Who Are You?

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Somewhere in the woods...
"This is such a bad idea...", Cory whispers to Kerry.

"If it's such a bad idea...then leave...", He whispered.

"Whatever...let's just do this", Benny mutters.

Benny,Kerry,Hannah,Nylah,Cory,Konu Heidi, Violet,Elsie,Monique, Chico,  and Kit all sneak out of Alexandria's walls to see what's beyond.

"Did you guys hear that?", Kit asked as he looked back on their trail.

Sure enough,
"You guys shouldn't be our here...", Alex said.

"Where are you guys even going?", Lily asked.

"We're just...goin on an adventure...why don't you guys join us...", Kerry said smirking.

Lily,Julian,Alex and Maria looked to each other and shook their heads.

Suddenly they heard a noise behind them.

They had gone pretty far to track down the missing kids so Alexandria was nowhere in sight.

"Walkers...", Alex says taking out his nunchucks.

"Don't worry sweetheart I'll protect you...", Kerry says smirking.

Maria and Lily looked to each other and scoffed as Maria pulled our her sword,  and Lily her Axe.

Alex swiftly swung under the knee of a walker and Julian slammed his hammer down on the Walker's heads.

Meanwhile the girls watched over the group when more walkers appeared.

Kerry instantly jumped and ran behind Lily and Maria.

Lily grunts as she chops each walker's head in easily.

And Maria with each swift swing sent walker's heads flying off.

"We gotta go!", Alex shouts.

They all run through a field, Suddenly Heidi let's out a yelp .
"I twisted my ankle!", She says to which Julian picks her up.

"Go! We're right behind you!", Alex says taking the girl from Julian as Maria assists the younger teens up.

"How much farther?", Kerry asks.

"Sh...keep quiet...", Lily says.

"Shhh...shhhh....shhhh!", Lily's eyes widen as she shouts for everyone to keep running.

Soon Lily and the remaining few kids slipped down a hill.

"Let's see...who's here?", Lily asks.

Monique,Nylah,Violet,Elsie,Benny,Kit and Kris looked around to each other.

"Where's the others?", Monique asks.

Suddenly they heard the walker heard coming and they all quickly started covering up with mud.

"Where...are...they...", Lily's eyes widened at the sound of the walkers voices.

another said.

Julian's eyes widened as he holds a hand over Violet's mouth to keep her from shrieking.

Daryl tosses the girl into the cell and Y/N sighs as he knows he's gonna have to play good cop.

"What's yer' name?!", Daryl asks.

She whimpered and Daryl picked her up by her collar.

Y/N heard a few other voices from the cell.

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