Abduction - Sailor Mercury

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"They're not threats." Luna muttered. "They're just little girls." I placed my hand on theirs, curling my slender fingers around them. There was a soft gasp, and the two girls opened their eyes. They met mine, and then they stated to cry, burying their head into the pillows. I sighed softly and reached over to my stand, where a small Sailor Earth doll was sitting. Mamo got it for me as a joke. But, I kept it around because I liked it. I pulled two roses out of the vase it was resting on and pretended to hold them in her hands.

"'Do not cry, young ladies'." I said softly, putting on a voice. "'My magical roses are wilting, and only the smiles of two fair maidens can save them. Here, may I ask for your assistance to help them bloom once more?'" Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi reached out and teach took a rose. "'Thank you, fair maidens, I am Sailor Earth, at your humble service.'"

"And my name is Luna."

"And I'm Topaz." My brown feline said, stepping forward next to her cousin. "Did you have a bad dream?" I poked my head up from behind the bed, smiling at the two.

"I think I do a pretty good impression of Sailor Earth, right?" I asked. "I think I should be a professional vantriloquist."

"Wait a second!" Chibi-Kumi exclaimed. She scrambled over to the end of the bed. "We have talking toys too!"

"That's right!" Chibi-Usa agreed, following her pink-haired companion. "This is my Luna-P Ball, but I just call it Luna-P."

"This is my Topaz-P Ball." Chibi-Kumi added. The two set their balls on the bed. "But, I call her Topaz-P."

"Luna...P?" Luna muttered.

"Topas-P?" Topaz echoed.

"Small Lady." The ball's spoke. They were both femininine voices, but seemed to be staticy, as if being transmitted from far away. "Small Lady!"

"Who are the 'Small Ladies'?" I asked.

"Those are our names." Chibi-Usa said.

"Mummy gave them to us." Chibi-Kumi added. "But she and Mamma just call us 'Usagi' and 'Kumiko'."

"So that means we have Small Lady Usagi." I started, poking the pink-haired girl's nose. "Small Lady Kumiko." I poked her sister's nose. "And then Luna-P and Topaz-P. If it's ok with you two girls, my friends and I will call you 'Chibi-Usa' and Chibi-Kumi'. It'll be confusing with two people with the same name in a group." My eyes flicked down to the chains around the girl's necks, the Silver Crystal and the Gold Crystal's copies. Chibi-Usa also had a key on her necklace. The two gasped, turned away from me and huridly tucked the charms into the sweatshirts. "Is that your house key?"

"This key is very important." Chibi-Usa explained. "We need it to get home."

"Is home nearby? I can take you." The sisters shared a look before turning away from me. I smiled softly, rising to my feet. I shooed Luna and Topaz off the bed. "Come on now, both of you lay down. It's late, it's time for you to get some sleep." The two glanced back at me before reluctantly laying down. I pulled the covers over them and gently tucked them in.

"Do you know if Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth are really strong?" Chibi-Kumi asked, her green eyes peering up into my own. I smiled down at them.

"They're invincible." I told the sisters. "When they're together, there's nothing that can take them down." I then lent forward, pressing gentle kisses to their foreheads. "Now, you two sleep. If you need me, I'll be on the couch." I turned off the lights as I left the room, Luna and Topaz bounding out behind me. I sighed softly, looking out the window. I picked up the home phone and dialed the Tsukino household. Unfortunately, due to the late hour, they were all in bed. The answering machine picked up. "Hi, Miss Tsukino, Mr Tsukino, this is Kumiko. I now you're probably worried about the girls, but I'm just calling to let you know that I foudnd them at the park last night and I bought them home with me. They're safe, I'll come by in the morning to drop them off and pick up Usagi. Goodnight."

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