My mother walked over to me and pulled me into her arms, kissing my cheek before smiling into my eyes. "You must tell her soon before she walks in on something and assumes"

"Yes mother" I sigh, dismissing her words and turning to find my small purse to start my journey to find the general. Maybe I could see Donatello and have him wish me luck? I missed having him in my room to warm my bed.



"I feel like this distance has made me crave your more" I frown, gently running a palm against his jaw. He smiles, kissing each fingertip before pressing his lips against mine.

"Okay so how will I seduce him?" I break away from him and wipe the sheen from his lips.

"You're a woman? Just use your charms like Oslo said?"

"Charms?" I giggle at his bold assumption.

"Your natural Calla given charms. You certainly charmed me" he smiles, taking my jaw into his palms. Even when he wasn't trying, he made me swoon. Little did he know my charms were painfully awkward encounters and excessive giggles.

"My charms don't come as easy to someone I don't truly favor"

"Well? When try to imagine the coupe and how glorious it will be and your rise to power."

"That would be nice to imagine."

"Or?" he says, letting the silence fill the air before carelessly caressing my lips. I deepen his embrace, my hands molding around his neck before he pulled away. "Do it your own way. I know you Calla; once your mind is made up, you find your own way. You did it with the coupe and you will do it again." He encouraged, letting his lips press against my forehead.

"Mmm" I hummed, lifting my eyes up to meet his warm brown ones. I loved him so much. He knew me so well and for that I was thankful. I see the general walking with a small glass of whiskey before stumbling into a study room.

"There he is!" I gasp, pushing Donatello away and pulling my dress sleeves a little more lazily.

"Wish me luck!" I whisper, kissing Donatello's cheek before pacing to join the general in the study room.
I hoped he would go along with my plan and show his support.


"General J'offre!" I barged in, taking in the dismal atmosphere of the room. "I do hope all is well with you general"

"If your idea of well is 200 fallen soldiers then I guess it is as well as it could be" he curses, pushing another glass of whiskey into his mouth. He turns to face the voice and jumps once his eyes landed on my figure.

"Empress! I did not know... I apologize" he chuckled l, bowing low to show his respects.

"At ease general. It is just me" I smile girlishly.

"I is well as it can be at the time" he says pouring a hefty size of liquor in his glass. He chugs it before burping and staring at me.

"Your beautiful Empress." He burps. He had no appeal on me but I needed support when I enacted the coupe. "Why thank you sir, but I do have something I want to discuss with you."

Before he cares to listen, he stood from his chair and drew closer to me. "Mmm" he smiles, sniffing the hem of my dress like a lost doe, "Leo certainly doesn't treat you the way a true man would" he says, leaning an arm lazily against the couch cushion.

"I guess his incompetence precedes him." I sigh, gently running a palm through my dress to smooth it. He chuckled at my quip, pouring a glass of whiskey for me.
I was testing the waters to see how much insult I could express and he seemed to favor it. I needed to gauge the waters to see how loyal J'offre was to Leo.

He scooted closer, pushing the wine glass into my hand but I sneakily stood and went to the bookshelf. "So Joffre, do you honestly think that this war is beneficial? Men are dying.
People are dying an Genovia is surely losing its status."

"All accurate statements," he says downing another glass of whiskey.

"Then what if I said there was a ...solution. A rebellion of some sort?"

He smiles, standing and staggering over to me. A rebellion? In Leo's kingdom? I would say that the person suggesting this might be insane" he chuckled brazenly.

He pulled me into his waist, running a finger against my cheek. I cringed, trying to imagine Donatello but it was a disservice to him. I would not obtain my throne with cheap gimmicks of seduction.

I couldn't do it....
I refused.

"Get off" I cursed, calmly leading his hand away.
He chuckled, thinking I was kidding but I push him away more violently. "Get off you drunk!" I push him away again but he grabbed my jaw and forced me to stare into his eyes. "Why are you so hesitant. That's why you came in here right?" he shows off his smile.

"Let go of the reigning empress of Genovia" I whisper, the tone in my voice was nothing less than lethal. He ignored me, pinning me against the bookshelf.

I felt for something, anything, to separate from him and felt a small piece of wood. I couldn't see behind me but it felt like something firm to use as a weapon.

Before he had the chance to press his lips against my neck, I raise it over my head and crack it over his skull.

"AHHHH!!!" he yells, falling to the ground. I felt no pity for him or remorse. He tried to get up but I held him down, shoving a heel into his chest.

Something like this would have affected the old Calla. I probably would have cowered into a corner and cried. I was so helpless back then but now?
I was not that woman. Leo had made me so accustomed to the disservices of life, I was almost immune.

"Look, you drunk oaf. I am planning a coupe and I need your aide."

He lifted a finger to his head to feel the bump before lifting his eyes to watch me. Blood trickled down his hairline as he glared at me. "I'm bleeding!"

"So you are" I hummed, digging my heel into his chest.

"A coupe? Are you crazy?" He yells.

"No. I am the furthest thing from insane but I am adamant and headstrong. Either way, I am planning a coupe and I need your men, your weapons and your aide. If I take Leo down, there will be a force of opposition. Despite popular belief, there are still some Leo sympathizers. (*Trump supporters have entered the chat)

He looked up at me, contemplating my words but still remained silent.

"I can see it in your eyes general. Just as much you can see it in my own.
We both crave it.
Maybe I am the fool for commencing it..."

He still glared at me but I could tell he was contemplating my words.

"When you are ready to stop being a drunk fool and forcing yourself onto me, you know where to find me general," I announce before taking my heel away and turning to make my way out the room.

Author Note:

Where did Calla go? This is not the same Calla that entered into the palace of Genovia!

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