Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

Talon POV

It's been three weeks since I proposed to Lily, and two weeks since we got back to the states and into the mansion. I groan and rub my face as I lean back in my office chair. A knock at the door brings me from my thoughts. "Enter." I grunt and the door open to reveal a nervous looking Liam. "Talon... We uh.. We got a problem." He says and I sit up immediately at alert. "Is it Lily?! One of the others?" I ask and he sighs. "No. Someone is here to see you. She says its urgent." Liam says before the door is thrown open and Jennifer walks in. She was dressed completely different then I had ever seen her, wearing jeans, sneakers and a hoodie. She looked more natural and simple."What the hell are you doing here Jennifer? I thought I said I never wanted you near me or Lily or my family ever again!" I growl and she pales while looking down. "I know.. I know. I came to warn you. After you.. After you killed my father, I went to my uncle. He took over the family business and kicked me to the curb. I only just found out because my cousin let it slip, but my uncle is planning on getting revenge. I know it doesn't make up for what my father and I have done, but I wanted to warn you. Being on my own and having to be independent really put things in perspective for me. I want to apologize for everything. Please even if you don't forgive me just listen to the warning. That's all I wanted to tell you. I'll leave." She says as her arms wrap around her torso. "Sit down." I tell her and she nods while sitting in one of the chairs across from me while Liam shuts the door and sits in the other chair. 

She stays silent waiting for me to talk first. I lean forward and rest my elbows on my desk as I look at her. "Tell me all you know. Now." I say lowly and she nods. "My Uncle Hank is my fathers younger brother, so he was trained like my father for the family business, but my father was the head. Hank didn't like how my father did things but stayed silent. Now that my father is dead, Hank is in charge and he thinks to get loyalty from the men who worked under my father, he needs to get revenge on you since you killed him, and then to take over your mafia as well. My cousin, Hannah, let slip that was his plan when we got lunch today. She said he was planning on doing it soon, but I'm not sure when though. That is all I know. I'm sorry it's not much." She says while keeping her head down. "Jennifer. I know you know that I will never forgive you for the shit you pulled, and what you said about Lily. But this... This information moves you in the right direction. So thank you. But that is all you will get from me. You can leave. And Jennifer... If this is false or if you are a distraction while they attack, I will kill you. Do you understand?" I tell her and she nods before standing up. "I understand... Just.. Be safe. Something tells me that you will need to hear that." She says and walks to the door. Just as she opens it I see Lily standing at the door. She looks confused before recognition crosses her face and she glares at Jennifer. "Excuse me." Jennifer says and leaves quickly. I look at Lily who huffs and crosses her arms while looking at me angrily.

"Hi princess. Come here and I'll tell you what she said. And its the truth cause Liam has been here the whole time, listening." I tell her and she nods before climbing onto my lap. I pull her close and kiss her cheek, before I go into what Jennifer told me and what I was thinking. She stayed silent while sitting on my lap, her fingers playing with mine as she looked at our hands. Once I finished telling her what happened, I stay quiet as I wait for her to digest the information and respond. "Do you believe her?" Lily asks and looks up at me. "Well, we need to look into it, but for now we have to believe it slightly. I told her if it was lie or distraction I would kill her. Baby we will never forgive her for what has happened, but if this is true she will have some respect from us for risking her life to tell us this information. But she will never be truly forgiven or trusted. Do you understand?" I lift her chin to make her look at me and she nods. "I trust you. And I know you will keep everyone safe." She whispers and I kiss her head. "Good girl. Now that you know I want to show you how to get into the panic room. So if anything happens and we are here, you will be able to go in there and be safe. Only Liam, Luca, Cain, Axel, and I are able to get in once it is locked. It has a code and needs fingerprint and retna scans to be unlocked. I want you to know the code to get in so you can get in safely. The others will be told as well so they can go in with you. It is fully stocked to last up to 2 weeks without being opened." I tell her and she nods. 

