35 - Cleo's Horrible Past

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{Cleo's P.O.V}

Zac puts his hands on mine. "What did he do to you? " Zacs asks. "Cleo when did you see him!?" Zac demands. "Just earlier in Baskin Robins". "What did he do?" Zac says angrily. "H-he tortured me" I hardly even say, it's more painful after every word. "He bullied me Zac, he turned the whole school against me and beat me until I lost consciousness."

{Zac's P.O.V}

I can't believe what I'm hearing!! I suddenly get really mad at this Jake kid. "Cleo.. I'm so sorry.." I move to her side if the booth so I can cuddle her. I kiss her forehead and squeeze her tightly. "Thanks Zac, It's just... That was the first time I've seen him since I left school" Cleo sighs. "I haven't had a nightmare about him in years...what else did I say?" She says worriedly. "You just kept screaming for him to let go" I say. "Oh and then..." I smirk. "..you beat the shit out of me" I try not to laugh. "Zac I'm so sorry" Cleo says half serious. We talk for what feels like hours about everything. I love this girl. I think I should tell Dyl. I don't know, this is so fucked up!

"Do you want to get out of here?" I say due to the fact that it's 12pm. Cleo nods and I put $10 on the table and we walk out. I take her hand and we stroll to the car. Oh by the way I drive a black Toyota supra. We drive and get to my house by 1:30pm.

{Cleo's P.O.V}
My clothes are still pretty wet. "Zac are you sure we won't wake your dad?" I say as Zac fiddles with the keys at his front door. "Cleo he's still at work.. He's normally home around 3 or 4am" Zac sighs as we walk upstairs.

Do I sleep with him? Not like "sleep" with him, but sleep in the same bed? Or the couch.. This boyfriend girlfriend stuff is so new to me. "Cleo do you want to shower?" He asks me as he strips down to his boxers. "Umm...together?" I ask confused. "No you dork" he laughs pecking my cheek. "We've only been dating for a day.. And you're already coming on to me?" He jokes shaking his head. "Your such a dick" I laugh ticking his neck. He laughs so much... That's his weak spot. I continue to tickle him until he pulls me down onto his bed. We are suddenly breathless. Zac slowly gets up after he stops laughing and kisses me. Possibly the best kiss yet. Short but passionate. "I'm having a shower, do you need anything?" Zac asks genuinely. "Umm do you have any clothes?" I question in disbelief. Zac rummages through his draws pulling out a lakers t-shirt and a pair of pink boxers. "Real men wear pink" he says embarrassed walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on. I get changed and put my wet clothes in the pile where Zac's are. After I'm dressed I turn the lights off and sit on Zac's small couch. I check my phone.

Dyl 🙊 -- (12:26am)
Hey. What's up? Henly fell asleep and I'm at her house hell bored. You want to talk?

What do I tell him. "Zac shut up" I laugh as he's singing at the top of his lungs.

(12:29am) --> hey Dyl. I can't talk at the moment, so tired xo see you Friday

Dyl 🙊 -- (12:29am)
Night Cleo x

I wasn't lying. I'm actually about to fall asleep. I try to keep my eyes open but I can't, I curl up and fall asleep.

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