Unblood Family

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Cameron walks in, wearing an apron over his clothes as he sets Siwoo down and walks in and out of the kitchen making dinner.

"I'm off to work honey...", Daryl says kissing Cameron's cheek as he sets a plate of fresh pancakes and bacon.

The fridge was decorated with various pictures from the kids.

"Papa I drew you another one!", Siwoo says smiling.

"Thank you baby it looks great!", Cameron says.

Siwoo sees the other kids gather at the table and they say grace.
He smiles over at Danny and Mikah and suddenly he feels a sharp pain from his balled fist.
"Papa I have a booboo...", he says holding it up.

"Oh sweetie...I'll make it feel all better...", Suddenly the stench of rotting flesh fills Siwoo's nostrils as he sees all the kids as walkers, eating the heads of people from Alexandria, he tries to scream for help but the little three year old can't make out any words.
He looks down to see a zombified Cameron trying to eat his hand.
Dream Ends...
Siwoo whines as he opens his eyes.

He rubs his eyes letting tears fall down his cheeks and feels a hand rubbing his back.

"Sweetie what's the matter?", Cameron asks.

"I...I had a nightmare...", he muttered.

Cameron hugs him.
"Do you want to tell me about it?", he asks as he wipes his tears.

"Everyone was a monster...even you...", He says pouting.

"Baby you know I would never allow those things to get to you...or any of you...", He says as he fluffs Lily's hair.

"Now come along...let's wash up and we'll get you some breakfast...we have a long road ahead of us...", Cameron says as he takes Maria's hand and leads everyone to the bathroom.

Soon they're all sitting around a play table enjoying some eggs.
"So you mean You saw a real tank?", Alex asks curiously. 

"That's awesome!", Julian says.

"I don't have great memories of it...", Cameron says chuckling.

"Papa...how did you learn to love kids? Did your mom teach you?", Jemma asks.

Cameron bites his lip.
"I decided I loved kids when Danny was brought into this world...And that's when I knew I wanted to care for them...", Cameron says smiling.

"Cameron, what's a birthday?", Julian asks curiously.

Cameron sighs realizing these kids have never experienced the luxuries of the pre apocalypse world.
"Where did you learn about that?", Cameron asks.

"We saw a picture of a little girl in a cone hat...did you always have to wear that when you have a party?", Jemma asks.

"A birthday party...is something you celebrate when you turn older...you have friends and family over and you have drinks and food...and cake...", Cameron says remembering his 18th birthday. 

"I want a birthday!", Axel says.

"Me too!", Alex,Julian,Lily, Maria and Jemma all shout.

"Alright kids...it's time to help me with the garden...", Beth says walking in holding Ha Na.

Cameron smiles.
"Hi sweetie...", he says gently tickling Ha Na.

She just looks down sadly not saying anything. 

"I still haven't gotten her to talk...I'm afraid she's gonna be delayed...", Beth says.

Cameron takes Ha Na while the rest of the kids run off after Beth. 
"It's okay sweetie...you talk when you're ready...", Cameron says running a hand through her hair.

Cameron's cleaning up while the kids play in the garden.
He sets a few trays in a metal sink and he feels a tug at Cameron's shirt.

He looks down to see little Siwoo looking up at him.
Cameron lifts him up trying not to hit his baby bump.
"Cameron...I'd invite you to my birthday party...", he says as he rests his head into his neck.

Cameron smiles.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world...
Time Skip...
It was time...
Cameron, Amy, Glenn, Beth and Mikah were to make sure the kids made it safely to the house in the woods, guarded by Red X.

"How long do we have to stay there?", Axel asked groaning.

"You'll be there until we settle this...it's too dangerous to have you out of my sight...", Cameron says as he straps Siwoo onto Glenn's back.
Amy straps Ha Na onto Beth's back while Mikah takes the twins' hands and Cameron holds Lily's hand, and Lily holds Jemma's.
Amy stood behind Julian and Maria as she didn't want the kids going last.
Jamie and Billy followed closely.

They walked along a road, keeping as silent as they could be.

The kids being carried had fallen asleep and the ones walking were becoming impatient.

"Let's stop and just take a breath...", Cameron says as his ankles were killing him.

"Can we go to that stream?", Alex asks.

"Fine...don't go too far...", Cameron says.

The kids smile cheerfully and Mikah follows closely after them.

Amy and Beth went to the stream to collect water, leaving Glenn and Cameron alone.

"Glenn...how have you been?", Cameron asks.

"I've been great...I'm just so excited for when our babies are born...", he says smiling. 

"Hershel would be really proud...", Cameron says smiling gently.


"Cameron!", Mikah screams.

Cameron and Glenn drop everything and run over.
There's a walker on top of Mikah and a walker trying to get the kids.

Cameron shoots the walker on Mikah and points his gun at the one after the kids.
Suddenly the point of a knife is seen piercing through from the front of its face and the Walker falls over, Cameron's eyes widen at Jamie.

The kids run to Cameron, frightened.
"Oh are you all alright?", he asks as he quickly checks each one of them.

"Let's just get to the house...", Jamie mutters.
Time Skip...
The kids had settled in and Cameron met with Lia, Noelle and Zak.

"I think I'm a little closer on finding the cure...", Lia says excitedly.

"I tell her not to work herself to the bone but she never listens...", Zak says chuckling.

"I can't wait to see it...I have a meeting with Red X so I'll catch up with you three later...

"So do you know the plan for the battle?", Jay asks.

"We have my husband's son and Dwight helping us...", Cameron says.

"Wait he's not your son?", Santana asks confused.

"It's a long story...that reminds me...", Cameron hits the pager for Danny's walkie talkie.

"Danny it's papa is everything alright?", Cameron asks.

The line was silent.
"Somethings wrong! I need to get to them now!", Cameron says.

"We have the perfect ride...", Santana says smirking as she takes out a set of keys.

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