Guardian Angels

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Cameron's eyes widen seeing Sophia taking off running with a walker following her and Rick right behind her.

Daryl holds him even closer to make sure he doesn't get the walkers attention.

A few moments later...
He sighs feeling relieved that the  horde was over...but they lost one of their young members…

He climbed up and out of the car with Daryl right behind him.

Carol was a wreck as she cried and cried and the group discussed matters.

"Papa! Carl and Lori are gonna go with Dale and Andrea in the woods to look for Sophia...c-can I go with em'?", Danny asks.

Cameron smiled at Lori and down at his adorable son.
Cameron placed a kiss on his forehead.
"Don't get out of any of their sights okay…", Cameron asks his son.

He nodded and Cameron headed to the trailer where Amy remained with T-Dog.
"What's with you?", Cameron asks.

"Me and Andrea were in the bathroom when one got through....Dale had to pass us a screwdriver…", Amy says.

Cameron smiled.
"Glad you're let's look at this arm…", Cameron placed a little bit of pressure making T-Dog hiss in pain.
"well good news is...your nerves are somewhat intact...Amy can you look in my car to see if Merle left anything in there to help…", Cameron adds.

"on it!", Amy got up and returned a few moments later with a bottle of whiskey and pills in a plastic bag.

"huh...who knew that druggie would come in might wanna take this…", Cameron says handing over a pill.

T-Dog gulps and takes the pill.
"tell me when....", He says nervously.

Cameron thinks about a method he learned in medical school, saying to wait until 3 when really he would apply the disinfectant on the first number to do it as quickly as possible.
"count of", he doused the wound in disinfectant.


Dale chimed in.
"T...keep it down...don't wanna attract any...walkers", Dale says in a low tone.

T-Dog flips him off and Cameron begins sewing him up.

"Now then my about a sticker?", Cameron asks smiling.

T-Dog chuckles and gets up from his seat.
"I'll check in every so often to see how it's healing up.", Cameron adds.

"thanks doc!", T-Dog. responds. 

Cameron smiled and headed outside to look around some more.


Everyone looked at each other.
It couldn't have been Rick or Shane...they'd never use their guns in fear of attracting the walkers…

They hear familiar voices calling for them.
Cameron and the others meet up by the RV."

The five step out, Daryl asks in his heavy accent:
"what's with all this ruckus?"

"what's going on? Where's Danny,Lori and Carl?", Cameron asks worriedly as he can't see his son.

Amy holds him, calming him down saying:
"he's fine...but Carl's been shot…"

"they were taken by a woman on a horse to some farm…", Glenn adds.

Cameron looked at Daryl.
"I need to get to them…", he says.

"No! Cameron...We can't leave Carol out here to look for her daughter all alone…", Daryl says.

"Danny's never been away over night by us…", Cameron says worried for his son.

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