Certain Doom

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A/N:Warning! Extreme Spoiler alerts!
Daryl, Judith, Cameron, Carol, Kelly and Beth meet up at the door of the hospital.

"Go! Go! Go!", he shouts as they run through the door.

Instantly as he slams it behind him, walkers crowd the door as they bang against it.


A pair of hands retrieve the box Beth left behind.

The woman uncovers a letter, signed Beth Greene.

"Maggie, we need you! Jesus is dead, Tara is dead. Enid..."

As the woman reads the letter her eyes widen.

Maggie looks up from the letter and gives a shocked expression.

Back in the Hospital...

Beth and Cameron meet up in a room with cats as she looks around then slips him a pistol.

"Is it loaded?", Cameron asks.

"Only one bullet...", She whisperers. 

Time Skip...
Gabriel gives instructions as Luke chimes in with his own instructions.

"In order to lead the walkers away...we need to connect it to the wagon...", Luke says.

"That wagon is on the other side of the horde...", Magna says.

"We can make it...I'll help...", Lydia says.

"We can help...but not if she comes...", Beatrice says. 

"Look we aren't all gonna make it through...but this is the only way...", Cameron says.

"If Cameron is going, I'm going...", Kerry says.

Cameron walks over to a stash of melee weapons and slips one underneath his sleeve.

Daryl, Kelly, Cameron, Emmett, and a few others prepare as they gut walkers and cover themselves in it.

"Hey, why is Negan clean?", Cameron asks.

"Cause I ain't goin...", Negan says.

"You've done this more than any of us...", Daryl says.

"I'm on the tip top of every flesh wear list...so if the idea is to get through to draw attention, I'm the last person they want to stand next to...", Negan says.

"That's bullshit...if you want to be apart of this...you put your ass on the line...just like everyone else...", Daryl says.

"It's time...", Gabriel says, opening the door.

Jerry, Magna, Luke, Jules, Kerry, Carol, Emmett, and Beatrice walk forward, Cameron turns to see his kids, Lorianne, Andrew, and Marylynn put their hands to the glass. 

He walks up to it and presses his hand against each of theirs.

He feels another hand being pressed over him and he looks to see Daryl who held him close.

Cameron kisses him before going into the other group.

Cameron steps towards everyone else and slips on his hoodie.

Jerry opens the door and they all hold their breaths as a group of walkers makes their way in the room.

It's a bit cramped as they file out into the bigger horde.

As Cameron leads Kerry, Carol and Beatrice Kerry hold Cameron's hand.

He walks through the horde and suddenly sees a knife as one of the whisperers walks up to him, however she's shot down by Jemma as the arrow sinks into her shoulder and a group of walkers start ripping her to shreds.

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