The Long Road(.5)

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Warning! Includes offensive language! And underage drinking
The night was cold and hard, as Y/N trudged on the muddy road.
Screams of his friends and family could be heard...then he heard her car...
In the distance a set of head lights lit up the night...and the car didn't stop...
Y/N gasped feeling his mom shaking him roughly awake.
Mom:Listen you little shit...I have a business meeting in Atlanta at 4:00 and we need to be there by get your ass up!
Y/N sighed remembering why they were moving to Atlanta...his old family...his hero...
His mother never treated him the same in public.
The way she acted in public reflected the way she once parented...that was when he was five...
He was twelve now...and trying to make her proud.
Y/N packed the little backpack he was allowed to keep as his mom planned on selling the rest of his stuff.
A picture of his father sat on his nightstand.
That was around the time her mood changed...
She went from baking cookies, to brewing up lies to fill Y/N's head with.
Your father never loved you!
You should have been a girl!
I wish you died instead of him!
You don't deserve to live!
I should have aborted your ass!
Y/N winced as the oil from the bacon made contact with his arm.
He looked down and realized that was the smallest of his cuts...
He had much larger ones...
Some weren't from him...
Y/N set the bacon and eggs down on his mothers plate.
Mom:serve yourself...
The small boy looked eagerly up at her and hurried into the kitchen excited to be able to eat.
However as he sat down at the table and went to dig in, his mother stopped him.
Mom:no no no...good boys get to eat...bad boys can only look at it...
She said taking his utensils.
Y/N sighed.
It was another game she was playing with him.
He sighed as he sat there, his stomach growling as he desperately wanted to inhale the food.
Soon it was time for the two to go.
Y/N didn't have any siblings, so his mother made him do all the chores around the house.
Mom:I want this place spotless! We need that security deposit!
Y/N scrubbed the floor harder.
She placed a hand on his shoulder.
Mom:you missed a spot...
She turned her drink upside down, letting the coffee get all over the floor and splattering on Y/N's clothes.
Y/N's mouth widened and his mom walked out of the room.
Soon Y/N sat in the passenger seat of his mothers car as they zoomed through down the road.
There was no sound aside from the car engines...which Y/N didn't mind.
He loved silence more than any of his mother's constant yelling and rants.
He sighed as they passed through his childhood home town.
All the memories he was leaving behind.
His father didn't want them to leave...but he was no longer there to make those decisions.
Y/N struggled to stay awake to prevent upsetting his mother when they drove past a sign that meant they were in Atlanta.
Y/N's eyes laid on the house they would be staying in.
As he placed his suitcase down on his bed his mom walked in.
Mom:you look like shit...go get some vitamin d...
Y/N sighs.
This was one of his mothers games, to embarrass him in front of the new neighbors.
Y/N walked out and decided to just sit down on the curb while he waited for his mom to let him back inside.
As he got up to explore the neighborhood, he felt his body collide with a much taller and stronger male.
Y/N:woah, I'm so sorry!
Daryl's POV
Daryl had been out chasing after his big brother Merle while their father was passed out home drunk when he ran right into a smaller Male.
?:Woah, I'm so sorry!
He said nervously.
Daryl's piercing gaze softened as he seen the smaller male's eyes.
D:watch where yer' goin' next time!
He said aggressively.
D:you new 'round here or sumthin?
?:Yeah I'm Y-Y/N...I moved from Town/Name because of my moms job opportunity.
D:Well me 'nd a few others are gunna have a lil party tonight...wanna come?
Y/N bit his lip.
Y/N:hmm...I don't think my mom is gonna let me...but I'll try asking her!
Suddenlt Y/N felt an arm around him.
Mom:Oh Y/N...why didn't you tell me you made a new friend...I'm Kiana L/N...
D:I'm Daryl Dixon...nice to meet you Kiana...
K:please call me Mrs. L/N
Daryl held his hand out for her to shake it and she took it in a disgusted manner.
Mom:Well Y/N should get going...he has quite a bit of chores to do...
D:oh and Y/N...its at-
Before he could respond, his girlfriend Renee grabbed his arm.
RN:Daryl...we need your fake id if we're gonna have some fun...
Y/N's mom had slapped him across the face.
Y/N:h-he seems like a nice guy...
Mom:well I don't want you leaving this and Mr. Johnson will be working all night on his...special project...
Y/N sighed and nodded.
Time Skip...
He sat in his bed with thin sheets as his moms car drove away.
He knew it was Mr. Johnson's money that brought his mom out here...and they were doing more than working on a project...
As he bad mouthed his mom in his head his thoughts were interrupted by a tapping on his window.
He looked out to see the same boy from before.
Y/N:D-Daryl what are you doing here?
D:come on...
Y/N:m-my mom is gonna have both of our heads if she finds out I snuck out with you...
D:come a little...
Daryl held out his hand.
Y/N bit his lip, and took Daryl's hand.
In a random garage...
D:this is Y/N L/N...he's new...
Everyone just stared at the reader as he was basically glued to Daryl's side.
Renee smiled.
RN:Hi I'm Daryls girlfriend...
Y/N:I'm Y/N...
RN:we were just about to play spin the two in?
D:I dunno...
Y/N:come on Daryl!
D:yer' not uncomfortable?
Y/N:well like you a little!
Y/N sits in the circle as Daryl wraps an arm around his girlfriend.
RN:well...let's let the new guy go first...
She hands him the bottle.
Y/N bites his lip as the bottle spins around.
He takes in the other's faces, then they all go blank as all he can see is Daryl's.
D:I dunno...that's a lil weird...
RN:oh come on! It's not like itll turn you both into fags!
Y/N bites his lip and he leans in.
His lips meet Daryl's.
At first he doesn't feel anything...then he feels a shocking sensation.
Both boys quickly pull away with their faces red.
Time Skip...
Y/N's breath smelled of cheap beer and fruit as he hurried home.
He stumbled on in and quietly closed the door.
Just as he did there was a click.
He turned to see his mom sitting on her living room chair wearing a robe as she puffed away with the cigarette in her hand.
Mom:where have you been?
Mom:Such a fucking retard! Wish I aborted your ass... God is clearly punishing me by giving me this pathetic excuse for a boy! Why don't you take that rope and hang yourself?
Y/N winced.
The smack didn't hurt nearly as bad as her words as he was sent upstairs.
What would his punishment be now?
Renee and Daryl sat in her dad's garage as Daryl kissed down her neck.
RN:y-yeah right there!
For some reason, the kiss he shared with Y/N had been ringing through his head.
RN:hey! Somethin' wrong?
D:Sorry...just thinkin'...
RN:ya know Daryl...I'm still a virgin...I've been waiting for the right time....I think I want to do it now...with you...
Daryl gulps.
D:are you sure?
Daryl smirks as he goes over to the garage door and closes it.
Next time on The Long Road...
Y/N:I-I think I love you...
D:You can't take away someone I love so much!
D:I-I think I'm in love with Y/N...
He said.
Y/N:your right...I think I want to...
Y/N's eyes widen at the thing he held in his hands.
Y/N:it cant be...
He said crying out as he struggles with his mother on top of him.
D:I, Daryl Dixon take you, to be my lawfully wedded-
Special thanks to my inner circle!
Thank you all so much for helping me with sculpting out this entire storyline! I hope you are all excited to see what's to come...

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