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Y/N and Mikah hide as they watch Dylan make his way back.
Y/N:I think hes gone...we need to get back to the sleeping quarters before-
All the lights switched on.
JS:there they are!
Jess said leading Dylan to Mikah and Y/N's hiding place.
DL:hands up!
Y/N and Mikah wince and Liam and Santiago come forward and pat them down.
DL:why were you sneaking around?
Y/N:I need to get back to my family!
Dylan's eyes widen slightly.
DL:You dont have a family anymore Y/N...we're your family...I'm your family!
Y/N shook his head.
Y/'ll never be my husband !
Dylan glares at him as Andrea,Amy and Eddie are shoved forward.
DL:take Mikah and Amy! Not Y/N...he stays with me...
Y/N glares at him as hes escorted to an office area.
He looks around the room and realizes there's a kitchen, as well as a desk.
The next day...
Dylan walks in.
DL:I bet your hungry...
Y/N doesn't say anything and Dylan turns to the stove to make him a steak.
Y/N's stomach growls at the smell when Dylan places it in front of him.
DL:come on...I just made you a steak!
Dylan cuts it and forcefully feeds him a bite.
Y/N looks down at the utensils and starts eating slowly.
DL:good I've gotta go make sure your friends aren't causing too much drama...
He closes the door and Y/N continues eating.
He decides the steak isn't as bad as he thought it was and starts enjoying it, when suddenly the fork is ripped from his hands.
Jess plants the steak in her mouth.
And eats it.
She then takes Y/N's plate and locks the door behind her.
Y/N doesnt have time to fight with her, he gets up and tries unlocking the door.
He bangs on it a bit then examines the kitchen.
He discovers a flight of stairs leading up to the top of mall security.
He can see what everyone's doing.
He runs back downstairs, right into Liam.
L:Dylan doesnt like new people running around...
Y/N:I'm sorry...I was just curious...
L:What did he do to you anyways?
Y/N:he wasn't too bad...he made me a steak...
L:you just seem to have something about you...
He says chuckling half heartedly.
Y/N:My friends...where are they?
Liam didnt answer.
Y/N:take me to them!
L:Dylan likes to follow protocal...
Y/N:please...I need to see them...
Liam leads Y/N down a flight of stairs into the basement.
Where there's a few cells.
Y/N instantly spots Mikah and Amy.
Y/N:girls! Are you okay?
Y/N holds out his arms.
MK:Y/ need to get out of here...
Y/N:I'm coming back for you!
AM:no! Don't...just worry about getting yourself out!
Y/N:I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you two...
Amy and Mikah looked at each other.
MK:we wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves if something happened to you two either...
AM:Zak knows how to escape...hes in the cell next to us...
Y/N gulps as he walks up to the next Cell.
The asian man who also rescued him ran up to the bars.
Z:Listen! Y/N you need to be extremely cautious around Dylan...he isn't a good guy...
Y/N:what do you mean?
Z:hes obssessed with you! I need you to make sure Lia stays far away from him!
Y/N:I'll get you all out...I promise!
Liam hears footsteps.
L:Y/N...let's go...
Y/N sighs as he's led back to the office.
This office was a bit darker and had a control panel.
L:this is the security cameras...we set them up within a 20 mile radius...
Y/N's eyes stare in amazement at the cameras.
Y/N:you have solar panels?
L:yeah...this is how we determine who's a good person to keep or not...
While Liam is shuffling through paperwork that Dylan needs, Y/N slips his hand into his pocket and fishes out a set of keys.
Liam walks into Y/N and Y/N apologizes awkwardly.
Y/N:so how do we keep score of the people?
L:Well we give them look at that one...there's three men...and what looks to be a blonde girl...they're called N36...wait...
He looks through the paperwork and Y/N's eyes widen at the face he sees...
Its Beth...
Y/N snatched the clipboard from his hands.
Y/N:my people have been passing?!
His eyes glare at the descriptions of the people.
Liam gulps.
Y/N:Did you know?!
He slaps Liam with the clipboard.
L:Y/N! Stop!
Liam tackles him to the ground and holds him.
Y/N:get off of me!
Y/N shoves him off.
Y/N:what the people you dont think will make it...
Liam was silent.
Y/N:Does Dylan...
L:N-no...Most of them flee before they get the chance...
Y/N jumps up.
L:where are you going?!
Y/N:my people shouldn't be far! I need to get to them!
L:what exactly is your plan Y/N?
Y/N:I'll get a car...and drive north...
L:that's crazy Y/N! You cant...
Y/N looks at the security cameras.
Y/N:there...those people on the highway...they look like they need tending to...we'll leave then...
L:are you sure?
Y/N looks down at the walkie talkie in his hand.
