How It's Gotta Be...

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Y/N yawned as he walked into the tent where Daryl also laid.

"Where are the kids?", Daryl asks.

"Jay and Santana have em...they're havin' story night", Y/N says smiling.

"Sounds like they're havin' fun...let's have some fun of our own...", Daryl says smirking.

Y/N smirks as he straddled Daryl's lap and they lowered themselves backwards onto their shared sleeping bag.

Y/N moans as Daryl kisses down his neck and leaves dark marks.

He desperately moves his hips until finally they collapse tired, being parents to 6 was a tiring job.

Ever since Rick left them, there had been some tension building up between Maggie, Zak and Michonne,Beth, Danny and Y/N.

Pretty much everyone had an issue with Maggie and Zak.

However Zak had his reasons...
It had been a few months since Lia's passing...
Danny helped Lia deliver as part of his training.

And soon finally he felt a head.

"Lia...its a boy...", Danny smiles.

"Hes precious...", Lia says looking to her older brother smiling.

"What should we name him?", Zak asks.

"I was thinkin'...Seth?", She looks to him.

"perfect...", Y/N says.

As Lia admired her baby boy Y/N noticed something wrong.

"Lia? Hey lia...come on Lia...", Y/N says checking her pulse.

"Lia? Y/N is something wrong?", Zak asks.

"She's not breathing...", Y/N feels her body go limp and Zak tries shaking her awake.

"Zak...she's dead...", Y/N says.

Zak shook his head as tears ran down his face.

" is your fault!", Zak shouted at Danny.

"Hey! Don't yell at my son!", The pregnant man said.

"It wasnt his fault, he did everything right...Zak! Where are you going?!", Y/N shouts after him.

That was several years Seth lives with Danny at the children's refuge center, Little Saplings...
Flashback Ends...
A/N:Sorry Lia got a flashback death she deserved better...but it'll play a crucial part coming up...

Y/N looks over to the tent's wall and sees the letters from Danny, his baby boy was growing up too fast... Danny lived at Alexandria, he took over the Children's center with Beth and Noelle while Carl and Michonne looked over Alexandria as a whole.

"Hey, somethin on yer' mind?", Daryl asks as he pulls Y/N closer.

" you think I was there enough for Danny?", Y/N asks.

"What? Of course you were...he wouldn't have made it without you Y/N...your a great papa...", Daryl said smiling.

"Really?", Y/N asks returning the smile.

"Let's get to away gives us a rare full night of sleep...", Daryl says spooning the smaller male.

Y/N sighed as he cuddled into Daryl, making sure he held him tight.

The Next Morning...

"Okay...go on...go to your papa..", Y/N heard a whispering and seen something crawling.

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