84 - Will You Do Me The Honour?

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{Cleos P.O.V}

Zac takes my hand as I get out of he car. I recognize this place, we had coffee here. I laugh in contentment as he puts his arm around my waist and leads me inside.

My emotions are everywhere. This is so sweet, I wander what food they have here though.

"Do you just want a pizza and some garlic bread or something?" Zac smiles asking me, although he looks a bit shaken.

"Yeah sounds perfect" I smile keeping eye contact as he walks up to the counter to order. I take a deep breath as I remember everything that happened here a couple years ago. So crazy. I laugh as Zac pressure points me before sitting down.

"Ass" I smile at his childish acts. That's what I love about him, he's doesn't take life to seriously. He always sees the brighter side.

Zac looks more nervous tonight than usual, and I know because we spend every second of the day with each other basically. We talk as usual for a bit and then Zac goes silent.

The pizza gets bought out and placed infront of me. The strange thing is, it came out in a box, instead of on a dish. Before I even consider why I open the box and lift up a slice instantaneously. Before I put the slice in my mouth i stare in shock at the pizza and then back at the slice in my hand. I quickly put the slice I took away and back into the puzzle.

"Will you marry me?" Is written out in pepperoni. I can hardly contain what is happening in my head right now.

Zac gets down on one knee and takes my hand in his, using his other to emerge in his jacket pocket and pull out a box.

"Cleo, since they day I met you I knew I would never get over you. You are so beautiful and I could never ask for a better, bestfriend, girlfriend, roommate and soulmate. I am so amazed that somehow God arranged our lives in this way so that we would, not only cross paths, but create our own and embark on the journey together. So Miss Cleo Camilia Carter, will you please do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me" he asks tears in his eyes as he opens the box to reveal a ring. A huge blue diamond, it's amazing, I couldn't have chosen something better myself. "I haven't answered" I think as Zac is looking at me lovingly and of course people in the diner all facing us.

"Yes" I utter crying as I hang on his neck. We kiss whilst we talk and he puts the ring on my finger. Perfect fit.

"To Mrs Zachary David Alexander Efron" he whispers in my ear and everyone claps and cheers. We sit down and enjoy the pizza aswell as take selfies. Zac actually asked the manager to film the whole thing so we can show our family. "Our family" that's so weird. Now Moe will be Zac's sister and....and Dylan will be my brother. I now know that's how things were meant to turn out. Because I do love Dylan, but more like a brother. I am so overwhelmed I can hardly enjoy the pizza, as I'm chewing to fast to even taste it.

"Here's to the future" Zac holds up a class of wine.

"No, here's to right now" I smile as our wine glasses touch and we kiss over the booth.

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