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Meanwhile near the church...
Bob's eyes fix on his surroundings...
He's in the forest...he doesn't remember walking there...
Then he realizes his arms are bound and he sees a campfire.
Suddenly a man comes face to face.
?:that pink haired pretty boy...he killed my mom...him and that gray haired queen...I seen him take off with that archer...
He realizes who hes with and looks down at his leg.
Back to Y/N...
Y/N sits silently in the car as he and Daryl pursue the car with the cross on it.
He recognizes the interstate they're on and realizes they're headed into Atlanta...
Y/N has random flashbacks of what life was like before the apocalypse.
Flashback begins.
Y/N rests his head on Daryl's shoulder as he watches the sunset.
It was the summer before he goes off to college and he was very pregnant.
Merle had come up with the bright idea that they should go camping and so that's what they did.
The three spent all afternoon relaxing and swimming and the dixon brothers even had a few drinks.
Later that night Y/N laid in his sleeping bag waiting patiently for Daryl to stumble in.
He liked the was like his escape from the city.
Suddenly he heard his tent being clumsily unzipped and in came the man he loved so much.
Daryl had a goofy smirk across his face and his eyes eagerly explored the smaller man.
D:yer' beautiful...dont e'er forget that.
Y/N smiles as he pulls the taller man to him.
They share an eager makeout session and suddenlt Y/N could feel the heated feelings between them as he couldn't hold back the little moans he could make out.
Flashback ends...
He was snapped out of his thoughts when Daryl stopped the car.
He seen two men step out of the car in police officer suits.
He thought to himself where they could be headed and suddenly felt a banging on his window.
He was met with a female walker.
D:don't move...
Y/N seen them look over at the car they were in and he held his breath.
Soon they got back in their car and drove off.
They were met with a horde of walkers.
D:we need to get off of the streets...
Y/N:There's an old shelter...not too far away...
Time Skip...
Daryl and Y/N enter through the backdoor of an old looking building and are met with many rooms and offices.
Y/N leads daryl into an empty looking one and Daryl's eyes fix on the desk with random objects on here.
D:how do you know this place?
Y/N:after the outbreak...this place was the last resort I went to...y'know...I didnt know if you were even alive...I was alone with our son...I was just really worried about you...
Daryl stepped closer to the short male.
D:do ya' still worry 'bout me?
Y/N looked up and into his eyes and nods slowly.
Time Skip...
Daryl sighs as Y/N lowers his nude body off the taller man.
They had been slow and very passionate.
Without any condom Y/N worried the worst...but the heated scene wasfor the best...
Y/N hears a banging and his eyes widen at who was in the door.
Daryl sighs recognizing the body.
It was his old friend Sherry from the doctor's office...
Y/N sighs and takes the knife from Daryl's hand and opens the door.
He puts her out of her misery and they leave her body outside.
The next morning...
Y/N realizes he's alone in the bed and smells a strange scent.
He goes outside and sees Daryl burning Sherry's body.
Y/N sits next to him.
Y/N:thank you for burning her body...
He rests his head on the taller mans shoulder and they relax together.
Time Skip...
They were on the side of a building examining the herd.
D:alright...let's make this work...
He takes a stack of papers and lights it on fire and throws it in the opposite direction.
The walkers spot the flames and stumble to it giving them enough time to run into a parking garage.
They see a bunch deceased people in sleeping bags and tents.
They snarl at the two and they each put them out of their misery.
They spot a chained door and Daryl whispers.
D:alright shorty you first...
He says smirking.
He said pouting as he slides his rifle under the door and slips through.
Daryl follows and suddenly they are being held at gunpoint by a slender black man.
?:hands up!
They put their hands up.
He searches them briefly and turns around.
?:I'm sorry I have to do this...
He slices the tents and shoves walkers at them and takes Y/N's rifle and Daryl's crossbow.
He runs out and Y/N shoots down a few walkers before debating shooting at the boy.
He lowers his gun not wanting to waste the bullet.
Daryl runs after the boy and Y/N follows behind.
They end up in a room and Y/N could see a car with the same logo as the cars from before.
Y/N:there...there could be someone inside who knows where Beth is...
Daryl nods and they make their way out.
They end up by the car.
Daryl opens it and searches it.
He goes to climb in but Y/N puts a hand on his shoulder.
Y/N:its not sturdy...I'm smaller...
Daryl smirks.
D:at least you come to terms with it...
Daryl proceeds to climb in and search deeper.
Y/N sees the nearby walkers and climbs in after him.
He looks out the window.
Y/N:there's more comin'...
D:I see 'em...
Daryl climbs towards the back and notices a medical stretcher and sees writing on it.
D:GMH what is that a hospital?
Y/N:yeah...Grady Memorial... it was on the other side of town from my old hospital...
They both climb out and Y/N shoots a few in the head before shouting at Daryl.
Y/N:there's too many!
He says letting Y/N in the van first.
He slides into the van and closes the doors and they both get into the seats.
The two men put their seatbelts on and Y/N slides his hand over Daryl's.
Y/N wasn't that religious...his mother made him go to church when he was little so when he was scared he turned to god...
Y/N:our father...full of grace...hallowed be thy name...thy kingdom come...thy will be-
He heard the banging and looked at Daryl holding his hand tighter.
Y/N:I love you Daryl...
D:I love you too...
He said before the car flipped off the highway.
They landed perfectly on the ground.
Y/N groans in pain as he opens his door.
Daryl hears walkers fall ontop of the car and quickly helps his husband out of the car.
Y/N:D-Daryl...everything's hurtin'...
D:I know my love...we'll get you all patched up...for now we gotta find beth...
They ended up in another office building where they explored for a bit.
Suddenly they heard gunshots and followed them.
Sure enough the boy that stole their guns was down the hall.
D:You son'bitch!
The boy's heads shoots up and he quickly shoves a walker at Y/N.
Y/N yelps in pain as he falls with the walker on top of him.
Daryl quickly slices the walker in the head and turns to see the boy running into another room.
He quickly helps up his smaller husband.
Y/N slightly limps and they go after the boy.
They find him underneath a bookcase with a walker on top.
?:please help me!
They spot their guns by him and both pick it up.
?:I-I had to protect myself!
Y/N looks to see Daryl walking away.
Y/N goes to get the walker but Daryl shoots it with his arrow.
He lifts the book case off the boy and Y/N says.
Y/N:we're looking for a blonde seen her?
The two jump up at her name.
?:she helped me escape!
D:where they holding 'er?
Y/N: Take us to her!
?:they're holding her in Grady Memorial Hospital...
Y/N and Daryl look at each other.
Time Skip...
They sneak into the lobby of the building and Y/N says,
Y/N:I'm gonna go scout out the streets...
D:don't stray to far from the lobby...
Y/N nodded and headed out.
As Daryl and Noah chatted they suddenly heard commotion.
They seen the men hit Y/N with their car and get out of it picking the small boy up.
D:NO! Y/N!
Noah grabbed him.
N:no...if anyone can help them...its them...
Daryl sighs and turns to Noah.
Time Skip...
Beth walks down the halls until she sees a familiar looking face in a stretcher....

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