Liam and I both stand, me carrying her, and Liam leads us to our bedroom. I open the closet door and place her on her feet before moving my suits to the side. A scanner and keypad were on the wall. "Type in 9919 then hit enter." I tell her. She types in the number and the wall slides away to reveal a hallway and a staircase. I lead her inside and an overhead light turns on once we step in. I nod at Liam who waits outside. Once in the hallway I point to a button and smile at her. "Press it baby." she presses the button and the door slide back into place and the sound of several locks activating was heard followed by a small beep. "Now this is locked tight and no one can get in. Follow me I have to show you the monitering room." I place my hand on her lower back and lead her down the hall and stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, it branches off to 3 rooms. One on the left, one on the right and one infront of us. I open the door on the right and it was a large room with a large screen on the wall and several smaller screens around it. I grab a remote and press the power button. Every screen turns on and you could see several video feeds from different areas around the mansion. "This is so you can see if anyone is trying to get in or anything. There is also a camera outside the door to see if anyone is there." I show her how to use the remote and the screen changes and shows Liam looking at his phone in our closet. "Is this recorded?" She asks and I shake my head. "No. Not unless you click the record button on the remote. Remember this is for your safety baby. Now lets go look at the other rooms." I turn off the screens and lead her back into the hallway. We go into the room across from us and in the room was a mini armory. "This is in case someone is able to get in. There is thousands of rounds of ammo in here for you to use." She holds my hand tightly as we leave the room and I lead her to the door down the hall. We open the door and it looks like a living room and a kitchen. There were three doors, each leading to a bedroom with 2 beds in each room and a small bathroom connected to each room. We sit on the edge of one of the beds and I pull her to my side.

"Baby. I know this is scary and uncomfortable, but I needed to show you this room so you can get in here and be safe. I want you safe because I do plan on marrying you and having a family with you." I tell her and play with her hair. She looks down and bites her lip. "I-I want to marry you too Talon. I want to have a family with you too, especially because I love you.." She says and looks like she wants to say more. "What is it baby? Tell me." I smile and softly tug her hair. She sighs and takes my hand and places it on her stomach before looking up at me. I frown slightly before realization fills me. "Are you sure?" I ask and she nods with a smile as tears fill her eyes. I grab her face and kiss her hard. "Fuck... finally.."I whispers against her lips before leaning down and kissing her stomach. She giggles and I smile as I nuzzle against her still flat stomach. "We need to get you to the doctor to really make sure. And get you everything you need. Shit ok. I'll have Liam get everything we need for a baby, and you princess can't do anything stressful. You need to rest and relax!" I tell her and get up to pace. "We need diapers, clothes, a crib, changing table, bottles, formula, wipes.. We need to start shopping for everything now." I tell her and she laughs. "Talon no. We have time. I'm at MOST like 3 weeks pregnant. We need to wait until I am farther along to get everything. So calm down and take a deep breath." She tells me and stands up to kiss me. "Are you sure? Maybe I should ask aunt J what she thinks..."I mumble and she softly slaps my arm while laughing. "I am sure. Now can we go back upstairs? I want to eat lunch with you." She says and I nod. I lift her bridal style and carry her back upstairs, unlocking the door and heading out. Liam follows us and shakes his head. "Lily.. You will forget how to walk if you let him carry you all the time." Liam says and I grunt while she laughs. "Well she is my queen so I will carry her forever if I have to." I tell him and he laughs while rolling his eyes. Lily makes a face at him and they laugh, giving me a sense of peace and happiness with how this was going. What I didn't know was how soon, this peacefulness would shatter and her and our unborn child would be in danger. 

A/N: You asked for it and I am delivering! She is Pregnant!!!! Do you guys want to guess the future gender or leave it as a surprise? I might time skip a little to when she is farther along but I'm not sure yet. But I just want to let you guys know I started another book, all about Liam and Zach! Once I get a few chapters going, I might post it on here. What do you guys think? Would you like to read it or should I scrap it?

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