New Home

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A few months had passed and Lori was now busting.

She was a whopping 9 months pregnant and the group was still on the run.

They entered a cabin where Cameron assisted Lori in.

"easy there big momma'...", He said with an arm around her.

Daryl,Rick,T-Dog and Carl and Danny had started exploring the house leaving Lori,Maggie,Glenn,Beth,Carol and Cameron in the living room.

Soon the three men came back in and not long after Carl and Danny came in with a can of food…

Cameron smiled gently at Carl.
"what ya got there bud?"
Carl showed the can as he began to open it.

Cameron see that it was dog food and said:
"Um Carl that's-"

Rick snatched the can and angrily tossed it when T-Dog said.
"Guys...we got more walkers…"

The group hurried into their cars and drove off until coming to a hault on the road.

Cameron got off Daryl's motorcycle and went to give Lori the last bit of water while Rick and the group discussed plans.
T-Dog walked over.

"Is it fine if I take Danny to the creek with the others to fill our water bottles?", he asks.

Cameron smiled.
"only if you take mine…", he responds.

T-Dog smiled and Cameron kissed his son on the forehead.

"Listen to T-Dog and don't leave his sight…", He instructs.

Danny nodded before running off with Carl.
Daryl came from behind and gave him a back hug.

"Me nd' Rick are gonna go huntin' wanna come?", Daryl asks.

"Lets move out…", Cameron says smiling.

The three men wandered around until Cameron pointed to a prison yard in the clearing.

"holy shit…!", he says excitedly.

"bummer...It'll take two times the people we have to take out the walkers…", He said looking at all the walkers.

Time Skip…

Cameron followed Daryl as he helped Beth,Danny and Carl all in through a small hole in the fence as everyone got in.

"Carl,Hershel,Danny... You three take the south tower... Carol, Daryl take the west tower... Beth,Maggie,Glenn,and T-Dog draw out as many walkers as you can…", Rick instructs.

"what about me?", Cammie asks.

'I need you to stay with Lori…", Rick responds. 

"But rick its too risky for you to go alone…", Cameron adds.

"It's even more risky to lose out only doctor…", Rick replies.

"And its an even bigger threat to lose our leader…", Cameron insists.

Rick sighs.
"Fine...but we'll be in and out…", Rick says.

Cameron quickly kissed Daryl before going after Rick.

Rick and Cameron crept up to the gate while taking out a few walkers when Carol shot barely missing Cameron.

"Sorry…", she replies.

Cameron shot her a quick glare before getting a walker off Rick.
"Rick hurry!"

The walkers got closer and Rick snapped the gate shut.

"Shit…", Rick curses.
Cameron and Rick were surrounded until he opened the north tower door and killed the walker inside as Rick closed the door.

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