23 - Walking to School

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{Cleo's P.O.V}

My alarm goes of at six and today I decide to wear high waisted denim shorts with my basketball shoes and a lakers jersey. I love dressing comfy, especially because I have basketball after school, no fussing about. When I'm ready I pack my lunch in my bag and head down stairs. "Moe?" I say picking her up. "Yes?" She answers. "Are you going on an excursion today?" She nods in excitement. Moe and her class Are going to the zoo. My phone buzzes as I'm eating my cornflakes.

Best Boyfie ❤️

Hey Cleo, is it okay if Zac walks with us? He said he wants to talk to you about basketball.

-> that's fine I guess. See you in 10

I can't believe that. Yes!! It's like a dream come true. All I want to do is feel what I felt yesterday. I swear I love him, and I don't even know him.

{Zac's P.O.V}

I convinced Dylan to walking to school with him and Cleo. She only saw me for a second. I need to make her love me. I've never been so determined before. Me and Dyl walk out of the house and are on the way to Cleo's.

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