New Frienemies

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Y/N yawned as he woke up on Jessie's couch.
She had insisted he stayed with her so she could help him with pregnancy cravings and hormones.
Y/N had been an overall emotional wreck at times, but he always put on a big smile for the kids of Alexandria.
He was worried about his health and his baby's health because he had gone into a major depression.
He hadn't spoke to Daryl since the argument and he wasn't looking forward to running into him.
Which was exactly why he,Noel,Mikah,Zak,Lia and Liam were out scoping out the house they came across before while Rick delt with the herd.
Beth had gone with Daryl and he hoped she'd come back safe.
Y/N sighed as he took a seat on a log.
MK:you alright?
Y/N:I'm fine...the baby is just as active as its father...that's all...
LI:we're not too far away from it...
NL:that's if it didn't get up and just walk away...
Y/N sighed as Zak handed him some water from his canteen.
ZK:Me,Lia and Noelle will keep watch while you three explore...
Y/N nods and he,Mikah and Liam entered the house.
Y/N had gone through a study, and what looked to be a relaxing room...perfect for him to bring the children of Alexandria to...
Liam stepped in.
LM:Y/N...I'm sorry for telling Daryl about your secret...
Y/N:no! Screw you me and Daryl can't be in the same room together without screaming at each other! I don't want to talk about this...its not you who should be put to blame...I chose to tell you...not the other way around...
Y/N says before exiting.
Mikah and Liam soon joined him outside.
Mikah smiled gently at Y/N as she took out a small Polaroid camera.
The entire group looked through it and decided to take a picture of the house.
Just as the camera clicked...
That was the sound of a gun's safety getting taken off...
?:put your hands up and your guns on the floor...
Daryl and Beth had been separated from the group and they were trying to find their way back when they came across three people; Sherry,Dwight and Tina.
The two could easily take them out but they decided to go along.
Beth had gotten weird signals from the three and when Tina had gotten bit that's when they made a run for it.
However Daryl stopped and made her go back with him when they were later held at gunpoint.
SH:I'm sorry...
Y/N:always keep your goodies protected...
End of flashback...
Beth's eyes lock on the bag of guns in Dwight's hand and she instantly pulls out the gun shes been saving and grabs Sherry pointing it to her head.
B:I'm sorryER...
Back to Y/N...
Y/N clenched his jaw and he put down his big rifle and instantly turned around pointing his gun at the girl with piercing brown eyes.

Y/N clenched his jaw and he put down his big rifle and instantly turned around pointing his gun at the girl with piercing brown eyes

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?:Five on Seven...not a fair fight...
MK:wait...five on seven?
She asked with a girl keeping her rifle to her head.
?:we don't count you small fry...
A boy said as Zak glared at him.
Y/N:listen we dont need any trouble...that's not what we came here to do...
?:you might not have...but I did...
She said as she made a loud whistle.
Down came a lot of people from the trees making the group stand back to back.
Suddenly Y/N heard a third voice.
?:Santana! Stop it! Can't you see he's pregnant?

?:Santana! Stop it! Can't you see he's pregnant?

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The boy with glasses said. he got knocked up...that's not our problem...
Y/N:look...we need that house...I'm assuming you tree people won't need it as much as us...
?:what makes you say that?
An older woman asks walking up to them.
ST:Mara...these people were just leavin'...
MA:no...if they want this house...they need to work for it...
Daryl drove his motorcycle without saying a word to Beth when finally they stopped.
D:You didn't have to do that...
BT:what? So they could rob us?
D:So we wouldn't start anythin'...
BT:you want to talk about starting stuff? You have a baby on the way...
D:don't go there...
BT:your right...Y/N's too good for you!
D:he's too good for me? Beth he's been keepin' secrets from the group...some that got your loved ones killed...
Beth bites her lip.
BT:none of that matters...I'm not holding a grudge against him and neither should you...hes the mother to your kids! your his husband! least you were...
D:listen kid if ya wanna keep beaten' me up over some argument between me and my husban'-
BT:that's just don't get it...Liam wasn't the first to find out he was pregnant...I was...I read his file...
Daryl stayed quiet.
BT:He was under serious pressure finding out he was pregnant because he knows that there's little chance for him and the baby to survive! And he wouldn't want you upset! But you made him feel oh so good about trying to look out for you by yelling at him and divorcing him...
D:Beth...yer right...he wasn't tryna keep it from me...he was tryin ta' protect me...
Back to Y/N...
Y/N glares at Mara.
Y/N:well...what do we have to do?
MA:As you know...that overrun college is just down the road...that's where we came from...
ST:a certain teacher was a medieval freak...
CI:He loved medieval gadgets so much that he locked himself in a shed and stuffed himself into armor before he turned...
OR:we only have one rifle...
Lyra nodded holding it.
RC:and he has plenty of weapons...
MA:think you can handle it?
JY:He shouldn't be doing this he's pregnant!
LI:he's not the only one...
Y/N's eyes widen seeing Liam's arm around Lia.
Y/N:got and Lia are pregnant...anyone else?
They all shook their heads and were escorted to a rundown shack.
Y/N:So me,Mikah and Lia are staying outside...
NL:I'll try my best
Y/N feels a hand on his shoulder.
He realizes its Jay.
JY:you need to come with me...
Y/N:why what's-
JY:no time...we need to hurry!
Y/N hurries after the smaller boy as they enter a backdoor of the shed.
Y/N:what's the matter?
JY:They're rigging it... they're planning on killing you and taking your guns...
LI:why are you helping us?
JY:my mother always said do what's right...and I don't want me or my boyfriend to be associated with a group like that...
Y/N pulls out his gun.
JY:be careful...if you make too much noise they'll pile up on you...
Y/N bites his lip as he,Lia and Mikah get their guns ready.
They hear the door creak open and hear the three struggling.
Jay shined his flashlight to reveal multiple walkers in armor.
Y/N:how many teachers were medieval freak?
JY:they're not...they just say that story as a cover up...we need to hurry if we're going to save them....
Y/N bumps into a few shelves and soon they're in the same area as the rest of their group.
Jay flashes his light and they see the big walkers trying to devour the three.
Y/N quickly went up to the one Noel was dealing with and quickly slipped his knife through his jawline and allowed him to fall back.
Lia and Mikah seen him do this and followed.
They saved the other three and suddenly the lights switched on.
Jay bit his lip.
MA:Jay what the hell are you doing?!
JY:Mara your way is corrupt...and all of you stand around and allow this to happen! We need to change as a whole...please...Y/N and his group seem like good people...why can't we go back with them?
MA:You all belong to me...remember that...Now as for you Y/N...get out of this part of the woods...take your house and never return...
Y/N sighs relieved and then turns to Jay.
Y/N:I'm sorry I can't help you further....
Jay sighed.
JY:its alright...
Next time...
Jessie's screams are muffled as she's devoured by the walkers.
Carl struggles to lose her grip when Rick cuts her arm off.
Ron stands there horrified and suddenly his gun is raised pointed at Rick.
R:Ron no!

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