Little Resources

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Cameron loads the truck with supplies as he, Amy, Mikah, Glenn, Danny and Daryl are heading out of Hilltop when they hear muffling from behind them.
Cameron pulls the covers and it's Jamie.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your brother?", Cameron asks.

"I wanted to help...", Jamie mutters.

"You can't be out there it's too dangerous...", Amy says.

"Before my mother died she told me to always look after my brother...I have a chance to...please don't take that away from me...", Jamie said.

"Fine...but don't get into trouble...", Cameron says handing her a knife.

They all split off into groups, Cameron making sure Jamie stayed close to him.

" do you know when you're doing the right thing?", Jamie asks curiously.

"That's the thing never know...", He says sighing.

"Mikah,Danny and all those kids are lucky to have you...I hope Billy can feel that way about me...", she says.

"'re a tough little got your brother to safety after your mother died and managed to keep you and your brother alive this whole time...I know I'd be a proud baby brother...", he says smiling as he pinches her cheek.

Suddenly Daryl whispers to Cameron motioning that it's time to go.
Cameron and Daryl both charge at the two women.

"On your knees!", Daryl says.

"Hands on your head!", Cameron commands.

"Please...",Jesus says softly.

Cameron goes up to the pony tail hair girl and checks her pockets for any guns and Daryl checks the short haired girl.

Soon they lead them to the other members of the civilization in the middle of the forest.
"We're not here to hurt anyone! Just wanted to make that clear!", Cameron says slipping his gun into his pocket.

Suddenly an older woman walks over holding Tara at gunpoint.
"Nobody is taking anything! Get your people and get the hell out of here!", She shouts at Rick.

Cameron walks up to a dark skinned girl and points his gun at her, suddenly he feels Jamie take his gun out of his hands.

"Shoot her and she dies...", Jamie says.

Cameron's eyes widen at the young girl so okay with taking her life and the woman says,
"Your just a little girl...what are you gonna do?", before Cameron could say anything the girl cuts them all off and says;

"They want us to fight the saviors...", The girl says.

"Maybe we can try...", The short haired girl says.

"No! You guys actually want to fight the saviors? Need I remind you that they took our people! Our men! Our children! Yeah, I'm gonna do this, and I might die...but this just goes to show what I'll do to protect all of you!",

Suddenly Michonne shouts at them,
"RICK! WALKERS!", Cameron suddenly sees the girl sock the older woman across the face.

"Get the kids behind us!", Cameron says as he takes out his knife and cuts one of the women free.

"Let's go! First shift! Dead only! Dead only!", the short haired woman says.

The walkers came and Jamie shot each one that came their way down with ease.
Cameron only had to take one on if she needed to reload.

Finally after the madness was over Cameron claps the short haired woman on her shoulder and gives her a hug before Natania gets up and says,
"No...we're not fighting them with you! Take your damn guns and get out of here!", She says as she walks back towards the settlement.

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