Y/N:make the call...
Andrea was desperately trying to get Dylan to release her friends.
AN:please...I need them to be with me to be safe...
DL:well...none of that is gonna matter...the army is on their way...
E:theyre coming?!
DL:just a helicopter...theyre coming for any and all civilians...for Y/N.
Andrea's eyes widen as Eddie leads her back to the baby shop, where Amelia is sleeping.
E:its not a bad army base would be an okay place for Amelia...
AN:that's true...we need to find Y/N and warn him..
Suddenly an asian woman runs in.
LI:you two! Your friends with Y/N right?
LI:I need you to come with me...
The two exchange looks before following her to a shop.
LI:this is the armory.. we need to take what we can...Dylan won't let Y/N out without a fight...
Eddie gulps and he grabs a few guns.
Amy and Mikah try pushing at the ceiling.
AM:we need to get the hell out of here...
MK:you were on board with this idea!
Z:I sister has access to the armory...if anything they should be planning their escapes...
Amy and Mikah look at each other.
A few hours later...
There's a loud noise coming from the rooftop as Andrea,Lia and Eddy sneak through the halls.
Amy and Mikah and Zak are being held at gunpoint on the other side of the barricade.
Dylan walks into the office looking for Y/N.
Dylan searches around before running outside and shouting at the soldiers.
On the other side of the barricade...
All Mikah and Amy and Zak could do was listen.
They were with some military men and had bags over their heads when Dylan came out shouting.
DL:Y/N's nowhere...
?:well you have us sitting in this zombie hell hole for nothing? Find him!
Back to Y/N...
He stumbled down the stairs and went to where the three had been held and found the cells empty and open.
He went up to one...
?:your not supposed to be here!
Jess shouted at him.
Y/N:I'm leaving now...
JS:you upset Dylan...heart breaker...
Y/N turned to leave, but she whipped out a police baton. can be in the cage for a while...
Y/N glared at her and grabbed the baton.
They fought for the baton until he pushed her against the bars of the cell making her yell in pain.
He then shoved her into the cell and locked it.
She banged on the doors as he ran up the stairs.
Back upstairs...
Lia,Andrea and Eddie were positioned around the soldiers just in case if they tried anything.
Liam ran up to one of the officers.
L:here! I have a vile of his blood...he tried to come for he paid the price...
Amy gasped but Lia knew he was in on it.
The officer took it.
And injected it into an officer.
The man fell to the floor.
?:you son of a bitch! You poisoned him!
Liam pulled out his gun and shot down the other officer.
A few more officers had followed Dylan down to the office and they quickly untied Amy and Eddie.
AN:wait! Me and eddie are staying! cant be serious...
AM:if shes staying...I'm not staying either...
Lia and the others look around.
Z:I'm not staying any longer...
Noel speaks up.
N:I'd rather die than stay here any longer...
CH:aww...come on...your really leaving?
The four led Mikah towards the door.
MK:I'm waiting for Y/N! Hes all I've got left...
AN:Mikah you can stay with us... I cant...they already tried to do too much harm...I'm going for Y/N....
Y/N had tried finding a way out.
He ran through the halls and knocked over the barrier.
He was met with a hallway filled with walkers.
Y/N turned around and a few soldiers took them down.
Y/N moved closer to the window.
DL:Y/N...why are you doing this?
Y/N:Dylan...your a good guy...I dont want to move on too fast from my husband...that's why I need to find him...take this...
He hands Dylan a vile of his blood.
Y/N:hopefully the army is smart enough to handle it...
He said chuckling halfheartedly.
He looks out the window and sees Mikah.
Y/N turns back.
Y/N:good bye dylan...
He kisses him on the cheek and shoots the window and slides down the side of the building and lands on soft bushes.
Y/N sees a few walkers.
He went to get his gun however Mikah took them down before he could.
He smiled at her, and she smiled back.
Y/N:let's go...we need to find our family...
The two headed for the highway they came from.
Suddenly they heard a loud noise noise coming from above and realized it was the helicopter.
He smiled for a second knowing the place was wiped clean and everyone escaped.
They heard lots of snarling and realized the walkers were following the sound of the helicopter.
The two split up.
They climbed on top of cars and ran side by side.
Suddenly the helicopter pulled to the side and the door swung open with Amy leaning out holding an ak-47.
She shot down as many as she could.
Y/N smiled at her and continued running until they got away.
They ended up in the woods again.
Y/N felt like he was close to setting things right...that was until they came across a few graves.
Mikah's eyes widen at what was on the grave.
It was Lizzie's bow.
She sighs and Y/N hugs her.
MK:she wasn't strong...I need to accept the fact shes gone Y/N...let's go...
She said leading him along some train tracks...

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