mine and I think you should meet my mom.

Sounds good. See you at 4. Xx

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